Minerals, Gems, and Gold Prospecting and Mining Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page offers books on prospecting for and mining gems, silver and gold, and treasure hunting. Including books on general metal identification and smelting, gold panning techniques, staking a claim, treasure hunting, identifying minerals and gems.
In addition there are several books on investing in gold through gold metal ownership.
These books would be of interest to mineral and gem prospectors, rock hounds, geologists, gold investors, archaeologists and lay readers alike.
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Gold and Silver Prospecting Books
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Minerals, Gems, and Gold Prospecting and Mining Books
- The New Gold Panning is Easy
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Roy Lagel, Charles Garrett
Paperback 134 pages, Revised Edition / Published November 1992
Recommended for beginning gold panners. Learn how to read a watercourse for gold deposits. Learn what minerals are indicators of possible gold deposits, and how to work your gold pan to recover the most gold.
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- Looking for Gold: The Modern Prospector's Handbook
~Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Days
- -Bradford Angier / Paperback 224 pages / Published April 1982
Still an old favorite, with lots of good practical information and lots of tips. Detailed instructions for finding and mining both lode gold and panning for placer gold. With a small investment, an outdoor vacation can be turned into a challenging adventure.
Covers equipment required, places to start, what to look for, learn how to evaluate a watercourse for gold deposits, laws and regulations, staking a claim, analyzing ore samples, and working a claim in both the US and Canada. However, not much coverage about electronic gold prospecting.
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- Recreational Gold Prospecting for Fun & Profit
~Usually Ships in 4 to 5 Days
- -Gail Butler, Paul D. Morrison /
Paperback 206 pages / Published June 2003
This entertaining, well-written book is for those who have ever thought about looking for gold as a hobby. If you're just starting out in gold prospecting, this is the book for you. Here are straightforward and complete answers to most of your questions about where to go, what to bring along, what to do when you get there, how to identify gold, locate and recover gold, and what to do when you get back home with your new-found gold. The author's vast experience in outdoor recreation and "user-friendly" writing style will help you get ready to enjoy a great family activity that's loaded with fun and profit! Complete with text describing the basic geology properties of gold.
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- Gold Fever and the Art of Panning and Sluicing ~Usually Ships Within 5 to 9 Days
- -Lois De Lorenzo / Paperback 80 pages / Published June 2003
This book is a good primer for learning the basics of locating gold and recovering the gold.
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- You Can Find Gold: With a Metal Detector ~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Charles Garrett, Roy Lagal, Hal Dawson (Editor)
Paperback 140 pages / Published June 2003
This book covers the basics of using a good metal detector to locate gold and other valuable metals, such as silver dollars.
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- Gold, Gold: The Modern Prospector's Handbook and
Recreational Guide, How and Where to Prospect For Gold ~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Joseph F. Petralia / Paperback, Reissued Edition / Published March 1996
This book covers established traditional and modern methods of gold location and recovery.
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- The ABCs of Gold Investing: Protecting Your Wealth Through Private Gold Ownership
~-Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Michael J. Kosares, Rod Colvin (Editor), John Ritland (Illustrator)
Paperback 201 pages / Published July 1997
This book is a good resource for investors wanting to understand the benefits of private gold ownership. emphasizes the asset preservation qualities of gold at a time when investor uncertainty about the economy has led many to seek asset diversification. Covers a range of topics, from understanding gold's role in combating inflation and deflation to how to select a gold firm. Beginning gold investors will find thorough guidelines for making good decisions about private gold ownership.
Includes photos, illustrations, index, bibliography, and an appendix.
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- The Power of Gold: The History of an Obsession
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Peter L. Bernstein / Hardcover 448 pages / Published September 2000
This comprehensive book presents a fascinating history and physical properties of that precious metal called Gold and its attraction for peoples from different cultures.
Click on the book title to read more.
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This page was last reviewed and updated March 05, 2019.