Books For Srarting and Running Non-Profit Organizations

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page lists books for planning, starting, and running non-profit organizations.
There are now more than 1 million nonprofit organizations in the United States. The fundraising industry provides one in every ten jobs
and is one of the fastest-growing segments of the economy.
These books cover everything you need to know to know about non-profit organizations, Including sound information about start a 501(c)(3) corporation, without hiring
a lawyer for hundreds or thousands of dollars.
A nonprofit corporations is still a corporation, and several of these books walks you through the state incorporation process.
We carry some of the most comprehensive books and up-to-date reference available on the subject.
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Starting and Running Successful Non-Profit Organizations

- How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Anthony Mancuso / Paperback 393 pages, 8th edition, plus CD-Rom / Published July 2007
This book is an important and comprehensive guide to establishing a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
If you are planning to start a nonprofit organization, it has everything you need to know to start a 501(c)(3)
without hiring a lawyer for hundreds or thousands of dollars. The book walks you through the state incorporation
process and the federal/IRS application process; it includes copies and a computer disk with pre-formatted samples of:
letters, Articles of Incorporation, Organization Bylaws, Meeting Minutes formats, and more. It also takes you
step-by-step through the IRS Form 1023, which you must complete for 501(c)(3) determination. This book provides detailed
information about the Form 1023. This is a most helpful source for anyone planning to start a nonprofit group!
Click on the book title to read more.
- Nonprofit Kit For Dummies
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Stan Hutton, Frances Phillips (Authors) / Paperback 384 pages, 2 edition / Published December 2005
Starting a nonprofit is one of the most exciting and gratifying adventures that you’ll ever partake in, especially when
you seal the deal on your first grant. But like all adventures, running a nonprofit organization is a real challenge.
Nonprofit Kit for Dummies, Second Edition shows you the fun-and-easy way to get your nonprofit up-and-running.
It contains savvy advice from the experts on everything from incorporating and managing your nonprofit to unbeatable
tactics for raising money and managing public relations. This hands-on, no-nonsense guide is packed with tons of
useful information that will give you everything you need to: know.
Included in this must-have resource is a bonus CD-ROM that contains sample grant proposals, over a dozen budget
and cash flow projections, multiple fundraising plans to choose from, and a list of indispensable Web resources to
keep your nonprofit on track. Nonprofit Kit for Dummies, Second Edition is the ultimate nuts-and-bolts guide to
getting your nonprofit off the ground and giving back to your community!
Click on the book title to read more.
- Boards That Love Fundraising: A How-to Guide for Your Board
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Robert M. Zimmerman, Ann W. Lehman / Paperback: 128 pages / Published February 2004
This book is easy-to-read comprehensive guide that is highly recommended for board members of non-profit organization and
other fund raising groups. The authors challenge traditional attitudes, and fears, about fundraising by arguing that we should view
the activity activities not as "begging" but as providing a useful way for people to invest positively in their communities. The
authors break new ground by focusing on benefits that donors derive from philanthropic giving and strategies to enhance these
benefits. This book offers ample opportunity for readers to apply this refreshing approach to their specific circumstances.
This book may prove to be the only fundraising book you will ever need, as well as an invaluable resource. I recommend this to
anyone who serves on a board, especially those of you who have been afraid of fundraising.
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- Fundraising For Dummies
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -John Mutz, Katherine Murray / Paperback 384 pages, 2nd Edition / Published October 2005
This book is a straightforward and detailed guide to the basics of fundraising. This latest edition has more than 25 percent new material and is more comprehensive and up-to-date.
Plus, it covers all the changes in the tax laws, philanthropy in general, and the business environment of today. In addition to its precise and vital information on
developing a fundraising plan, this edition features new information on donor research, cultivating major givers, writing grant proposals, online donations and fundraising,
new rules for faith-based organizations, finding and training volunteers, direct mail, and more. Nonprofit organizations who need to develop new and better fundraising
initiatives should start with this simple and friendly guide.
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- Fundraising: Hands-On Tactics for Nonprofit Groups
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -L. Peter Edles / Paperback 288 pages, 2nd edition / Published November 2005
This latest edition shows how your nonprofit organization can design and run successful fundraising campaigns. You'll find sound, effective strategies
and insider tips for cultivating potential donors, building a powerful case for your drive, soliciting large gifts, obtaining foundation grants, creating
direct mail packages, and implementing high-profile, imaginative campaigns that top consultants use to get results. Edles reveals the six requirements
that successful drives can't do without, the most (and least) powerful ways to ask for funds, the crucial steps to follow before a campaign goes public,
and advice on training and energizing your volunteer force, and cutting costs. This new edition includes:
- Updated examples, case studies, and statistical data
- New chapters on using the Internet and eBay to boost your fundraising results
- Using advances in technology and e-campaigning techniques to further your goals
- How to market your campaign and build a communications plan
- Sample grant proposals, letters, solicitation dialogues, gift expectation tables, pledge cards, press releases, and other valuable campaign tools
In this current era of increased financial cutbacks, smaller donations, and reduced government spending, competition for
individual, corporate, and foundation support for nonprofits is fiercer than ever. In order to survive, you and your organization
must put aside common but self-defeating misconceptions, establish clear goals, and implement techniques guaranteed to put you ahead of the pack.
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- How to Manage an Effective Nonprofit Organization: From Writing and Managing Grants to Fundraising, Board Development, and Strategic Planning
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Michael A. Sand / Paperback 222 pages / Published August 2005
This handy reference is straightforward and easy to follow. It tackles many of the
problems nonprofit organizations face everyday. Each chapter is divided into an outline format with headlines
and bullet points, making the information easy to find and understand. The author includes sound, basic management
material that may apply to most small businesses, as well as to nonprofits, but unfortunately does not include case
studies, anecdotes or real life examples to support his suggested strategies.
Agency professionals at every level will find themselves referring to this excellant book anytime they have a problem
and need helpful, practical and to-the-point advice from an acknowledged leader in the field.
Each of the nine chapters includes numerous practical recommendations:
- Board members will learn how to run effective meetings and get and keep the best people on their team.
- Busy staff members will learn how to maximize opportunities to obtain grant funds while minimizing the time spent.
- Grant writers will learn how to prepare better proposals and how to manage the funds once they get them.
- Agencies will learn how to establish an outstanding volunteer program and how to form community coalitions that work.
- And everyone will learn effective strategies to help improve supervisory, personnel, and general management skills.
Is it easy to manage an excellent nonprofit organization? The answer to that questions is easily, "no".
Agency professionals at every level will find themselves referring to How to Manage an Effective Nonprofit Organization
anytime they have a problem and need helpful, practical and to-the-point advice from an acknowledged leader in the field.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Effective Fundraising For Nonprofits: Real World Strategies That Work
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -by Ilona M. Bray / Paperback 350 pages / Published March 2005
This is a great book for start-up nonprofits that haven't learnt much about fundraising yet. Included are a basic set of fundraising skills and technologies that can used to fund nearly
any non-profit corporation. It is no-nonsense and well organized.
This book explains how to do the following:
- Work with individual donors
- Plan special events
- Solicit grants from foundations and corporations
- Get media coverage (publicity)
- Use the Internet to help in the fundraising process
- Create print marketing materials like brochures, newsletters, and annual reports
All the above are important parts of a fundraising plan. One has to set goals, strategize how to attain the goals.
Then attract individual donors and develop a rapport with those donors so they give more and more each year.
Eventually those donors will become major donors, but that topic is best left for another book.
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- Successful Fundraising : A Complete Handbook for Volunteers and Professionals
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Joan Flanagan / Paperback 336 pages, 2nd Edition / Published November 2002
The author has written a practical manual that will be of use to both novice and experienced fundraisers in all types of
organizations. The book provides an overview of all the possibilities, including memberships, big gifts, planned giving, product sales
and cause-related marketing, and foundation grants--and gives specific examples of strategies used by large and small
organizations. The author is also realistic about moving from dreaming about money to going out and getting it.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Fundraising Online: Using the Internet to Raise Serious Money for Your Nonprofit Organization
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Gary M. Grobman, Gary B. Grant / Paperback 189 pages / Published September 2006
This guide outlines a step-by-step approach to taking advantage of the e-philanthropy revolution, including a discussion of the pros and cons of soliciting
funds on the web and an evaluation of creative business models—from online donor-recognition pages and virtual charity shopping malls to e-commerce
and “click to give” sites. Advice on developing a strategic online fundraising plan and a section on how to successfully engage in nonprofit e-commerce,
selling goods and services online, order fulfillment, customer service, payment processing, and handling returns are also included.
Also covers search-engine marketing, blogs, personal fundraising pages, and podcasting are just a few of the strategies and techniques outlined
in this handbook to assist fundraisers in harnessing the power of the Internet.
Click on the book title to read more.
- How to Write Successful Fundraising Letters
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- - Mal Warwick / Paperback 224 pages / Published February 2001
This book offers detailed advice and analysis along with copious examples and instructive case studies. The author is both personal
and hard-hitting, suggesting a cross between a preacher and a salesman, views fund-raising by mail as a three-stage process.
"First, donors are acquired. Then, they are converted into repeat donors. And finally donors may be upgraded into higher levels
of generosity and commitment." The well-organized instructions include the planning of whole campaigns, the phrasing of appeals,
composition and punctuation, information packets, and follow-up responses to a fund-raising letter and a step-by-step successful
fund-raising appeal. Attention to detail on laying the groundwork before composing a fund-raising letter and another on thank-yous
to donors distinguishes the book, especially for nonprofessional fund-raisers. An excellent tool for an endeavor in
which many people become involved only occasionally, good enough to consult in itself or to use as a guide in hiring
a professional.
In a time when fund-raising is perquisite to nearly all professions
and organizations, library managers of all types as well as library users should find this both fascinating and worthwhile.
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This page last updated October 08, 2018.