Medieval Knight Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page offering this selection of books on medieval knights.
This catalogue page lists books for knights and knighthood in Europe during the Medieval or Middle Ages period, covering the military religious Orders, life styles, people, weapons, culture, the Crusades, and other important books. In addition, these books on the "Northern Crusades" provide important historical information for everyone trying to understand European and especially Eastern European peoples history.
These books cover the Teutonic Knights, The Templars, the Hospitallers (later Knights of Malta), and the Knights of the Spanish and Portuguese orders. The members of these military religious Orders were usually noblemen vowed to poverty, chastity and obedience, living and working out of castles, or leading a monastic life in convents which were at the same time their barracks, and were devoted to spreading Christianity and waging war on the enemies of the Cross. They emerged during the Crusades as Christendom's stormtroopers in the savage conflict with Islam.
Most of these once-famous orders, such as the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights and the Knights of St. John, have not survived to the present day, their influence declining after "the crusading spirit grew colder." However, their story is a fascinating glimpse into a distant past.
Although other Orders, like the Cistercians, still exist today, they are devoted primarily to charitable works.
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Knight History Books and Reports
- The Teutonic Knights: A Military History
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -William Urban / Hardcover 290 pages / Published February 2003
This excellent book covers the lives, deeds, and actions of the powerful Teutonic Knights and their contribution to 500 years of European history.
These German crusaders were feared by their enemies and respected by medieval Christendom. This major new book surveys the fascinating history of the Teutonic Knights and their Order, covering their rise to power,
their struggles against the Prussian pagans, and a series of important wars. The knights and their Order maintained a firm hold over the Baltic area and northern Germany and established a formidable regime which
flourished across Central Europe for over 300 years.
Includes 18 photos and illustrations, 15 maps, and 2 appendixes, bibliography.
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- The Teutonic Knights: Illustrated Edition
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Henryk Sienkiewicz, Miroslaw Lipinski, Alicia Tyszkiewicz / Hardcover 786 pages / Published October 1995
In this novel, Sienkiewicz tells a classic tale of knights and chivalric love, of vast powers struggling in the early historic battles for land and power in North Central Europe. His consistent themes of faith, honor, love, and duty mark his unwavering belief that greatness exists within each individual and that from great individuals arise great nations. Set at the dawn of the 15th century, events are told of the lead up to one of the epic battles in central Europe.
The Order of Teutonic Knights ruled Prussia with an iron fist and fiercely protected their territory. The Polish-Lithuanian Kingdom, a confederation wary of the Order, was reluctant to fight yet possessed gallant knights. Among these, Macko of Bogdaniec and his nephew, Zbyszko, are catalysts in the events leading to war. When the Order kidnaps Zbyszko's wife, their gallant search for her inspires all the Polish knights, and their victories set the stage for a broader conflagration.
Recommended for public and academic libraries.
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- The Monks of War: The Military Religious Orders
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Deomond Seward, Desmond Seward / Hardcover 416 pages / Published February 1996
The Templars, the Hospitallers (later Knights of Malta), the Teutonic Knights, and the Knights of the Spanish and Portuguese orders were noblemen vowed to poverty, chastity and obedience, living a monastic life in convents which were at the same time barracks, and were devoted to waging war on the enemies of the Cross. The Monks of War is the first general history of these orders to have appeared since the eighteenth century. These religious Orders were the first properly disciplined Western troops since Roman times, they played a major role in defending the crusader kingdom of Jerusalem, in the 'Baltic Crusades' which created Prussia, in the long reconquest of Spain from the Moors, and in fighting the 'Infidel' right up to Napoleonic times. This celebrated book tells the whole enthralling story, recreating such epics as the sieges of Rhodes and Malta and the destruction of the Templars by the Inquisition. Acclaimed on publication, it has now been revised and updated, with a concluding chapter to take events into the 1990s.
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- Warriors of the Lord: The Military Orders of Christendom
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Michael Walsh / Hardcover 208 pages / Published January 2003
This well written book provides a comprehensive survey of the major orders from their origin in the time of the Crusades until their end. As an authority on Catholicism, the author combines historic illustrations, many in color, with commentary on the development, beliefs, battles, barbarism, and contributions of the soldier-monks who defended and spread Christianity. Covers
"the adversary," the "10,000 strong" Arabian infidel, who the author claims forced the hand of Europe into the Crusades. Then presents the idea of Christian holy warfare whereby penance could be affected by taking up arms in defense of holy Jerusalem.
This book is rich in historical facts, names, and dates, this volume is however, short on analysis and context. Consequently its greatest appeal will be to students of the Middle Ages and the Crusades, who already have some background.
Includes a useful appendix with brief histories of the various Orders, plus over 100 illustrations and maps, and bibliography.
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- Crusader Castle of the Teutonic Knights (Vol. 1) AD 1230-1466
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Stephen Turnbull, Peter Dennis (Illustrator) / Paperback 64 pages / Published November 2003
Throughout their long and stormy history the Teutonic Knights of Prussia have always been the most controversial brotherhood ever to call themselves 'Knights of Christ'. They were the most warlike and successful of the religious orders, and this is reflected in the architecture they left behind. In contrast to the Templars who are remembered for their churches, the memorials left behind by the Teutonic Knights are their magnificent castles built with bricks and constructed as and used as an important weapon in their conquest of Prussia and the Eastern Baltic lands between 1230 and 1380.
Many of these dramatic fortresses still exist today in what is now Poland and provide a unique example of an architectural style that closely reflects the military skill and nature of the Order.
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- Crusader castles of the Teutonic Knights (Vol. 2) 1184-1560
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Stephen Turnbull, Peter Dennis (Illustrator) / Paperback 64 pages / Published June 2004
Throughout their long and stormy history the Teutonic Knights of Prussia have always been the most controversial brotherhood ever to call themselves 'Knights of Christ'. They were the most warlike and successful of the religious orders, and this is reflected in the architecture they left behind. In contrast to the Templars who are remembered for their churches, the memorials left behind by the Teutonic Knights are their magnificent castles built with bricks and constructed as and used as an important weapon in their conquest of Prussia and the Eastern Baltic lands between 1230 and 1380.
Many of these dramatic fortresses still exist today in what is now Poland and provide a unique example of an architectural style that closely reflects the military skill and nature of the Order. This is #19, part of Fortress Series.
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- Northern Crusades
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Eric Christiansen / Paperback 320 pages / Published June 1998
Heeding and inspired by the Pope's call for a Holy War, Teutonic Knights and Scandinavian rulers conquered and settled Prussia, Finland, and Estonia before turning on the eastern empires of Orthodox Novgorod and pagan Lithuania. These 'Northern Crusades' are less known and celebrated
than those that took place in the Middle East, but they were also far more successful.
This is because vast new territories became and have remained Christian. In addition, the primary
institutions of medieval Western Europe, churches, castles, manors,
guilds, work ethic and methods, parliaments and feudal law codes were introduced into these
newly conquered and settled lands.
Newly revised in the light of the recent developments in Baltic and Northern medieval research, this most important Eastern Europe history provides a balanced and compelling account of the events of this tumultuous era.
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- Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Norman F. Cantor (Editor) / Hardcover 448 pages / Published May 1999
In this full-color, landmark reference book, Cantor and a team of scholars and experts explore and profile the entire medieval world. Covering the British Isles to the Far East, providing a lively and vivid account of the lords and ladies, saints and scholars, kings and peasants, and events that shaped the history and culture of this important period in history. From the Crusades to the Vikings, The Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages contains 600 individual entries and over 200 illustrations from world-famous collections, including the British Museum and the Morgan Library. Twenty major essays portraying the lives of Medieval luminaries, and original maps charting military campaigns and developing nations, make this the indispensable home reference for scholars and students.
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- Templars: The Dramatic History of the Knights Templar, the Most Powerful Military Order of the Crusades
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Piers Paul Read / Paperback 384 pages / Published January 2001
This superb history of the Knights Templar, the military order of the Crusades, considers the rise and fall of the knights who overtook the most contested citadel in the West. In 1099, the city of Jerusalem, a possession of the Islamic Caliphate for over four-hundred years, fell to an army of European knights intent on restoring the Cross to the Holy Lands. From the ranks of these holy warriors emerged an order of monks trained in both scripture and the military arts, an Order that would protect and administer Christendom's prized conquest for almost a century. This Order was the Knights of the Temple of Solomon, or the Templars.
More than armed holy men, the Templars also represented the first uniformed standing army in the Western world. Sustaining their military order required vast sums of money, and to provide funds, a powerful multinational corporation was formed by European financiers. These pioneering developments in the field of international banking, would help jump-start Europe's long-slumbering Dark Age economy.
In this fascinating and engaging history, Piers Paul Read explores the rise, the catastrophic fall, and the far-reaching legacy of these knights who took, and briefly held, the most bitterly contested citadel in the monotheistic West.
Although similar to military orders like the Teutonic Knights and the Hospitalers, the Templars weren't, for the most part, warriors. When Christian forces held the Holy Land, most Templars aided them by managing the European estates that supported the military activities of the order. After the fall of the Crusader states, the Templars lost their military importance. But because their economic importance continued to grow, the pope and the king of France engineered their downfall through what the author considers to have been a miscarriage of justice. Templar leaders confessed, under torture, to all manner of sinful behavior and the order was destroyed.
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This web site was first published February 20, 2003.
This page was last updated October 12, 2018.