Rowing Boats And Sculling Shells Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page offers the hand picked selection of excellent books on sculling boats and rowing books for your consideration.
Sculling is swiftly becoming a popular recreational activity for adults of all ages interested in fitness and fun. Included are how-to manuals
for learning how-to row sculling shells competitively, covering an introduction to basic skulling, cutting-edge rowing techniques, equipment selection,
boat handling, beginning and advanced technique, and power techniques.
These books and manuals cover identifying and buying equipment, understanding rigging, selecting drills for blending technique and power, training for competition
and the value of camps and coaches.
Additionally, there are links at the lower end of this page for building, using, navigating, and maintaining canoes and kayaks.
Many canoeists and kayakers are discovering the deep satisfaction in creating their own equipment rather than adapting to the generic standards of boats
and paddles available through retailers. Books covering white water and sea kayaks, and constructing all-wood rowing boats and small sailing crafts are
also included.
For those browers looking for nautical wall posters and art, please visit our Art Gallery at Lübeck Haus, link below.
For model ships or other nautical items, please visit our King's Corner Store .
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Sculling Boat Books
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Books on Rowing Boats And Sculling Shells
- Rowing Faster
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Volker Nolte (Editor) / Paperback 294 pages / Published October 2004
This excellent book is the most comprehensive and detailed guide for achieving excellence in the sport of rowing. This book is a comprehensive compilation of
the best information gathered from around the world. Rowing Faster will help you understand and utilize the techniques, training methods, and racing strategies
that will help you excel in competition. Covers cutting-edge technique, rowing training, and racing information. Learn from the top rowing coaches and scientists
in the world the best racing plans and tactics that have been proven successful at the highest levels of competition. They will guide you to ultimate
success, starting with sound training and racing principles and adding increasingly advanced instruction, drills, and insights all the way to the finish.
Inside you'll find the following advice: Techniques, drills, and progressions used by World and Olympic champions to master every phase of the stroke.
Covers how-to assess your rowing fitness, workouts to develop an aerobic base, increase anaerobic threshold, and build rowing-specific strength and power.
Includes a rowing periodization plan to sequence all the training components into a complete training program to maximize boat speed for 1000 meters,
2000 meters, and head racing. Cut through the water faster than ever. Rowing Faster will boost your speed and performance to the highest level.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Essential Sculling: An Introduction to Basic Strokes, Equipment, Boat Handling, Technique, and Power
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Daniel J. Boyne / Paperback 160 pages / Published April 1999
Essential Sculling is an authoritative, concise, and thoroughly readable how-to handbook that focuses on helping anyone become an accomplished sculler.
The author offers the finest instruction for men and women alike on the art and skill of rowing. Covers identifying and buying a well-made boat,
boat-handling skills, and beginner and advanced sculling techniques. Includes drills for blending technique and power, training for competition, and the
mechanics of rigging. Also covers the value of camps and coaches and much more. With clear descriptions, and illustrations throughout, The author teaches
a healthy respect for both the tradition of sculling and the precise beauty of its execution.
Includes B&W photographs and diagrams.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Rowing
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Keith Mayberry / Paperback 96 pages / Published January 2002
Here is a great book with plenty of step-by-step photographs that demonstrate rowing skills for the new rower. Perfect for anyone who wishes to take up rowing,
this book introduces essential rowing techniques. Includes a section explains body coordination with and without slide. Training and coaching for competitive
rowing is also covered, including advanced techniques for both single sculling and rowing teams. For the noncompetitive rower, there is a section on recreational
rowing and sea rowing.
Click on the book read more about this book.
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Fishing Books, Woodworking Tools & Magazines
Click on a category title and browse for what you need.
- Fresh Water Fishing Books
The Bouldercreek Bookstore has a good selection of books about fresh water fishing.
- Salt Water Fishing Books
The Bouldercreek Bookstore has a good selection of books about salt water fishing.
- Canoe & Kayak Books .
Books that show how-to build, navigate and maintain your canoe or kayak.
- Woodworking Tools & Accessories Sale.
Many kinds of woodworking tools are offered on sale.
Peruse today's deals for the latest sales, rebates, clearance deals and limited-time offers.
- Wood Working Magazines
Many popular magazine subscriptions are available.
These include the American Woodworker, Boatbuilder, Popular Woodworking, Wood, and more.
- Photography Books
The Bouldercreek Bookstore has a good selection of books about photography.

Fine Art Prints & Model Ships
- Model Sailing Ships .
Lübeck Haus has several sailing ship models.
- Fishing Magazines.
Browse through many fishing magazine suubscriptions.
- Tall Ships .
The Art Gallery at Luebeck Haus has many fine art prints of tall ships and other sailing boats to select from.
Grocery Store And Gourmet Foods
Click on this banner to find your groceries, beverages, and that perfect gift basket of tasty gourmet foods.
Select what you need, place your order, and will ship your order to your home, office, farm, cabin, airport ware house, or fishing boat dock.
Magazine Subscriptions
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- Visit the Art Gallery at Lübeck Haus .
Offers an extensive selection of more than 500,000 fine art prints, wall posters, wall tapestries, and photographs, in hundreds of popular categories.
Including art works with marine themes and sailing ships.
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All right on your computer screen, and with great customer service and at affordable prices.
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This page was last updated July 24, 2019.