Nutrition, Wellness, Health & Weigh Training

Welcome to our Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page on Nutrition, Health, Bodybuilding and Weight Training.
These books were selected by our research staff to provide you
with some good working and reference books. Building and maintaining a strong healthy body, as well as a strong healthy mind is very important for all of us. But this takes knowledge, proper guidance and the will to succeed.
A healthy diet is one the basic foundations for good health and a strong body and is based upon the premise that a good diet promotes good health.
The basics of a good diet are to consume fresh vegatables and fruits, grains, and lean meats and to avoid foods that are highly processed or are high
in saturated fat. Use only glass, stainless steel, or iron vessels for cooking, and ever use aluminum. And drink pure water or filtered water.
Another basic foundation for good health is plenty of proper exersize. Included are several good instruction books for weight trainning and body building.
With his unique perspective as the five-time winner of the Mr. Universe and seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title, Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his
vast bodybuilding knowledge in his book, which is included.
These books will help you get started, but you must follow through.
Lübeck Haus Bookstore in association with offers these books for sale.
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Nutrition, Wellness and Weight Training Books
- The Wellness Book: The Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Health and Treating Stress-Related Illness
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
-Herbert Benson, MD and Eileen M. Stuart (Contributor)
Paperback 493 pages / Published October 1993
This is an excellent comprehensive guide to maintaining health and treating stress-related illneses. Contains proven techniques for proper exercise, diet information, and coping with stress.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-Z Reference
to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, And Food Supplements
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C. and James F. Balch, M.D.
Paperback 776 pages, 3rd Edition / Published October 2000
This excellent guidebook to nutritional healing is considered to be one of the most trusted and comprehensive sources
to provide drug-free remedies to illnesses and health concerns by using a good diet, vitamins, minerals, and herbs.
Based upon the premise that a good diet promotes good health, this third edition of still starts with the basics, which
are consume fresh produce, grains, and lean meats and avoid foods that are highly processed or are high in saturated fat.
Use only glass, stainless steel, or iron vessels for cooking, and ever aluminum. And drink pure water or filtered water.
This new edition covers the latest remedies for the common cold, depression, joint pain, lowering cholesterol, and insomnia.
And much more.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Resource for Healthy Eating
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Rebecca Wood, Paul Pitchford(Foreword)/ Paperback 426 pages / Published July 1999
This book is written in a easy flowing and inviting manner and is a written invitation to learn about the lore, health
properties, and use of more than a thousand familiar and unusual foods and herbs. Each entry consists of a description,
a little history or short legend, the health benefits, and how to find or buy and use the food item.
Included with the food entries are occasional sidebars of recipes and preparation suggestions. Also included are useful
and sometimes odd information, such as why young wives fed their elderly husbands celery in the 1600s, tips for not
crying over cut onions, and how to find and collect natural chewing gum.
Cross-references help guide the reader through any multiple names for the same food.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Staying Healthy With Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Elson M. Haas / Paperback 1200 pages / Published March 1992
This excellent comprehensive reference book is the definitive resource for understanding the importance of eating right for your health.
Covers how to build a healthy diet and the basic building blocks of nutrition. These are water, proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and others.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Living Longer Stronger: The 6-Week Plan to Enhance & Extend Your Years Over 40
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Ellington Darden, Ph D / Paperback 224 pages / Published January 1995
This excellent easy to understand guide to fitness is just what the doctor ordered for developing and maintaining health and body strength. A complete guide for strength training,
reducing body fat, and developing stronger muscles. Plus nutrition guidlines, advice on sleep, and reducing stress. Illustrated with black & white photographs.
Click on the book title to read more.
- A Flat Stomach Asap: The Breakthrough Plan for the Look You Want in Just Six Weeks
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Ellington Darden, Ph D / Paperback 192 pages / Published January 1998
Another excellent guide for your physical well being offers a program for men who are approaching middle age. The book presents a six-week strength training program
designed to reduce body fat and improve cardiovascular performance as well as develop muscles. Also provides nutrition guidelines and advice on sleeping and reducing stress.
Following the techniques and methods explained in the guide will produce a flatter abdomen and a total body weight reduction.
Illustrated with black-and-white photos.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Bill Phillips, Michael D'Orso (Contributor)
Hardcover 203 pages / Published June 1999
This book presents a 12-week program, with strength building exercises, diet nutritional information, and motivational tips.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Bodybuilding a Realistic Approach: How You Can Have a Great Body
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Frank A. Melfa, Timothy Cilurso(Illustrator), Marcelo S. Larosa
Paperback 437 pages / Published January 1999
This bodybuilding guide cuts through the hipe and provides the right plan and exercises for you to develope a great body.
Contains over 250 photographs and illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Bodybuilding 101: Everything You Need to Know to Get the Body You Want.
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Robert Wolff / Paperack 256 pages / Published April 1999
The book does do a good job of covering and explaining how to develope a big strong body through weight training. Includes 150 photographs.
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- Bigger Muscles in 42 Days
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Ellington Darden, Bill Cox (Photographer)
Paperback 206 pages / Published January 1992
This book is an excellent guide to larger muscles and greater strength. Covers specific day-by-day instructions for developing a great physique, including exercises, routines,
equipment, food, vitimin supplements, and more. Illustrated with over 100 B/W photographs.
- Essential Arms: An Intense 6 Week Program
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Lurt Brungardt, Lou Schuler (Introduction)/ Paperback 143 pages / Published September 2001
This book presents the latest in biophysical and nutritional research and presents you with a 6-week plan that targets your arms while
still giving you a challenging total-body workout. In easy-to-follow, step-by-step format you'll learn the secret to really isolating
your arms in exercises routines that result in bigger muscles. It focus's on correct technique versus numerous sets, and helps you
determine the correct weight per exercise as well. Learn how to schedule your meals and workouts for building maximun muscle growth.
Also covers how to put your own male hormones to work for you and includes a stretching program that will always keep you limber.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Dobbins (Contributor)/ Paperback 800 pages / Published November 1999
This is the book that has earned it's reputation as "The Bible" of bodybuilding. Covers overs the very latest advances in both weight training
and bodybuilding competition. Provides comprehensive information on methods of training, health, diet and nutrition, and dietary supplements to
help you build muscle, lose fat, the treatment and prevention of injuries,and maintain optimum energy. Covers the most effective methods of
strength training to fit any level of experience, whether you're an amateur athlete or a pro bodybuilder preparing for a competition.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Physique: An Intimate Portrait of the Female Fitness Athlete
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Paul Goode (Photographer) / Paperback 160 pages / Published June 1997
This is a book with photographs of top female fitness competitors and female bodybuilders.
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This page was last revised February 20, 2019.