Log House & Timber Construction Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page lists books for timber construction, log house construction, building with logs, hewing timbers and woodworking.
These books were chosen for timberframers, log house builders, do-it-yourselfers, designers, architects, engineers, and contractors.
These books include
coverage on english historic building, open timber roofs, middle ages carpentry, and historic structures. The following list of books were carefully selected for
the do-it-yourself log house builders and timberworkers by our research staff. These books were selected because their text material is clearly written, easy to
follow, and usually are accompanied with instructive photographs and illustrations. And that if followed closely by the reader, the reader should be able to perform
the work required to complete a successful project.
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Log House Construction
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Books for Log House Builders and Timberworkers
- Principals of Timber Design For Architects and Builders
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Don A. Halperin, et al / Paperback 416 pages / Published August 1994
A text primarily for architects, builders, and
engineers that use engineered structural wood, rather than squared or round natural logs. Covers common types of timber construction
with beams, diagrams, columns, and trusses. Also contains studies of joists, special beams, and arches. Includes detailed studies
on seismic situations and provisions.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Timber Construction Manual
~Hard to Get. Try our used book dealers
- -American Institute of Timber Construction
Hardcover 928 pages / Published April 1994
An authoritative and definitive reference book for timber designers, contractors, and others involved in timber construction that work
with sawn lumber and structural glued laminated timbers. This book provides the latest technical data, information and recommendations
for engineered timber structures.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Log Building Construction Manual
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Robert W. Chambers / Paperback 260 pages / Published December 2002
This working textbook is loaded with practical how-to information for the beginner and for the the experienced log home builder. Includes complete detailed and instructions
for the log construction part of building your log home. Much of the information that you'll find here is not available in any other book. Includes 31 pages of detailed
technical instructions for cutting notches and scribe-fitting logs. And 139 pages of log roof construction, mitered log trusses and log valley rafters.
This excellent work is written from the author's 16 years of teaching the craft of log building and 18 years of log building for clients.
Includes the 1996 Log Building Standards and a 7 pages section on instructions for Log Truss Engineering & design.
Includes over 200 B/W photos and detailed technical drawings.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- English Historic Carpentry
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Cecil A. Hewett / Paperback 338 pages / Published October 1997
An excellent text for the serious student and builder who needs an accurate detailed source of English timber carpentry
methods. With numerous illustrations and photographs Hewitt covers all aspects of this craft, including timber and wood
joints, door and windows, walls and roofs, and more. Methods of construction and assembly of the timber framed building
is explained in detail. Plus decorative features.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Notches of All Kinds: A Book of Timber Joinery
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -B. Allan MacKie / Paperback 230 pages / Published March 1997
This book is one of the best on timber notching. It is clearly written with excellent drawings and illustrations. Covers cutting and fitting
notches for wall corner joinery, roof rafters, roof trusses, and timber framing notches for a complete structure.
This is a detailed manual for log house builders.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Building With Logs
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -B. Allan MacKie / Paperback 128 pages, 8th Edition
Published March 1997
The first edition of this excellent book launched modern log house building. This 8th Edition covers everything on building a fine log
home. Covers site selection, planning the home, obtaining logs, foundations, hewing logs and working with a broad axe and other tools,
erecting and constructing the log structure, and finishing the complete home.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- English Cathedral and Monastic Carpentry
~Special Order
- -Cecil A. Hewett / Paperback 257 pages
This book is the definite study of the carpentry of the old English great churches. This is a reference and history of the methods
of construction, the changes, and the evolution of the English Cathedral and the carpentry methods used to build them.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Building
& Restoring the Hewn Log House ~Out of Print--Limited Availability
- -Charles McRaven / 2nd Edition, Paperback 162 pages / Published 1994
This excellent book is written by highly skilled log hewer and log house builder. Covers site
selection, design, material selection, foundation, log hewing and raising, roof construction,
doors and windows, and much more. Many photographs and illustrations. Plus glossary.
Click on the book title to read more, and to order a copy.
- English Cathedral Carpentry
~Special Order
- -Cecil A. Hewett / Hardcover 176 pages / Published 1974
Click on the book title to read more.
- Complete Guide to Building Log Homes: Over 840 illustrations
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Monte Burch, et al / Paperback 416 pages / Published September 2003
This well written book covers log house design and construction. Covers buying land, drawing up floor plans, choosing log styles, and joinery. Every phase of construction of building a log home is covered with complete how-to instructions with 800 photos and drawings.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- The
Craft of Modular Post and Beam: Building Log and Timber Homes Affordably
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -James Mitchell / Paperback 368 pages / Published 1997
The book covers design, foundations, log selection and hewing, wall and openings construction and the complete
building process. A large detailed chapter is devoted to roof structures. Many photos, illustrations, extensive appendices,
bibliography, and glossary sections are used to support the text.
Click on the book title to read more.
- A Catalogue of Cruck Buildings
~Out of Print--Limited Availability
- -N.W. Alcock / Paperback 78 pages / Published 1973
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Building the Alaska Log Home
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Tom Walker / Paperback 192 pages, Revised Edition / Published October 1998
This excellent book on traditional hand hewn log construction is clearly written and shows how to scribe-fit logs, in detail. Includes illustrations and
over 200 full color photographs.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- How to Build & Furnish a Log Cabin:
The Easy, Natural Way Using Only Hand Tools and The Woods Around You.
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -W. Ben Hunt / Paperback 166 pages / Published January 1996
In part one, this well written book provides complete instructions for building a one or three room log cabin. Using only hand tools, logs
and other materials from the forest, each step in the construction process is clearly shown with B/W photos and illustrations. Hand tools
are described and their proper usage is covered. Building doors and making the cabin weathertight is covered. Fitting and hand hewing the logs
and making shakes for the roof is shown in detail. The section on building fireplaces and outdoor pit fireplace is quite useful.
Part two, explains how to build rustic furniture from slab materials for your cabin: tables, benches, chairs, beds, gates, and fences.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- American Log Homes
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Arthur Thiede, Cindy Teipner / Paperback 194 pages / Published June 1992
This latest edition is a valuable resource for anyone interested in buying or building a log home. Includes a list of designers
and builders, log house plans, and over 200 photographs.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Cabins and Cottages
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Time Life, Editors / Hardcover 128 pages, Spiral Edition / Published March 1998
This is one of the Home Repair and Improvement series. With an easy to follow text and step-by-step instructions this book show the reader how to design and
build small building.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.

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This page was revised and last updated March 12, 2019.