Timber Framing and Log Construction Shop

This Lübecks Haus and Bookstore catalogue page lists timber framing and log construction books and tools. The timber framing books cover designing, constructing, and mantaining timber framed buildings, bridges, and timber framed structures.
The log construction books cover designing and building log houses and structures.
The tool section offers tools and equipment for both timber framing and log house construction. Including a selection of mens work boots, work coats, tool boxes, and hard hats.
The books on this page are offered for sale in association with Amazon.com.
FOR BOOK DETAILS: For individual book descriptions, prices, and availability, click on the book title. Read the book details, then to purchase, place your book in the shopping cart at the Amazon.com page and complete your purchase by following their instructions.
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ORDERING BOOKS: To order any book listed on our bookstore catalogue pages, click on the book title. Place your book in the shopping cart at Amazon.com and complete your purchase by following instructions at the Amazon.com page.
If you are not ready to complete your purchase at that time, your book can remain in the shopping cart until you are ready to purchase the book, your choice can be "stored" for up to eighty nine days.
Then when you are to complete your purchase, return to the shopping cart at Amazon.com and complete your purchase by following their instructions.
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Timber Framing & Log Construction Books
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Shops of Interest
- Visit our Old Castle Shop Website Directory .
From this shop we worked on the various tasks that were required to build and maintain our castle and now design and build stone structures.
This website is where we deal with working and building with stone, slate, bricks, blocks, and ways of working with masonry products.
We are primarily stone masons and work with all types of natural stone on our projects.
And we are also timber framers, woodworkers, and blacksmiths. So we work with and build with various cuts of timber, timbers, logs, types of wood, iron,
and we hand carve wood.
- Visit our Pacific Mountain Masonry Website Directory .
From this shop we design and build stone and timber framed buildings. We are an online source for power and hand tools, stone masonry tools, construction contractor's equipment, stone masonry and timber framing books, log building construction books and tools, and how-to books for building contractors.
We carry hand and power tools, job site equipment, construction workers tools and clothing, stone masonry tools, masonry tools and equipment, plumping and electrical wiring installation and repair supplies, gardening equipment, and how-to books in many categories.
We carry leading names in scaffolding and ladders, electrical power generators, power washers, power and hand tools, and saws. Our hardware section offers a great selection of locks, hinges, bolts, screws, fasteners, and much more hardware.

Utility Links
- Return to Home Gardeners Homepage .
- Return to German Ways Website Directory.
A German American website offering German information, German traditions, and German merchandize.
Information for German history and people, German Cities & Villages, online German newspapers and magazines, medieval architecture,
German castles, German cookbooks, German music, Prussian history, genealogy research, maps of Germany, including Prussia, and much more.
- Return to Lübeck Haus Lawn and Garden Department.
- Go to Lübeck Haus Bookstore Bookstore Directory .
Browse our bookstore catalogue of all of our gardening and small farming book categories.
- Visit online our Kings Street Market Market Directory .
Browse The Kings Street Market Directory for a variety of shopping stores selling books, electronic equipment, computers, software,
gardening equipment, tools & equipment, livestock, honey bee hives, groceries, masonry books, masonry tools, camping tents,
hunting & fishing equipment, and other fine products for your home, den, job, and garden.
- Visit Kings Gate Lodge Website Directory .
Our Outfitter Department offers hunting and fishing equipment, camping tents and equipment, camping supplies, canoes, kayaks, outdoor clothing, groceries, and books.
- Go to Lübeck Haus Store Store Directory .
Offers an extensive selection of books, kindle books, kindle readers, audiobooks, DVD and VHS movies, music CDs, home & office electronics,
computers, computer and game software, video games, cellular phones, power and hand tools, hardware, clothing, jewelry, magazines, games and toys.

Thank you for visiting at Lübeck Haus Bookstore, we do appreciate your business.
We hope to see you again.
If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, email webmaster at edward@sedelmeier.com
This page was revised and last updated March 12, 2019.