Tree Fern & Fern Identification and Horticulture Books

Welcome to our Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page for books about tree fern and fern horticulture, including tree fern propagation, tree fern identification, and tree fern culture and cultivation. Includes instructions for collecting, processing and propagating new tree ferns.
Tree Ferns have graced our planet for hundreds of millions of years. Today there are about 12,000 identified and named species of ferns worldwide, and the variety to be found among them is staggering. They occur in an wide array of shapes and forms, textures, and even colors. From towering tree ferns to tiny water clovers, ferns and fern allies offer a wide range of uses in the garden, greenhouse, and home.
The term "Tree Fern" is a somewhat arbitary term that has been applied to any fern with a large erect rhizome, which is that portion of the fern that bears the leaves. Thus tree ferns are all true ferns in that they are flowerless plants that reproduce by the production of spores.
Most tree ferns have a distinctive primeval appearance with a tall truck-like rhizome holding a palm-like group of fronds near or at the top end.
In addition, we have included several excellent books on building and using a greenhouse.
The following list of books were carefully selected by our research staff for nursery workers, botanists, biologists, horticulturist, the do-it-yourself propagator, and home gardeners. These books were selected because their text material is clearly written, easy to follow, and usually are accompanied with instructive photographs and detailed illustrations. And that if followed closely
by the reader, the reader should be able to perform the work necessary to complete a successful propagation project.
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Tree Fern Horticulture Books

Tree Fern & Fern Identification and Horticulture Books
- Tree Ferns
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Mark F. Large, John E. Braggins / Hardcover 360 pages / Published May 2004
This comprehensive book is the source of information on the living tree ferns. It covers all of the families, genera, and species, including those best
suitable for home gardens. Offers up-to-date taxonomy and detailed descriptions as well as in-depth coverage of everything from tree fern use to conservation.
Includes extensive cultivation information, including propagation, diseases, and pests. Extensive appendixes cover tree ferns by geographic regions and tree ferns for gardens.
Includes 131 full-color plates, illustrations, glossary, bibilography, maps, and index.
Click on the book cover to read more.
- Ferns for American Gardens
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -John T. Mickel / Paperback 384 pages / Published September 2003
Here's the definitive and comprehensive book on the cultivation and ornamental use of hardy ferns and their allies. Written by the Curator of Ferns at the New York Botanical Garden, it describes in an alphabetical by genus format more than 400 types of cold-hardy ferns and many more subspecies, varieties, and cultivars. Each entry explains the fern's habit, frond size, color, hardiness zones, and ease of cultivation. And points out any outstanding ornamental features and their season of interest, and gives suggestions for the best use of the plant in the garden. Includes chapters on fern structure and propagation, lists of specific ferns suited to varying growing conditions, and an extensive source list. Plus many color photos, a hardiness zones map, list of ferns for special niches, glossary, and genera relationships.
Includes more than 360 full-color photographs and 30 line drawings and an index of common names.
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- Garden Ferns
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Martin Rickard / Hardcover 192 pages / Published May 2000
This comprehensive book is an excellent source for
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- Plantfinder's Guide to Garden Ferns
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Martin Rickard / Paperback 192 pages / Published February 2003
This comprehensive book is an excellent resource showing just how easily ferns can be grown in almost every garden. Describes some of the many options ferns offer besides filling shady niches. With about 100 photographs of a variety of examples, coverage includes fern botany, history, A-Z representatives, care, and surprising "special cases" of tree, desert, and filmy ferns. Includes US and European plant hardiness zone maps, national fern collections, fern societies, and where to see and buy hardy and semi-hardy ferns worldwide.
Click on the book cover to read more.
- Fern Grower's Manual
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Barbara Joe Joe Hoshizaki, Robbin C. Moran / Hardcover 624 pages / Published March 2001
This comprehensive latest edition provides a wealth of information on this vast group of plants called ferns. Anyone interested in growing hardy, semi-hardy, or tropical ferns will find that this book offers a thorough treatment of approximately 700 temperate and tropical ferns species. Includes detailed, useful advice on cultivation and landscaping for ferns and fern allies in any region.
The Fern Grower's Manual provides an encyclopedic treatment of some 700 species from 124 genera, compared to 390 species and 89 genera. All are described in detail, including physical descriptions, cultural requirements, hardiness, common names, synonyms, special uses, geographical range, and notable cultivars or related species. Each species is accompanied by an illustration to allow easy identification and provide a useful means of comparing species.
Includes cultural needs and potential problems, from planting to propagating, and include guidance on cultivation in the garden or in pots and baskets. Provides expert help in identifying ferns, augmented by general keys for some of the larger groups. Additional chapters and appendixes focus on obtaining and importing ferns, the naming of ferns, pests and diseases, and special interest societies.
Includes 50 color plates and many detailed line drawings.
Click on the book cover to read more.
- Greenhouse Gardener's Companion: Growing Food and Flowers in Your Greenhouse or Sunspace
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Shane Smith, Marjorie C. Leggitt, Illustrator / Paperback 544 pages / Published April 2000
This revised and expanded version reference book is packed with useful information that will be
especially helpful to anyone thinking of acquiring a greenhouse. This sourcebook providing everything the gardener needs to know about setting up a healthy growing environment
within a sunspace, and a complete guide to growing flowers, vegetables and herbs in the greenhouse.
Includes illustrations.
Click on the book cover to read more.
- All about Greenhouses
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Manufactured by Ortho Books / Paperback 96 pages / Published August 2001
Ortho's All About Greenhouses provides plans and greenhouse building tips, plus advice on kits and equipment,
and proven growing techniques.
This book is a beginner's introduction to greenhouses, and covers expert guidance on choosing, budgeting for, and building
a greenhouse. From orchids and blooming tropicals to year-round vegetables and cut flowers, you'll discover a whole
new world of gardening in your own greenhouse.
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This page was published September 28, 2000.
This page last updated March 12, 2019.