Home Construction Books & Handbooks

This is Lübeck Haus Bookstore's catalogue page for home construction and home repair books.
This page has books and handbooks about home construction for the professional carpenter, home owner-builders, and do-it-yourselfers. These books deal with
designing and building houses and similiar building from the ground up. They cover wooden and masonry home construction, including roof framing.
They deal primarily with the carpentry and masonry skills required in constructing homes and other buildings. Also includes constructing foundation forms,
rough framing of floors, walls and roofs, and installing windows and doors. Includes techniques that professional roof framers use to measure, design, lay
out, and build all kinds of roofs.
For carpentry books on building framming, roofing, furniture making, fine finish carpentry, cabinets, and other carpentry projects, please visit our Cabinetry book selection.
Our research staff has provided this list of books to provide you with a good selection of books that will help you with your carpentry projects.
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Home Construction, Framing, Rough Carpentry, and Building Roofs
- How a House Works
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Duane Johnson / Paperback 192 pages / Published May 1994
Do you need to know how the different systems in your house works? This book explains in clear and easily understood language how the plumbing, electrical, ventilation and other systems work.
And it also explains what happens when the various systems fail to work properly.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Contractor's Field Guide
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Paul I. Thomas / Hardcover 600 pages, 2 Edition / Published May 2000
This guide contains information for general contractors, subcontractors, architects, appraisers, and other professionals concerned
with buildings. Covers legal and practical relationshios, construction management, materials and methods.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Builder's Guide to Running a Successful Construction Company
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -David Gerstel / Paperback 249 pages / Published April 1992
This excellent guide explains step-by-step how to find business, choose the right jobs to bid upon, estimate them efficiently and accurately, write strong and balanced contracts,
work with clients, architects, and other contractors.
Click on the book title to read more.
- How to Plan, Subcontract and Build Your Dream House
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Warren V. Jaeger / Paperback 279 pages, 2nd Edition / Published January 1998
This book covers in detail the process of building your own house by contracting some or all of the work. Covers the techniques and pitfalls of hiring contractors. In
addition the author explains the complete process of planning the building of your own home.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Tips & Traps When Building Your Home
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Robert Irwin / Paperback 246 pages / Published August 2000
This best selling book offers home builders valuable money-saving tips for building a house from the first idea to build to the finished house.
Even includes a self test to determine if you should act as the primary contractor or should you hire all the work out to contractors. And much more.
Click on the book titkle to read more.
- Graphic Guide to Frame Construction: Details for Builders and Designers
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Rob Thallon / Spiral-bound 252 pages/ Published October 2000
This excellent book provides detailed building information for carpenters, general contractors, architectural students architects, and the do-it yourselfer.
Covers foundations, walls, roofs, building techniques, materials, energy efficiency and more. Contains hundreds of detailed illustrations and excellent diagrams.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Means Illustrated Construction Dictionary
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Kornelis Smit, Howard Chandler / Paperback 501 pages / Published September 1991
This comprehensive illustrated construction dictionary features 9,000 construction terms, with many detailed illustrations and examples. It is ideal for anyone who needs definitions,
clarification, or interpretation of the language of construction as it is used today by the construction trades and professions. An excellent indispensable resource for construction
professionals, do-it-yourselfs, homeowners, and construction reference libraries.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Building Your Own House: Everthing You Need to Know About Home Construction from Start to Finish
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Robert Roskind / Paperback 643 pages / Published September 2000
This excellent book covers the process of building your own home in great detail. This manual takes the reader through the complete process, from site selection to the finished house. Contains hundreds of diagrams,
illustrations and photos.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Working Alone: Tips and Techniques for Solo Building
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -John Carroll / Hardcover 144 pages / Published October 1999
Contractors and homeowners working alone or in small crews will find this book a great help. It offers builders and do-it-yourselfers proven tips, techniques,
and shortcuts for careful, precise, and safe methods to get the job done. This book is full of invaluable ways to keep the work moving, without costly delays
or the need to hire additional helpers. Homeowners, who work alone or with one other person, could use these clever techniques to solve common problems safely.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Carpentry & Building Constuction: A Do-It-Yourself Guide
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Williams P. Spence / Paperback 704 pages / Published July 1999
This is a complete do-it-yourselfer's guide to residential carpentry. Covers rough and finish carpentry, wall & ceiling framing, framing roofs, flooring, cabinets, doors and windows,
tools, working safe, and much more. Includes more than 2,000 photographs, diagrams, and detailed illustrations.
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- Basic Framing for Residential Construction
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Larry Haun / Spiral Bound 213 pages / Published November 1993
This book covering house framing may provide the basic information that you need. However using the companion videos from Taunton Press will show you step-by-step
how to frame a house.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Tips & Techniques for Builders
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Charles Miller, Editor / Paperback 256 pages / Published November 1988
From the Fine Homebuilding magazine comes a collection of field-tested and proven tips
and advice on how to improvise solutions to construction and remodling problems.
Few new building construction, renovation or remodeling jobs always goe exactly as planned, so builders must learn to improvise solutions. And some have shared what they have out
that worked for them and they have written it down. Here is a collection of such tested and proven tips and advice straight from the pages of the magazine.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Roof Framing
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Marshall Gross / Paperback 475 pages / Published March 1989
This book is a complete guide to framing any roof, including the gable, Dutch, Tudor, California, gambrel, shed, or gazebo roof. Coverage for mastering the irregular
roof design is included. The book explains every measurement required with a easily followed text and detailed illustrations.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Full Length Roof Framer
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -A. F. J. Riechers / Library Binding / Published June 1995
Roof framers and cutters will find that the examples on laying out a roof are excellent. It gives all your lengths on every 1/2 pitch calculated
from the span instead of the run, so very little math is involved. Covers common, hip, jack, valley rafters and more. And also gives the application
of all your basic rafter layouts.
Another nice thing about this handy reference is that it fits nicely in your shirt pocket.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Roof Framer's Bible: The Complete Pocket Reference to Roof Framing
~Usually Ships Within 23 to 5 Weeks
- -Barry D. Mussell / Hardcover 2nd edition / Published October 1996
This handy reference covers all the standard rafter tables, and the irregular combinations as well. It is very easily understood and gives all the needed formulas.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Doors: The Best of Fine Homebuilding
~Usually Ships With in 2 Business Days
- -Taunton Press / Paperback 127 pages / Published May 1996
This comprehensive book provides professional advice for choosing, building, and hanging interior and exterior doors. Includes a collection of expert articles
from the Fine Homebuilding magazine. Includes ideas fir adding trim to an entryway to improve the overall look of your home. Plus building simple and ornate
screen doors.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Doormaking: A Do-It-Yourself Guide
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -John Birchard / Paperback 200 pages / Published September 1999
This excellent guide explains with clearly written instructions how to build several types of doors. Includes step-by-step instructions, illustrations
and photographs. Covers hardware and how to hang a door.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Doorhanger's Handbook
~On Order, usually Ships in 1-2 Weeks
- -Gary Katz / Harcover 224 pages / Published November 1998
This excellent book covers the complete process of hanging doors from the beginning to end. Covers interior and exterior doors, and choosing proper hardware
jambs for installation. Well illustrated and throughly diagramed.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Woodworker's Guide to Pricing your Work: How to Calculate the Value of Your Time, Materials and Craftsmanship
to Make Money from Your Woodworking
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Dan Ramsey / Paperback 147 pages / Published March 1995
While this book was written primarily for carpenters and woodworkers that sell their craftsmanship in the form of expertly fashioned products, all wood workers
may benefit from the expert advice in this book. This revised, comprehensive book shows how to set prices and sell your products. Learn how to calculate the value
of your materials, time, and craftsmanship, ensuring that the price that is set for your work is fair and profitable. Includes a variety of sample business forms
and planning sheets, along with information on selling your customers on the value of the product. Also presents ideas on how to build repeat and referral business.
Explains how to market your products at craft fairs and through retailers.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Wood as a Building Material: A Guide for Designers and Builders
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -W. Wayne Wilcox / Hardcover 232 pages, 2nd edition / Published September 1991
This book provides engineers, architects and students with a complete understanding of wood as a construction material.
Topics covered include wood deterioration, wood construction, tree-related properties; diversity, variability and chemical
composition of wood; strength, elasticity and acoustical properties of wood; thermal properties and
fire performance of
Professionals, who want to reinforce or supplement their knowledge of wood's unique properties, will also find this book
an invaluable reference.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Basic Lumber Engineering for Builders
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Max Schwartz / Paperback 272 pages, Book and Disk edition / Published July 1997
When you need to figure the beam and lumber requirements for a job, this book wiil help you figure the stresses for engineered wood structural members, calculate loads,
including snow, seismic and impact. Including how to design girders, beams and joists. Covers most types of building and framing systems. Also covers door, window, and
roof framing.
Disk includes step-by-step instructions to find the size of material needed for spans and load based upon the wood species.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Stone Buildings: Conservation, Repair, and Building
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Patrick McAfee / Hardcover 224 pages / Published April 2001
This book covers and examines the materials and skills needed to preserve and rebuild any old stone building, from the humblest cottage to the grandest castle.
Many stone buildings throughout the world have become derelict or have been incorrectly repaired. This is because there is a false impression that it is either
impossible or very expensive to make old buildings habitable. This guide shows by using traditional techniques the proper methods of restoration and maintenance
while examining how the buildings were originally constructed. In addition to stone, it covers lime mortars, renders, and other traditional finishes, and provides
expert information on repairing stone arches, stone cutting, and stone quarries.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Fireplace Book : An Idea Book of Fireplace Designs
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Aberdeen's Magazine of Masonry Construction, Editors
Paperback 72 pages / Published December 1995
This book, volume number 2, compliments volume 1 with 100 new photographs of masonry fireplaces and chimneys and provides beautiful examples
of the almost infinite combinations of colors, sizes, patterns, and shapes available. Includes information on selecting firebox mortar,
flashing chimneys, constructing a chimney crown, and building a Rumford fireplace.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Wood Engineering and Construction Handbook
~Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Days
- -Keith F. Faherty, Thomas G. Williamson / Hardcover 912 pages, 3rd Edition / Published November 1998
A practical reference providing information for wood structure design. This indispensable handbook is complete with all the information,
wood properties, formulas, procedures, and examples that you need to design virtually any type of wood structure or structural wood
component. Among the topics discussed are wood properties, preliminary design considerations, columns, bending members, mechanical
fasteners and connections, trusses, structural wood panels, diaphragms and shearwalls, arches and domes, wood foundation structures,
adhesives, and miscellaneous wood structures.
Provides the latest data on NDS values for timber rivets and other fasteners. Covers new industry standards in shearwalls. Presents
applications of new standards in updated examples.
Click on the book title to read more.
Additional Construction Books and Woodworking Books
- For books on finish cabinetry work, please visit our Finish Carpentry book selections.
- For books on cabinetry and furniture, please visit our Cabinetry book selections.
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This page was revised and last updated October 20, 2015.