Books For Flintknapping & Stone Working

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page has books and DVDs on flintknapping and working with stone, and making stone age tools and making stone weapons.
Our research staff at
Lübeck Haus Bookstore has selected a great list of instruction books and DVDs and VHS titles. We have selected these books and videos for the beginning stoneworker as well as for those experienced
flintknappers in working with stone. These books cover mastering flintknapping, making stone-age tools and weapons, identifing stone tools and weapons, and making primitive bows and arrows.
And for the amateur archaeologist there are several field guides for crafting flint arrowheads & knives.
In addition, we offer full size museum quality Sabertooth Tiger Skulls and some fine masonry tools, links are below.
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Books for Flintknapping & Working Stone
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DVD and VHS for Flintknapping & Working Stone
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More Books For Working With Stone

Books for Flintknapping & Working Stone
- Flintknapping: Making and Understanding Stone Tools
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -John C. Whitter/ Paperback 126 pages / Published May 1994
This very popular beginner's teaching manual is an excellent book to begin with to learn flintknapping. And is a great reference books for archaeologists and anyone else that
want to know more about this facinating process.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
Other Editions: Hardcover
- Old Tools-New Eyes: A Primal Primer of Flintknapping
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Bob Patton, Richard Jogoda(Illustrator) / Paperback 160 pages / Published February 1999
This excellent book presents the author's long 40 years of experience with experimentation, demonstrations, study, and professional work with the
Smithsonian Institute. This book explains the basics of flintknapping and has many illustrations that are usefull to working stone. Explains
stategies and tips to replicate Clovis, Folsom, and Eden point styles of knapping.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Early Hunting Tools: An Introduction to Flintknapping
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Matt Gravelle/ Paperback 120 pages / May 1995
This handbook teachs the basics about the materials, methods and items produced by flintknapping. Over sixty fundamental terms are defined.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Flintknapping
~Usually Ships in 4-6 Weeks
- -Paul Hellweg / Paperback 112 pages / Published June 1984
This book is one of the origional books to reintroduce flintknapping to the modern flintknapper. Explains techniques, materials, and proceedures.
Covers finding and selecting raw materials, tools, techniques of percussion and pressure flaking, pecking and grinding, and examples of hafting techniques for
attaching stones to shafts or handles. The making of arrowheads, knives, mortar/pestle sets, hammers and a stone axe are described step-by-step.
Includes a Glossary and a recommended reading list. Clearly written with many B/W picures and illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Making Arrows the Old |Way
~Usually Ships 24 Hours
- -Douglas Wallentine, Douglas Spotted Eagle, Monte Smith
Paperback 28 pages / Published March 1989
This little book is packed with information. Covers everything that you knew to know to make effective arrows. While primitive methods are stressed, explainations of
modern techniques are also included. Covers the complete process of arrow making, from selecting the wood and other materials, to building and finishing the arrows.
Discusses the various types af types of arrow heads. Clearly written and easily followed.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Making Indian Bows and Arrows: The Old Way
~Usually Ships 24 Hours
- -Douglas Wallentine, Douglas Spotted Eagle, Monte Smith
Paperback 98 pages / Published October 1989
This 3rd Edition explains everything that is required to produce a powerful and effective hunting bow with arrows. The materials, procedures, techniques and methods are clearly explained
with text, photographs, and illustrations.
Includes 119 illustrations, 116 photographs, Glossary, Biblography, and 5 charts.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Arrowheads and Stone Artifacts: A Practical Guide for the Amateur Archaeologist
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -C. G. Yeager, George C. Frison / Paperback 247 pages, 2nd Edition / Published September 2000
This latest and expanded second edition provides the finest introduction to collecting the amateur archaeologist with an interest in Native American artifacts and archaeological
sites. Yeager offers practical advice on where to look for artifacts, how to identify artifacts, where surface collecting is permissible, as well as useful tips on how to start
and care for a personal artifact collection. This guide is superbly written and presents the perfect addition to personal libraries of amateur archaeologists that need the
knowledge about interpreting and preserving some of the remains of a prehistoric culture.
Highly recommended for personal, school, and community libraries with popular archaeology and Native American studies reference collections.
Includes photographs and illustrations of common and rare artifacts.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Arrowheads and Projectile Points ~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Lar Hothem / Paperback 224 pages / Published September 1983
Click on the book title to read more.
Additional Book Choices
Flintknapping Tools & Kits
- Flintknapping Kits
GoKnapping offers stone knapping kits, knapping instruction, flint knapping supplies, and finished weaponry.

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This page was last updated March 14, 2019.