This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page has books on photography and video production.
Our research staff at Lübeck's has selected a great list of book titles.
We have selected these books for the professional photographer as well as for any photographer who wants to make great pictures. These books cover
how-to photography, movie production, and commercial video making for beginners, intermediate, and advanced photographers.
This list also includes
the Photographer's Market which is often refered to as the "Bible of Stock Photography" and this title actually fits quite well. This tremendeously
valuable resource gives the photographer access to a wide market of photobuyers in all categories.
Lübecks Bookstore in association with offer for sale the following book titles shown below.
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Photography Books
- The A-Z of Creative Photography: Over 70 Techniques Explained in Full
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Lee Frost / Paperback 160 pages / Published September 1998
This book is an indispensable reference guide to all aspects of creative photography with over 70 techniques explained in detail.
Uses a practical A-Z format to make information easily and immediately available. Includes over 200 photgraphs in both color and
black and white.
Click in the book title to read excerpts about this book.
- National Geographic Photography Field Guide: Secrets to Making Great Pictures
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Peter K. Burian, Robert Caputo, National Geographic Society Photographers
Paperback 352 pages / Published September 1999
This is an comprehensive guide to field photography from respected experts who offer advice to both beginners and professionals alike on how to create striking and original works.
Including step-by-step instructions on composition, information on the latest cameras and lenses, equipment maintenance, secret techniques from top photographers, and much more.
Includes a useful glossary and a directory of web sites and photography magazines and books.
This is an excellent book to begin with to learn photography.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Learn to See Creatively
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Bryan F. Peterson / Paperback / June 1988
This excellent book is highly recommended to any photographer who is serious about improving the quality of their photographs.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Photographing the World Around You: A Visual Design Workshop
~Usually Ships Within 3 to 5 Weeks
- -Freeman Patterson / Paperback 168 pages / September 1994
This second book in Freeman Patterson's classic photography series familiarizes the reader with the traditional principles of composition and visual design.
Then provides a technique and exercises for breaking with traditional concepts of design, enabling the photographer to develop a keen sense of awareness
of the subject matter and develope a personal direction.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- John Shaw's Nature Photography Field Guide
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -John Shaw / Paperback 160 pages / Published October 2000
This latest edition of a bestseller is filled with extraordinarily beautiful photographs of nature. Discusses how any photographer can perfect equally impressive results
every time a camera is focused on the great outdoors. Even highly skilled photographers are often baffled by the problems facing them when they work outdoors. But with
this exceptional field guide in hand, photographers of all experience levels can master the problems encountered in the field. Using his own exceptional work as examples,
the author discusses each type of nature subject and how to approach photographing it. Specific advice and information cover selection of equipment and lenses, including
how to compose a shot, how to get close ups, and other tips covering a range of techniques to enrich various types of nature photographs.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Black & White Photography: A Basic Manual
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Henry Horenstein / Paperback, 2nd Edition / Published August 1983
This text is excellent for the beginning photographer. It explains in detail, composition, film speed, aperture settings, shutter speed,
and how to develope your own films.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Advanced Black and White Photography
(The Kodak Workshop)
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Martin L. Taylor, Editor, et al / Paperback 104 pages, 2th Edition / Published January 1995
This book features techniques for achieving high quality photography work at both the camera and darkroom stages of making a photograph, with emphasis
on image control, appearance, and fine-art presentation. Includes toning comparisons as well as a section on hand-coloring prints.
Includes over 140 illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Photography for Dummies
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Russell Hart / Paperback 404 pages / Published May 1998
Another very good book for learning beginning photography with emphasize on point and shot photography.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- 10 Women by Peter Lundbergh
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Peter Lundbergh / Hardcover 144 pages / Published October 1997
The photographs in this excellent book are great.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- The Joy of Photography
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Eastman Kodak Company: Editors / Paperback 301 pages, 3rd Edition / Published October 1991
This book is another very good basic photography book. A comprehensive guide for 35mm cameras and how to make great photographs.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Kodak's Most Basic Book of 35MM Photography
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Jeff Wignall / Paperback 2nd Edition / Published March 1998
An excellent camera guide book produced by Eastman Kodak. Lots of expert tips and useful techniques for making the most of your camera
and how to shoot great photographs.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Pinhole Photography: Rediscovering a Historic Technique
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Eric Renner / Paperback 192 pages, 2nd Edition / Published September 1999
This is the definitive book on pinhole photography. It is both a great how-to guide and a historical background of this facinating aspect of photography. Illustrated with over photographs and line drawings.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Beginner's Guide to Pinhole Photography
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Jim Shull / Paperback 80 pages / Published March 1999
Pinhole photography requires no real camera, or lenses, or focusing to make a picture on photographic film. This book teaches the principles of basic photography and step-by-step instructions on building a
pinhole camera and techniques and tips for making pictures. This book teaches the basic principles of photography and includes pinhole photographs. Starting with step-by-step instructions for building a
camera out of household materials, it gives details on shooting images, film developing, printing images in a kitchen, bathroom, or darkroom and building special features such as wide-angle cameras.
Includes a complete discussion of the materials needed.
Click on the book title to learn more.
- Build Your Own Home Darkroom
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Lista Duren, Wil McDonald / Paperback 154 pages / Published May 1990
This book shows step-by-step how to design and build yourself a professional home darkroom. Contains detailed instructions and illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Beyond Basic Photography: A Technical Manual
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Henry Horenstein, Henry T. Saacs / Paperback 242 pages / Published August 1993
An excellent book for those phtographers advanced past beginning level and wanting to futher their skills.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Color Photography: A Working Manual
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Henry Horenstain, Russell Hart, Tom Briggs, Illustrator
Paperback 231 pages / Published January 1995
A complete guide to color photography and processing color film: shooting, developing, printing and preserving slides
and negitives. With 125 photographs.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- How to Take Good Pictures: A Photo Guide by Kodak
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Kodak Paperback / Paperback 192 pages / Published September 1995
Kodak's How to Take Good Pictures presents all the information that you need to take great photographs. Completely revised with information on some
of the latest camera technology. And with more emphasis on fully automated cameras. No matter how much your camera does for you automatically, you
still need to know how to take good pictures. Covers the top ten techniques for better pictures, how to how to fix mistakes, and how to keep from
making them again next time. Includes technical coverage from film speed to depth of field to lighting requirements. Covers the popular cameras,
from simple cartridge loading to 35 mm point-and-shoot compacts to the advanced single-lens-reflex models, and their basic operations.
Click in the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Sell & Re-Sell Your Photos: How to Sell Your Pictures to a World of Markets a Mailbox Away
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Rohn Engh / Paperback 368 pages, 4th Edition / Published May 1997
This book presents solid practical advice and information on selling photographs. Includes step-by-step information on finding the type
of photographs in demand by editors and other purchasers. Presents pragmatic sales techniques and principles, which teach niche marketing
and explain the vast difference between good pictures of popular subjects and the type of photographs in demand by editors who buy them?
Also including solid advice about selling photos in the electronic age.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- How to Shoot Stock Photos That Sell
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Michal Heron / Paperback 224 pages, 3rd Edition / Published May 2001
This handbook provides aspiring professional photographers with all the techniques necessary for selling photos on the market. Presents over
thirty stock photo assignments to help reinforce lessons on building a portfolio of saleable stock subjects. From evaluating photo stock to
locating markets, it is packed with practical tips. Learn what subjects are in demand, how to capture them successfully on film, and how to
promote your photographs to eadger buyers. Include new exercises for digital photography and the internet.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Photos That Sell: The Art of Successful Freelance Photography
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Lee Frost / Paperback 192 pages / Published April 2001
This book is an essential handbook and guide for free lance photography. Discusses exactly what you are up against in this business. Shows how to take good commercial photos
and how to market your work. Besides taking thousands of marketable pictures and keeping them on file in a picture library, there is a lot of extra work and a lot of expense,
involved in this business. This includes picture preparation, sales and marketing, bookkeeping, and market research. In addition, this book is packed full of ideas for shooting
marketable photos.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Stock Photography Business Forms: Everything You Need to Succeed in Stock Photography
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Michal Heron / Paperback 128 pages / Published July 1997
This book offers a complete step-by-step system for success in the area of stock photography. It provides all the forms needed to shoot
and sell stock photographs. This essential handbook provides the critical techniques and tips you will need for selling your photos in this
photography market.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- 2001 Photographer's Market: 2,000 Places to Sell Your Photographs
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Donna Poehner, Editor / Paperback 640 pages / Published September 2000
The 2002 Photographer's Market is the key to getting your photographic work shown and sold. Thousands of up-to-date market listings provide
insider information for magazines, book publishers, stock agencies, advertising firms, businesses, newspapers, galleries and more. No matter
what your level of experience, this resource will help you. Easy-to-reference symbols and indexes guide you to the market information you need
fast. New markets where photographers can offer and sell their photos pop up all the time, and this book is one way of keeping up to date.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- How to Start a Home-Based Photography Business
~Usually Ships Within 11 to 14 Days
- -Kenn Oberrecht / Paperback 264 pages, 3rd Edition / Published January 2000
Whether you want to earn your living as a portrait photographer, photojournalist, or product photographer, this guide will put you on the
correct road to building your own home-based business. The author relates his experiences and down-to-earth advice on every aspect of setting
up and running a thriving home-based photography business. Includes estimating your start-up costs, outfitting your darkroom, and staying profitable
once you're in business. Includes worksheets, quizzes, and checklists as practical steps toward achieving your goal. Learn all about honing your
photography skills, working out of your home, buying the right computer equipment, pricing your services, getting paid and marketing your business
on the Web.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Freelance Photography Handbook
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Cliff Hollenbeck, Nancy Hollenbeck / Paperback 120 pages / Published March 1999
The book provides tips on becoming a freelance photographer and building a successful freelance business. It gives a complete overview of
the profession, from how to get started, business advice on running an office, and managing pictures. Includes technological advice on equipment,
computers, films, darkroom supplies and techniques, and custom processing. Details a variety of areas such as advertising, architecture, entertainment,
fashion, glamour, photojournalism, sports, and travel.
This book will be of interest to any freelance
photographer, both hobbyists and full-time professionals.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- SellPhotos.Com: Your Guide to Establishing a Successful Stock Photography Business on the Internet
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Rohn Engh / Paperback 176 pages / Published January 2000
This excellent books shows part-time and professional photographers how to compete with the big agencies by using the Internet by determining how their images,
both traditional and digital, are delivered and paid for. A comprehensive guide that covers everything for photographers from Internet basics and the nature of
the stock photography trade to building their own web sites and operating their own business. Offers an exceptionally solid, highly specific, and carefully researched
guide for setting up a stock photo business on the web.
This book will help the stock photographer understand what does and does not work with the Internet, and save time by focusing their efforts for maximum results.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- More Photography Books
Click on this link for additional books for making pictures, repairing and maintaining cameras and photography equipment, collecting cameras, and making documentaries.
Additional Items Of Interest
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Photographs, Fine Art, Wall Posters & Wall Tapestries
Visit our Art Gallery at Lübeck Haus.
In this department we will offer for sale over 500,000 pieces of fine art, wall posters, wall tapestries, and photographs in hundreds of popular categories. Choose your own custom frames with matting.
Design your custom frame using countless moldings & matting combinations. And see your choice of poster or picture with
your chosen frame and matting. View right on your computer screen, and with great customer service and at affordable prices.

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Offers an extensive selection of more than 500,000 fine art prints, wall posters, wall tapestres, and photographs in hundreds of popular categories.
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Offers an extensive of books, movies, music CDs, kindle readers, kindle books, Apple iPods, home and office electronics, computers, software, wireless phones, tools, hardware,
fine art prints, photographs, wall posters, magazines, clothing, apparel, games, and toys.
- Visit the Washington Institute of Dendrology Research .
A scientific and educational nonprofit corporation providing facilities and vital funding for forest and shade tree pathology research to find better ways to
control and/or to eradicate many of the most damaging invading tree diseases and insect infestations.

Thank you for shopping at Lübeck Haus Bookstore. We do appreciate your business and hope to see you again, soon.
This page was published July 25, 1998.
This page was last updated July 29, 2018.