Carving Duck Decoys & Woodworking Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page has books on woodworking and woodcarving.
In particular, thess books are for carving and painting duck decoys and carving animal and bird projects. Duck and waterfowl
identification books and detailed photographic books have been included to make the decoy carver's job easier.
Our staff at Lübeck Haus Bookstore has selected some fine books for your woodworking interests. These books are some of the
most popular, instructional, and useful for woodworkers available.
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Making Duck Decoys Books
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Carving and Making Duck Decoys Books
- Complete Guide to Wood Carving
and Woodcarving ~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Elmer J. Tangerman / Paperback 352 pages / Published December 1984
This book from the master woodcarver is an excellent complete guide for the woodcarver. This how-to book covers tools, wood selection,
designs, and wood carving techniques. Includes a great variety of projects. Illustrated with almost 700 drawings, illustrations, and photographs.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Beginner's Handbook of Woodcarving: With Project Patterns for Line Carving, Relief Carving,
Carving in the Round and Bird Carving ~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Charles Beiderman, William Johnston / Paperback 192 pages / Published December 1988
This is an excellent book from Dover Publications for beginning woodcarvers. Covers techniques, tools, and good instructions for getting started on some basic woodcarving projects.
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- How to Carve a Duck Decoy: A Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Brian McGray / Paperback 32 pages / Published July 1991
An excellent book for 1st time carvers. Only one template, (Mallard) This book contains more detail on carving the head than most others.
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- Carving Decorative Duck Decoys: With Full-Size Templates
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Harry V. Shourds, Anthony Hillman
Paperback 72 pages / Published September 1984
Beginning carvers may find it difficult to fashion a dimensional block of wood into the species which they desire without first using a good example of the decoy they wish to craft.
This book allows the user to simply cut out the template as well as view illustrations which display not only the profile but also the conformation particular to the duck species.
Includes templates, fully illustrated instructions that will aid even beginners to carve Gadwall, Cinnamon Teal, Sheldrake, Steller’s Eider, dozen other exotic species. For hunters, collectors.
All decoys are shown in color on the covers.
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- Carving Duck Decoys: With Full-Size Patterns for Hollow Construction
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Harry V. Shourds, Anthony Hillman / Paperback 70 pages / Published June 1984
This woodcarving manual offer clear easily followed instructions for using templates, cutting and shaping the decoy body, detailing the head, and advice on finishing and painting.
Covers tools, wood types, and tips. Includes 16 patterns, with a mallard and a bufflehead. Patterns and full instructions for carving duck decoys in the classic two-piece hollow construction
method—mallard, pintail, goldeneye, widgeon, etc. (both male and female).
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- Making Decoys: The Century-Old Way
~Usually Ships in 4-6 Weeks
- -Grayson Chesser, Curtis J. Badger / Hardcover 176 pages / Published February 1989
This instructive book for beginners has detailed, step-by-step instructions for making duck decoys from wood or cork. Includes a short history of decoys and how to deploy them. Tool list. Includes many
photographs and illustrations.
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- Making Wood Decoys ~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Patrick Spielman / Paperback 160 pages / Published November 1982
The instructions are easy to understand and the patterns, illustrations & photos (some in color) are excellent.
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- Painting Duck Decoys: 24 Full-Color Plates and Complete Instructions
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Anthony Hillman / Paperback, 52 pages / Published April 1985
An excellent book from Dover Publications.
Step-by-step instructions for painting decoys—male and female—of 13 species: mallard, canvasback, redhead, American widgeon, greater scaup, common pintail, more.
24 full-color plates show profiles and top views; also detailed coloring information. 24pp. of color illustrations printed one side only. 2 black-and-white illustrations.
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- Painting Popular Duck Decoys: 16 Full Colar Plates & Complete Instructions
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Anthony Hillman / Paperback 40 pages / Published September, 1989
An excellent book from Dover Publications.
An expert guide to painting male and female decoys of 9 popular species—ruddy duck, surf scoter, oldsquaw, hooded merganser, gadwall,
common goldeneye, ring-necked duck, fulvous whistling duck and male cinnamon teal. Authentic detail. 32 full-color illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Making of Hunting Decoys ~Usually Ships in 4-6 Weeks
- -William Veasey / Hardcover / Published September 1986
This excellent book gives the step-by-step instructions for making duck decoys of 18 types of ducks. Fifteen award-winning decoy artists explain in their own words how they make great duck decoys.
Click on the book title for a list of the artists and the duck type that each artist covers.
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- Game Bird Carving ~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Bruce Burk / Hardcover 400 pages, 3rd Edition, Published April 1988
This excellent book is referred to by many bird carvers as the "Bible", and for good reason. The clearly written text and excellent photographs explain the carving process for wildfowl, songbirds, and hunting decoys.
Recommended to bird carvers of any level of experience.
Click on thr book title to read more.
- The Great Gallery of Ducks and Other Waterfowl
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Richard Lemaster / Hardcover 352 pages / Published March 1995
This excellent resource manual provides detailed photographic identification of Ducks and other waterfowl. A must have for duck decoy carvers and wildlife artists. The text covers
the anatomy of ducks and points out the distinguishing characteristics of the various types, such as puddle ducks, wood ducks, diving ducks, etc.
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This page was last updated February 26, 2019.