Growing Ginseng For Profit

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page has a selection of books for planting, growing and harvesting Ginseng.
The following list includes helpful instruction books and reference manuals for planting and growing Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolius).
Ginseng, known as 'sang' in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, is a native plant from Maine to Georgia and from the East Coast to the Pacific Northwest.
Ginseng grows wild in several other parts of the world as well and has been used as a medicinal plant in the Orient for ages. It remains a valued cash crop around the globe.
Both beginning Ginseng growers and professional commercial growers will find some of these books essentical and
useful. These books cover the planting, cultivation of Ginseng and the harvest of Ginseng plant roots and seeds.
More books for the medical uses of Ginseng may also be found by using these Browse Boxes.
In addition we offer several sources for Ginseng seed, while in season.
The books and ginseng seeds on this page are offered for sale in association with
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Growing Ginseng For Profit
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Growing Ginseng For Profit
- American Ginseng: Green Gold
~Used Copies are Available Which Usually Ship Within in 1-2 Business Days
- -W. Scott Persons / Paperback 224 pages/ Published May 1994
An old standby reference book for planting, growing and harvesting Ginseng. Step-by-steps instructions for cultivating a sucessful cash crop. American Ginseng is regarded by experienced growers and newplanters alike as an indispensable reference for planting and cultivating ginseng. This revised edition updates statistical data and provides the latest cultivation methods. Includes info on commercial ginseng operations in the United States as well as in Canada and Australia.
Includes detailed pictures.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Ginseng: How to Find, Grow, and Use America's Forest Gold
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Kim Derek Pritts / Paperback 160 pages / Published September 1995
This grower's guide explains in detail the growing requirements, growing tips, and harvesting Ginseng. Includes detailed information about the growth requirements of this reclusive, shade-loving plant. Covers historical and botanical background, how and where to obtain seed and roots. And where to sell your crop.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Ginseng Grower's Guide
~Usually Ships Within 1 to 2 Business Days
- -Michael Hunter / Paperback 38 pages / Published July 1998
A complete guide to growing top quality ginseng. Includes information and instructions on site preparation, planting, maintenance, harvest and geology.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Ginseng: A Concise Handbook
~Usually Ships Within 3-4 Weeks
- -James A. Duke / Hardcover / Published January 1990
This text examines the history, taxonomy, chemistry, and medical uses of Ginseng.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Woodland Nuggets of Gold: The Story of American Ginseng Cultivation
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Val Hardacre / Hardcover 2nd Edition / Published June 1975
Cover the history and uses of Ginseng. Where and how to locate wild "sang" as well as how to culivate Ginseng for the highest yields.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Complete Ginseng Growers Manual
~Usually Ships in 4-6 Weeks
- -David Curran / Spiral-bound edition / Published February 1993
This book presents the best techniques and suggestions gathered from ginseng growers. Recommended for the commericial grower as well as
the beginning ginseng grower just starting out with small plots. Both forest grown and cultivated ginseng is covered.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Complete Ginseng Handbook
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Jacques Moramarco / Paperback 240 pages / Published May 1998
This book is a complete, comprehensive reference on ginseng. Explains how to use the different forms of ginseng in a safe and effective manner. And debunks some of the myths about the benefits of ginseng.
Click on the book title to read more.
Instructions For Growing Ginseng
Visit our Lawn and Garden Shop Bookstore.
We offer ginseng seeds, growing instruction, and books.
In addition this link presents some Ginseng information, tips, and basic growing information that may be of help in your first growing of this fantastic plant.
Sources For Ginseng Seeds
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- Visit the Washington Institute of Dendrology Research .
A scientific and educational nonprofit corporation providing facilities and vital funding for forest and shade tree pathology research to find better ways to
control and/or to eradicate many of the most damaging invading tree diseases and insect infestations.

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This page was last updated February 12, 2019.