Anthropology Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page has books on megalithes, stone circles, cave art, runes, futhark, gold and silver prospecting and metal smelting, gold panning, amber and amber uses, meteorites, T-Rex and other dinosaurs,
and other books on fossils and Paleontology. Including books on Stonehedge, other European megaliths, Easter Island, and other places of interest.
These books may be of interest to Anthropologists, Paleontogists, Archaeologists and lay readers alike.
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Anthropology Books
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Anthropology and Paleontology Books
- Cedar: Tree of Life to the Northwest Coast Indians
~Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Days
- -Hilary Stewart, Bill Reid / Paperback 190 pages / Published March 1995
Detailed descriptions of how various parts of cedar trees were used to create watertight boats, boxes, baskets, hats, clothing, shelter, mats, buildings, art, etc., etc.
What really sends this book over the top are the detailed drawings and diagrams of how cedar was hand-processed and used to construct various objects. With this book
as a guide one would have a fair shot at recreating these objects of functional art.
The Northwest Coastal people held the cedar & its spirit in high regard for all the gifts of life it offered them. For millennia they developed tools & skills to
fell the giant trees to make canoes, post-&-beam homes, waterproof boxes & carved poles. Dedicated to those who know & respect the spirit of the Cedar,
Hilary Stewart's book is a labor of love, respect & infinite knowledge. It intrigued her that people lived so well & for so long using almost exclusively
he materials of their environment & her curiosity has wrought a fine book of early illustrations. A must for anyone interested in how the First People lived.
Book explains through vivid descriptions and 550 detailed drawings ands 50 photo the tools used, as well as the craft articles.from anedotes, oral history,
the accounts of early explorers traders, missionaries and native elders.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Indian Fishing: Early Methods on the Northwest Coast
~Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Weeks
- -Hilary Stewart, Bill Reid / Paperback youretyu/ Published June 1994
Click on the book title to read more.
- Stone, Bone, Antler & Shell Artifacts of the Northwest Coast
~Usually Ships in 3 to 6 Weeks
- -Hilary Stewart / Hardcover 140 pages, 2nd Edition / Published June 1996
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Indian Hunters: Hunting & Fishing Methods of the North American Natives
~Usually Ships in 3 to 6 Weeks
- -Stephen R. Irwin / Paperback / Published 1994
Click on the book title to read more.
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Books on Paleontology.
- Books about Megaliths .
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- Books about Knights Templar.
Books on Knights Templar and their history.
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This page was last reviewed and updated February 12, 2019.