Shortwave, Ham, and other radios

This is our Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page for recommended books and handbooks for shortwave radio users and ham radio operators. These books will
be of interest to shortwave radio listeners, DX'ers, amateur radio enthusiasts, ham radio operators, web radio listeners and other radio users.
For those students studing for their FCC ham radio license, we have several outstanding study guides. In addition, radio technicians, amateur
radio enthusiasts, researchers, and hobbists may find these books and handbooks of interest.
These books are offered for sale in association with
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Radio Books, Manuals and Handbooks
- Passport to World Band Radio 2002
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Lawerence Magne / Paperback, 592 pages/ Published December 2001
This is the definitive guide to shortwave listening. Includes articles, program lists, equipment descripments, current lists of stations and frequencies worldwide. Plus much more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- World Radio TV Handbook 2002: The Directory of International Broadcasting
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -David G. Bobbett, Editor / Paperback 656 pages / Published December 3001
Now entering its fifty-fourth year, the world's original and most comprehensive radio & TV guide provides updated alphabetical country listings,
unbiased reviews of the latest radio equipment, predictions for reception conditions, technical information, and other pertinent information.
This respected essential guide also contains extensive, authoritative, and reliable current data on radio and TV services anywhere in the world.
An all-inclusive directory section lists broadcasting personnel, addresses, numbers for telephone, fax, and e-mail, plus Web details for radio and TV
stations throughout the world.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Shortwave Listening Guidebook: The Complete Guide to Hearing the World
~Usually Ships in 4-6 Weeks
- -Harry L. Helms / Paperback, 2nd Edition / Published August 1993
This new edition of "Shortwave Listening Guidebook" is a ticket to the world in direct, non-technical language and helps in selecting the right shortwave radio,
how reception conditions vary throughout the day and year, how to correctly operate the radio, and provides information on frequencies used by stations around the world.
Covers the basic technical information necessary for a good understanding of shortwave radios and how to use them.
Covers shortwave receivers, radio wave propagation and antennas. Plus more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Ham Radio Operator's Guide
~Ships in 3-5 Days
- -Carl J. Bergquest / Paperback 320 pages, 2nd Edition, / Published May 2001
This guide is written primarily for beginners just entering the world of amateur radio. Includes updated license requirements,
sample text questions, the latest in HAM technology, and a new section dealing with on-air operations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Beginner's Handbook of Amateur Radio: Essential A-to-Z Ham Radio Guide
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -Clay Laster / Paperback 448 pages, 4th Edition / Published November 2000
This fourth edition handbook presents the newest equipment and revisions to the Federal Communications Commission rules and tests.
Earlier editions were used by thousands of ham operators to set up their first shortwave transmitters and to get their licenses.
Explains the radio and electronics fundamentals needed to set up a radio transmitter, select radio equipment, and be a ham operator from the ground up.
Offers a mini-course in electronics technology and radio communications, and provides specific technical information on amateur radio operating procedures.
Includes a complete study guide, with study hints for preparing for the Novice Operator exam, and provides the guidance you need to pass the new No-Code Technician Class exams.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Shortwave Listener's Guide
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Ian Poole / Paperback, 192 pages/ Published March 1997
This book provides a thorough introduction to short wave listening. Covers radio propagation, types of modulation, receivers, auxiliary equipment, and more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Shortwave Listening on the Road: The World Traveler's Guide
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Andrew R. Yoder / Paperback, 182 pages / Published October 1995
This useful reference book has information on mobile equipment and worldwide stations. Includes information on building and installing portable shortwave antennas.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Now You're Talking!: All You Need to Get Your First Ham Radio License
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Larry D. Wolfgang, Joel P. Kleinman, Editors, / Paperback, 4th Edition / Published April 2000
This excellent self study course will prepare you to pass the test for your Technician level FCC license. In addition this book covers the technical basics of amateur radio.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Ride the Airways with ALFA & ZULU: Technician Amateur Radio Ham Licence Manual
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -John Abbott / Paperback, 192 pages / Published July 2000
This excellent book presents what you need to know to past the test for your FCC Technician Amateur Radio licence. This book uses cartoon graphics and text to explain each concept or idea clearly and is matched with an appropriate similiar question
that could be on the FCC test.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Rf Circuit Design
~Ships in 24 hours
- -Christopher Bowick /Paperback 176 pages/ Published March 1997
This book is for the electronic technican working with RF circuits, or a tinker who has Rf design experience and is an expert in
the field of RF circuit design. And also for an engineer needing a good Rf circuit reference book. This text provides complete design
procedures for multiple-pole Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel filters. Discusses capacitors, inductors, and other components
and explains their behavior at RF frequencies in detail. Covers solid-state RF circuit design except for oscillators and signal generation.
Covers small and large signal amplifiers, impedance matching networks, filters, Smith charts, and more.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Practical Rf Power Design Techniques
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -Irving M. Gottlieb / Paperback 290 pages / Published March 1993
This excellant book provides Rf circuit designers with all of the hands-on instructions and information required to design well
functioning circuitry.
Gottlieb thoroughly explains the theory behind RF circuit design and operation, with supporting discussions of the principles
and formulas. Many explanation examples are taken from practical real-world applications. This book is also a good reference
for the library of any engineer, electronic technician, or student who wants to gain a solid understanding of RF amplifiers,
filters and impedance-matching networks.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- The ARRL Antenna Book
~Ships in 3-5 Days
- -R. Dean Straw, Editor / Paperback 819 pages, 19th Edition with CD / Published September 2000
This book covers a lot of important information on antennas for the HAM operator and other radio users. Includes information
on how to safely work on a tower, antenna theory, how to build antena, computer modeling, RF exposure limits, transmission lines
antenna tuners, and a lot more. The CD-ROM comes with some of the programs mentioned in the text.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
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This page was last updated March 10, 2019.