Woodworking and Woodcarving Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page offers books on woodworking and woodcarving.
Woodcarving and woodworking are among some of the oldest and
most satisfying crafts. Our staff at Lübecks Bookstore has selected some fine books for your woodworking interests. These books
are some of the most popular, instructional, and useful books for woodworkers available.
Included are essential books on selecting and using woodworking tools, selecting wood, carving techniques, woodcarving patterns,
whittling tips, and the fundamentals of carving birds, animals, and human characters.
These books are for woodcarvers at all skill levels and will help to stimulate your interest, confidence, and creativity and
may help to inspire your woodworking projects.
To assist with your woodworking training and your progress with woodcarving we strongly urge you to find a woodcarving club in
your area. The help the club members can give you is invaluable in terms of support and woodworking advice.
The books on this page are offered for sale in association with Amazon.com.
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Woodworking and Woodcarving Books
- The Workshop: Celebrating the Place Where Craftsmanship Begins
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Scott Gibson / Hardcover 208 pages / Published October 2003
This book from Taunton presents the master woodworker with an excellent guide for planning a workshop.
You won't learn how to build anything or receive any free patterns with this book. However, you'll learn a great deal
about what sort of workshops inspire creativity for the successful craftsman who use and work in. From the largest to
the smallest, this book may inspire your own ideas for your own workshop.
Learn what influences the way a great shop is configured and what will you find in it. Readers will get an inside look at
some outstanding shops, how they evolved, and how they suit the individual needs of the successful woodworkers who own
them. The Workshop features over 300 color photographs and drawings in this celebration of the place where craftsmanship
Illustrated with over 300 color photographs and drawings.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Beginner's Handbook of Woodcarving: With Project Patterns
for Line Carving, Relief Carving, Carving in the Round, and Bird Carving
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Charles Beiderman, William Johnston / Paperback 192 pages / Published December 1988
This book for beginning woodcarvers covers the basics well. Includes coverage on tool selection and maintenance, selection of wood,
cutting techniques, and a few patterns for your first projects. Covers the basic techniques of woodcarving for each type of carving,
to get you working in the right direction.
Also included in this book are sections on starting a woodcarving club and lists of publications, tool and wood suppliers, additional
books, and sources of glass eyes and birds feet.
Click on the book title to read more.
- How to Carve Wood: A Book of Projects and Techniques
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Richard Butz / Paperback 215 pages / Published October 1991
This is an excellent book written for the experienced as well as the beginning woodcarver. The reader learns carving by working through carefully
planned projects with step-by-step instruction with ample illustrations and moves on to progressively more challenging exercises and projects.
Projects cover and include whittling, chip carving, wildlife carving, relief carving, lettering, and architectural carving.
Includes scaled patterns for each project and each chapter ends with a gallery of additional projects using the techniques learned.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Elements of Woodcarving
~Usually Ships Within 7 to 9 Days
- -Chris Pye / Paperback 160 pages / Published August 2000
This book covers the key elements of woodcarving, which are designs, tools, materials, and proper carving technique. This
book covers these essentials in detail and includes 10 projects that guide you through the entire carving process. Projects
include carving in relief, in the round, from nature, from mythology, and with lifelike realism and abstraction.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Woodcarving: Tools, Material & Equipment, Volume 1
~Usually Ships Within 10 Days
- -Chris Pye, Gino Masero, Dick Onians / Paperback: 239 pages / Published May 2002
This book covers information very important to woodworking, and that is the tools of the craft. Includes coverage on selecting, sharpening, and
maintaining your tools in top condition. Get the right results every time with the instructions and illustrations in this book. Covers the all important
chisels and gouges, files, mallets, knives, punches, and power tools. Everything in the woodworker's workshop receives detailed, photo-enhanced coverage.
Discusses what makes a quality blade and how tangs function, plus ways of making, fitting, and removing handles. And how to correct carving tool faults.
Learn the secrets of cutting success and how to sharpen tools squarely and straight, and on corners. Learn how to put together the perfect starting kit.
Then you'll have what you need for any job that comes up. Includes 240 color illustrations and 150 B/W illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Woodcarving: Tools, Materials & Equipment, Volume 2
~Usually Ships Within 2 to 3 Days
- -Chris Pye / Paperback 176 pages / Published July 2002
After you know just about everything about tools, here is the book on preparing, working, and finishing your projects.
Covers everything from preparatory drawings and modeling to the many finishes that make finished carvings stand out.
The section on woods discussing the differences between hard and soft woods, and guides you through the process of
conversion and seasoning. Explains how to deal with defects like splitting and knots, and discusses storage and woodworms.
Learn to recognize those qualities of wood that distinguish a quality piece of wood. Discusses wood grain, hardness, texture,
and durability and what type of wood works for what type of carving. Followed with the fundamentals of gluing wood, including
edge-to-edge, face-to-face, flat, and end-grain joints. See why applying a finish is a must for protection, sealing, and
enhancing. Learn when and how to use shellacs, oils, and waxes. Plus coverage on working from photographs, making plaster
casts, carving safely, and more.
Includes 180 color illustrations and 110 B/W illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Relief Carving in Wood
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Chris Pye / Paperback 176 pages / Published May 1999
This excellent book teaches everything you need to know to start carving in both low and high relief. Using the design of a simple fish,
the book explains step-by-step exactly what must be done, and why, every step of the way. Includes detailed, illustrated instructions
for the entire carving process, including advanced techniques and advice on designing projects. Additionally, in this full-color tutorial
beginners will find guidance in setting up a workplace. And how to choose, care for, and use tools and materials.
This book is the next best thing to having private lessons with one of the world's best carvers.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Carving the Human Face: Capturing Character and Expression in Wood
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Jeff Phares / Paperback 128 pages / Published August 1999
Woodcarvers and sculptors will find the material and techniques comprising this single comprehensive volume how to guide and
manual to be invaluable in honing their skills and improving their work. This excellent book covers expert techniques for creating
lifelike busts and masks and masterful human portraits in wood.
Part One showcases more than 20 of the author's current works, focusing in on the weathered expressions of Native Americans,
frontiersmen and cowboys. Part Two includes over 350 step-by-step instructional photographs taking the reader from a block of
butternut wood to the finished facial mask of a Native American warrior. Part Three includes more than 20 diagrams explaining
human facial anatomy, carving realistic hair and skin, and how it relates to carving masks and busts.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- The Big Book of Whittling and Woodcarving
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Elmer J. Tangerman / Paperback 192 pages / Published February 1990
This book has hundreds of woodcarving patterns to choose from for your woodworking projects. This is a comprehensive sourcebook of ideas and designs
from simple projects to highly elaborate creations to stimulate and inspire your interest. With more than 620 clear and detailed patterns drawn to
scale and over 450 photographs provide wood carvers of all experience levels with visual inspiration and helpful tips.
Plus additional advice on selecting the proper carving materials and the proper tools.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Carving Birds and Beasts:
The Best From Woodcarving Magazine
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Woodcarving Magazine / Paperback 121 pages / Published March 1996
Features interviews with famous carvers who explain how they approach their craft. Includes patterns and instructions for carving
projects for some of most popular themes for woodworkers. Full-color photographs and diagrams illustrate each project from multiple
angles, and helpful tips are offered on getting the results you want. Projects include mare and foal, humpback whale, leaping dolphin,
bison, prairie dog, swans, and 25 more. Includes 300 black and white illustrations.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Essential Woodcarving Techniques
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Dick Onians / Paperback 182 pages / Published August 1997
This excellent book covers the essential elements of classical woodcarving, from simple carved moldings,
linenfold and foliage, to carving animal and human figures. This book is clearly written and is highly
illustrated. Also contain a wealth of historical information.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Making Decoys: The Century-Old Way
~Usually Available From Our Used Book Dealers
- -Grayson Chesser, Curtis J. Badger / Hardcover 176 pages / Published March 1989
This is an excellent book for the beginning maker of duck decoys. The book contains detailed, step-by-step instructions
for making working duck decoys from wood or cork, with numerous photographs and illustrations. Includes several scaled
down decoy patterns, a list of tools and materials, special painting techniques, history of decoys, and other information.
An outstanding book for beginning decoy carvers, this book ought to be in the library of serious hunting decoys carvers.
Click on the book title to read more.
- 1001 Designs For Whittling and Woodcarving
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Elmer J. Tangermam / Paperback 188 pages / Published February 1995
A comprehensive collection of popular themes for whittling and other woodworking projects. Carve Christmas tree ornaments, cookie molds,
toys, weathervanes, cigar-store Indians, sundials, caricatures, many other projects.
Includes more than 1800 illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Manual of Traditional Wood Carving
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Paul N. Hasluck / Paperback 576 pages / July 1990
This excellent book has taught many beginning woodcarvers how to carve wood. Superb guide to every aspect of the wood carving
craft. Covers the necessary tools and wood working appliances with clear, precise instructions on every technique, plus the esthetics of wood carving,
and a comprehensive history of wood carving design
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Book of Wood Carving: Technique, Designs, and Projects
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Charles Marshall Sayers / Paperback 118 pages / Published June 1979
This excellent book teaches the fundamentals of wood carving. Covers tools, selecting wood, and carving techniques. Covers incised, relief, and
other carving methods. Includes 34 projects with illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- How to Sharpen Carving Tools
(Woodcarving Step by Step With Rick Butz Series)
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Richard Butz, et al / Paperback 96 pages / Published March 1997
This master woodcarver combines centuries old honing techniques with modern materials to teach you how to put a perfect
edge on your knives, gouges, chisels, and veiners. Includes step-by-step instructions and photographs to guide you.
Covers honing stones, lubricants, polishing materials, and troubleshooting problems.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Carving Signs: The Woodworker's Guide to Carving, Lettering, and Gilding
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Greg Krockta, Roger Schroeder / Paperback 128 pages / Published September 2002
This book is an excellent choice for learning about carving signs for personal use or starting a business carving signs for other people.
Includes tips on which woods work best for outdoor signs, indoor signs, and boat signs, as well as design tips on finishing signs
and sign shapes. In addition, techniques for embellishing signs are provided, including hand-carving letters and
numbers, carving appliques and relief carvings, and gold leafing.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Beginner's Handbook of
Woodcarving ~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Charles Beideman, William Johnson / Paperback 192 pages / Published December 1988
Comes with project patterns for line carving, relief carving, carving in the round and bird carving.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Oldtime Whittling: An Introductory Text
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Keith Randich / Spiral-bound 60 pages
This excellent tutorial manual explains in clear step-by-step instructions how to whittle. Written for the beginning wood carver
and anyone who has never carved before. This book is an excellent introduction to the craft and presents clear, step-by-step descriptions
that takes the reader to the final product. Projects include carving an egg, brogan, chain, ball-in-a-cage, face, and more.
All projects can be completed with a single woodcarving knife. Includes proper techniques and tips.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- The Workbench Book
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Scott Landis / Hardcover 248 pages / Published October 1991
If you are that serious woodworker planning to design and build your own workbench, look no farther. This excellent book will
give you plenty of ideas and guidance to design your own. The author visited hundreds of shops and presents in this book dozens
of the most interesting woodworking shops in beautiful full-color photographs. Also included are 15 full floor plans so readers
can design and build their own ideal shop. Includes over 270 color photos and 185 illustrations..
Click on the book title to read more.
- Taunton Workshop Classics Set: The Workbench Book,
The Toolbox Book, and The Workshop Book
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Scott Landis, Jim Tolpin / Paperback, Boxed Set / Published September 1998
This set of books are full of inspiring ideas for the serious wood worker. It has detailed discussions of several "classic" workbenches,
including measured drawings. The discussions of why the various woodworkers built their benches the way they did is also of interest.
Their solutions in solving working and storage problems can be adapted to many other particular situations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Understanding Woodcarving: The Best From Woodcarving Magazine
~Usually Available From Our Used Book Dealers
- -Woodcarving Magazine / Paperback 128 pages / Published September 1997
The series of articles in this book will be a interest to woodworkers.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Woodworker's Problem Solver: 512 Shop-Proven Solutions to Your Most
Challenging Woodworking Problems
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Tony O'Malley, Editor Rodale Press / Hardcover 312 pages / Published February 1998
This book from the Rodale Press presents over 500 shop-proven solutions to many challenging woodworking problems. Includes 250 illustrations and 400 photographs.
Click on book title to read more.
- Carving Architectural Detail in Wood
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Frederick Wilbur / Paperback 176 pages / Published June 2001
This is a though primer for woodcarvers and is indispensable for woodcarvers working with cabinetmakers and antique furniture restorers. Discusses classical ornamentation
with a clear explanation of the elements and principles of classical design, and presents the practical skills needed to carve them. And blueprints are provided for
moldings, volutes, rosettes, and capitals. The geometry of these designs is worked into making present-day objects such as picture frames, mantelpieces, and gateposts.
This work is very descriptive in both word and picture of architectural detail. The entire process is discussed in detail with step-by-step detailed photographs.
Covers how to combine various elements to make larger items such as mantelpieces, gateposts, and picture frames. Includes a glossary of technical terms.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Decorative Woodcarving: The Complete Course
~Usually Ships Within Two Business Days From Our Used Book Dealers
- -Graham R. Bull / Paperback 160 pages / Published April 2000
For the beginning carver, here is an authoritative guide to tools, techniques, materials, and safety procedures in this complete course.
Starting with the background essentials of tool selection & sharpening, drawing & modeling, and wood selection, and then moves through a
series of carvings each of which adds new skills and knowledge to complete the learning process. Decorative woodcarving brings ornamentation,
depth, and pattern to everything from a wall plaques to fine furniture.
From drawing a design to completing a decoratively carved item, every detail is covered. Dozens of photographs illustrate the right and
the wrong way to proceed when picking up a chisel, knife, or mallet, make cuts and working a project.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
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This page was last updated February 20, 2019.