Selecting and Growing Ferns, Lichens, Liverworts and Mosses

Welcome to Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page for essential books for gardeners, horticulturists, landscapers and nurseries.
These books cover selecting and growing ferns, lichens, liverworts and mosses.
Gardening in shady areas sometimes requires special attention as to what plants are grown there, how to select shade loving plants, identifing liverworts, cultivating and caring for ferns, and naturalistic landscaping with plants.
While several categories of plants do well in shady areas, it is important to know to deal with identifing, selecting and growing a particular group of these shade living plants.
Shade loving plants like ferns, liverworts, lichens, and mosses reside in some of our most beautiful garden spots. Liverworts and Lichens can also greatly enhance gardens areas particularly
around garden ponds, streams, and waterfalls.
Ferns are truly ancient plants, having existed on Earth for millions of years. With approximately 12,000 species of ferns, their array is staggering, from the red and gold Cinnamon Fern,
to the shimmery Silver Tree Fern, to the lushly green Oriental Chain Fern. The sheer number of fern species can be overwhelming, requires a reference book or two to help sort it all out.
Many varieties of ferns are appreciated, cultivated and cared for by home gardeners in greenhouses, containers, or in their outdoor and indoor gardens.
And for those gardeners, pteridophiles
(fern lovers), and growers compelled to delve more deeply into the secret life of ferns, the Fern Grower's Manual is required reading and a treasure trove of knowledge.
And of particular interest may be those books that deal with identifing, selecting, propagating, and caring for these plants that prefer some degree of shade.
Also included are several recommended books for landscaping with all of these popular shade loving plants.
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Ferns, Lichens, and Mosse Books
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Books on growing Ferns, Lichens, Liverworts and Mosses
- Fern Growers Manual: Revised and Expanded Edition
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Barbara Joe Hoshizaki, Robbin Craig Moran / Hardcover 608 pages / Published March 2001
This comprehensive book offers an encyclopedic treatment of some 700 species from 124 genera of ferns. Each is described in concise
detail, identification including a physical description with detailed pen-and-ink illustrations, geographical range, hardiness,
planting and cultivation, propagation, landscaping and cultural requirements, and information on some 200 varieties and cultivars.
Provides useful information on where and how different types of ferns thrive, explores potential problems, and offers guidance on
cultivating ferns indoors and out. First published in 1975, this revised edition is significantly expanded, covering almost twice
as many fern species as the first, as well as more extensive and detailed illustrations and a section of color photographs.
Includes 50 color photos, 165 B/W photos, and 826 line drawings.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- The Plantfinder Guide to Garden Ferns (Plantfinders Guides Series)
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Martin Rickard / Hardcover 192 pages / Published May 2000
This comprehensive guide provides gardeners with the options ferns offers besides filling shady niches. With some 100 photos of green
and diverse examples, coverage includes fern botany, history, A-Z representatives, planting and cultivation, and with special cases of
tree, desert, and filmy ferns. Includes US and European plant hardiness zone maps, national fern collections, fern societies, and where
to see and buy hardy and semi-hardy ferns worldwide.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- An Encyclopedia of Shade Perennials
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -W. George Schmid / Hardcover 494 pages / Published October 2002
This comprehensive encyclopedia provides information on more than 7000 species and cultivars in 184 genera, from Acanthus to Woodwardia.
Some new to horticulture, others unjustly overlooked, but all beautifully suited to the shade garden.
Covers thorough descriptions of plants, origins, common names, hardiness, form, and flowers. Plus cultivation requirements,
propagation advice, various types of shade, and an expert's tips on the likes and dislikes of countless species and cultivars.
Includes nearly 500 color photographs, many taken by the author himself.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Moss Gardening: Including Lichens, Liverworts, and Other Miniatures
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -George Schenk / Hardcover 250 pages / Published May 1997
This comprehensive guide covers nearly 60 plants in detail with advice on propagation, cultivating, and transplanting. Includes 97 color photographs.
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- Ferns for American Gardens
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -John T. Mickel / Paperback 384 pages / Published October 2003
Mickel is the curator of ferns at the New York Botanical Garden, and has written a comprehensive study of ferns. He has included
more than 400 types of ferns in this excellent reference source. Each entry is arranged alphabetically by genus and covers fern structure,
foliage size and color, hardiness zones, habitat, methods of fern culture and propagation, and suggestions on gardening with ferns and
plant combinations.
Appendixes include a list of ferns grown under various conditions, a list of fern societies, and a glossary.
Includes nearly 360 color photographs.
Click on the books title to read more.
- How to Know the Ferns and Fern Allies
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -John T. Mickel / Spiral-bound 256 pages / Published March 1997
An excellent well written and comprehensive guide to ferns. Describes in detail more than 400 types of ferns and many more subspecies, varieties, and cultivars.
Includes range maps. Includes 360 color photographs and nearly 30 line drawings, plus appendixes.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Moss Gardening: Including Lichens, Liverworts, and Other Miniatures
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -George Schenk / Hardcover 262 pages / Published May 1997
This handsome guide, written by a practical expert on shade gardening presents a treaure house of information and lush photographes of excellent quality.
There are 15,000 living moss species, 1,200 of them in North America. Schenk defines the varieties of moss plants and follows with chapters on moss gardens
in Japan and on gardens in Europe and North America. Chapters cover mossy rocks, moss carpets, alpine gardens, growing moss in containers, and the use of
moss as ground covers beneath bonsai trees. Schenk lists approximatety 60 plants alphabetically by genus, with advice on propagating, cultivating, and
transplanting. Includes 97 beautiful color photographs.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- How to Know the Lichens
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Mason E. Hale / Spiral-bound 256 pages, 2nd Edition / Published February 1979
This is a good field guide for identification as well as a great reference book.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The American Woodland Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the Deciduous Forest
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Rick Darke / Hardcover 378 pages / Published August 2002
This excellent book presents a powerful essay about a part of the once vast deciduous forest that covered most of Eastern North America. The author portrays,
in photographs and notes, the natural patterns and processes of a tiny section of Red Clay Creek, in Pennsylvania, that he passed daily on his way to work.
He has succeeded in the difficult task of writing about and photographing a portrait of this forest and offering a guide for those who would consider creating
a woodland garden both for the natural beauty and for its conservation value.
For the author there were complex lessons to be learned, not the least of which was the inevitability of change in the forest. Not only the seasonal changes,
but the effects of high winds, heavy rain, dry periods, and, of course, the changes brought on by the works of animals, birds, and of man.
For the gardener or designer the lesson, beyond a deeper understanding of the natural order of the woodland itself, perhaps, is not to copy the forest but to reflect
it, to make the most of colors, seasonal rhythms and the lyric qualities of sun light occurring among the trees and plants of a deciduous forest and to celebrate
the spirit of the ancient forest and bring it closer.
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This page was last updated March 14, 2019.