Horse Drawn Carriages & Wagon Books
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This bookstore catalogue page has our recommended books on horse drawn carriages and wagons, and horse drawn carriage construction.
These books cover styles, history, and construction of carriages and wagons. as well as the book's content of text, photographs, and illustrations.
The craft of Wheelwrights and building carriage is an old skill that has been recently revived. We have chosen the books on this catalogue page
as guides that teach craftspeople the traditional methods of making wheels and all the parts to carriages and wagons. Carriage building is a craft
that is available to almost anyone with a desire to learn. Traditional methods of making carriages by hand requires no special skills that can not be learned.
Most of these books contain thorough detailed instructions, step-by-step procedures and technical methods. Coverage includes selecting and
using book cover materials, construction methods, tools and equipment.
Many of the earliest books on carriage & wagon building, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive.
However, obscure publishers are now republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
These publications are available at resonable prices.
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Horse Drawn Carriages, Coaches and Wagons Books
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Books on Building Carriages & Wagon Wheels
- The Wheelwright's Shop
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -George Sturt / Paperback 140 pages / Published May 2006
This book is a reprint of an excellent book on building carriage wheels and the operation of a Wheelwright's shop.
Although, The Wheelwright's Shop written by George Stuart was originally published in 1930, the wisdom and information it contains is still valuable
and quite useful for anyone wanting to know about building wheels for carriages today.
Contents include:
- The Wheelwright's shop
- Timber: Buying
- Timber: Carting and converting
- The Sawyers
- Timber: Seasoning
- Wheel-stuff
- Hand work
- Bottom-timbers
- Waggons
- Curves, Tapering and Shaving
- Learning the trade
- Wheels: Dish
- Wheels: Spokes and Felloes
- Stocks and Ringing the Wheel
- The Smith: Getting ready
- The Smith: Putting on and Boxing on
- Iron work and Jobbing.
Click book title to read more about this book.
- Practical Carriage Building
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- - M. T. Richardson / Paperback: 512 pages / Published May 2004
This a reprint of a classic work with a wealth of information on aspects of carriage building, with hundreds of nuggets of
useful and important bits of wisdom. An essential purchase for carriage restorers, wheelwrights and historians alike.
Topics of discussion include rebuilding wheels and hubs, insuring proper caster and camber of wheels and axles. How to
select a good tree for the right and appropriate wood for different areas of construction. And many more aspects of carriage
building. For anyone planning to restore a carriage or build an authentic carriage from scratch, this is the one book that
you should have.
Click book title to read more about this book.
- Carriage and Wagon Axles for Horse-Drawn Vehicles
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Don Peloubet, Editor / Paperback: 250 pages / Published March 2002
This book is a compilation of articles on axle making for carriages and wagons taken from late 19th century journals published in America
for the carriage industry. These articles are divided into ten sections: a general chapter on the development of axle making, followed by
sections on axle setting, axle manufacturers, patent axles, ball/roller bearing axles, axle types, lubrications, repair, and tools
and equipment. Includes many illustrations.
Click book title to read more about this book.
- Horse-Drawn Carriage Catalog, 1909 (Dover Pictorial Archives)
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Elkhart Manufacturing Co. / Paperback: 172 pages / Published April 2001
Dover Publications has reproduced this meticulous reproduction of a hard-to-find catalog features over 350 finely detailed line illustrations
of carriages and wagons. It includes more than 140 different models—cabriolets, flat-bottom and jump-seat surreys, phaetons and spiders,
Stanhopes, storm buggies, Concords, open driving wagons, and much more. Extensive captions describe the body of each vehicle, gears, wheels,
trimmings, top, painting, and cost. A visual delight for transportation buffs, historians, and a versatile resource of royalty-free art for designers.
Click book title to read more about this book.
- Coach-Makers' Illustrated Hand-Book, 1875
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -I. D. Ware, Editor / Paperback: 384 pages, 2nd edition / Published: March 1995
This is important reference source for anyone with an interest in the reconstruction of a classic carriage or making one from scratch.
A classic work, a reprint from the 1875 second edition, contains complete instructions in all the different branches of carriage building.
Included are sections on: drafting, designing, and the construction of the frame and all the wooden parts; smithing
of the metal, the springs, platforms, axles, wheel hoops, etc., complete with detailed diagrams; painting, applying
designs and ornaments, varnishing, gilding, lettering and trimming. Plus additional miscellaneous interesting, useful, and valuable
information. Includes many fine illustrations.
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Books on Horsemanship
- Trickonometry: The Secrets of Teaching Your Horse Tricks
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- - Carole Fletcher, Foreword by Carol Harris / Spiral-bound: 72 pages / Published April 2003
This facinating book provides a concise, easy to understand and detailed program to teach your horse a variety of tricks.
With positive reinforcement methods and detailed tips horse owners can teach their horses 25 crowd-pleasing tricks
while enhancing their relationship their horse. Included are step-by-step techniques for safely teaching horses to smile,
count, wave a flag, bow, lie down and pray, sit up, and strike pedestal poses. Detailed photographs and easy to follow
instructions enable horse trainers to show off their horse's talents, improve communication with their horses, and
increase their horses value.
Trickonmetry may just the program that you need to help your horse to develop a full, well-rounded repertoire of tricks,
and have fun doing them.
Click on the book title to read more .
- Step By Step Trick Training
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- - Jackie Johnson / Paperback: 152 pages / Published April 2003
A comprehensive book with over 200 detailed photographs capture step by step trick sequences. Tips on what to look for
in a trick horse prospect, and what to expect when training your horse. Photographs and clear text illustrate potential
problems so that you know what to expect, and how to handle a situation should it arise. Training methods are humane and
use positive reinforcement as a reward. No Chains or Inhumane training practices are used, rather the training works off
the principles of Absolute Horsemanship, with the the goal to establish trust and communication between you and your horse.
Book instructions include training for: Smile, Nod Yes, Shake No, Kiss, Hug, Drink from a Bottle, Twist Front Legs, March,
Stretch, Bow, Kneel, Camel Stretch, Crawl, Drunkards Shove, Lie Down, Sit Up, Pedestal, Salute, Rear and much, much more.
Tricks are trained both in hand and at liberty, with over 23 trick and trick combinations in an easy to read, easy to
follow format, with lots of photographs for reference.
Click book title to read more about this book.
- Carriage Driving: A Logical Approach through Dressage Training
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- - Heike Bean, Sarah Blanchard / Hardcover, 256 pages / Published July 1992
Long considered the modern bible of carriage horse training, this authoritative book is now back in print. Using humane,
classical training methods, this book takes the mystery out of training a balanced, responsive, and safe driving horse.
Covers everything you need to know starting with the very basics, horse anatomy, hoof structure and shoeing, conformation,
collection, bits, harness, carts and carriages. Plus covering ground training and pleasure driving to combined driving events,
it leads horse trainers step by step through the training process, revealing how to make driving as fun for the horse as it is
for the driver.
Click book title to read more about this book.
Books About Horses
- Horse-Drawn Carriages Books.
This catalogue page lists books on horse carriages, coaches and wagons.
- Trakehner Horses .
This catalogue page lists books on the Trakehner horses from Trakehen East Prussia, and their history.
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This page was last update February 09, 2019.