Business Law Books
This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page has our recommended law books for planning, building, maintaining, and running a business.
Knowing and understands the many laws and regulations that effect your business can be challenging to most of us. Understanding the laws and
regulations effecting your business is important. This knowledge is required for organizing your business and running it on a daily basis.
In addition, it is really important to know when you must seek your corporate lawyers on a matter or two.
These books cover starting, running, improving, and maintaining a good sound business. In addition, several books cover understanding and
working with business regulations and business taxes.
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Books for Starting, Running, and Maintaining a Good Business
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Books for Starting, Running, and Maintaining a Good Business
- Becoming A Person Of Influence
~Usually Ships Within 2 to 3 Days
- -John C. Maxwell / Hardcover 214 pages / Published August 1997
This excellent book is an inspirational book, as well as a guide book for successful leadership.
Whatever your job title or leadership position, you can increase your impact on others by becoming a person
of influence. Learn simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others, and watch your personal,
professional, and organizational success go off the charts. This book is filled with many excellent suggestions,
including how to: listen to others and actually increase your influence, develop and nuture leaders, and become
a person of integrity.
Maxwell clearly states that integrity is the key to leadership. And if you want to be a true leader, you must
learn to serve others.
This book is highly recommended it to anyone in a leadership role, at work or otherwise. It is also a good
rescource to go back and review from time to time. This will help you stay on track as a supervisor or manager
in your business.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- How To Start And Run Your Own Corporation: S-Corporations For Small Business Owners
~Usually Ships Within 2 to 3 Days
- -Peter I. Hupalo / Paperback 208 pages / Published March 2003
This comprehensive and informative book teaches the basics of corporate business structure. Including selecting the most appropriate business structure,
issuing shares of stock to attracting investors, minimize taxes, and much more. This informative primer is especially recommended for anyone looking to
quickly pick up the basics and put themselves into their own business.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Own Your Own Corporation: Why the Rich Own Their Own Companies and Everyone Else Works for Them
~Usually Ships Within 2 to 3 Days
- -Garrett Sutton, Ann Blackman, Robert T. Kiyosaki
Paperback 352 pages / Published October 2001
This book presents valuable information on how to take your company public to raise operating capital. Covers protecting your business from bad business judgements.
The last secection covers the requirements of each state for forming corporations.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
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This page was last updated July 18, 2019.