Spacecraft, Rocketeers and Space Exploration

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Spacecraft, Rocketeers and Space Exploration
- Rocketeers: How a Visionary Band of Business Leaders, Engineers, and Pilots Is Boldly Privatizing Space
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Michael Belfiore / Hardcover 320 Pages / Published July 2007
In the more than forty years since the first human left the atmosphere of Earth, no one had ever done so without the help of a government agency. That changed on June 21, 2004, when
SpaceShipOne, built by aircraft designer Burt Rutan, entered space and ushered in the commercial space age.
Investment capital began to pour into the new commercial spaceflight industry. Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic will begin ferrying space tourists out of the atmosphere in 2009.
Las Vegas hotelier Robert Bigelow is spending $500 million of his personal fortune to develop the world's first commercial space station (i.e., space hotel).
Former PayPal CEO Elon Musk is developing orbital spacecraft to service Bigelow's space station. Others want to tap the vast natural resources of space, including unlimited solar power.
These space entrepreneurs, including Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen and founder Jeff Bezos, now see space as the Next Big Thing.
Belfiore reports on the technology and business plans behind dreams of privately financed access to space. He profiles several companies active in this arena, including one that will be familiar to the
news-following public, Scaled Composites. It launched an astronaut into space for a few minutes in 2004, inspiring enthusiasts and attracting paying customers. Just what customers will pay for seems
speculative—a brief experience of weightlessness, a vacation in an orbital hotel, a voyage to the moon––so these companies are accordingly varied in their ambitions. Goals seem directly related to those of the company founders, and Belfiore's strong biographical sketches explain the founders' fascination with spaceflight, their rocketry skills (which range from accomplished to, in the case of mogul Richard Branson, nonexistent), and the hands-on work of their employees. Imparting the technical specs of engines and vehicles, Belfiore betters description with his evocation of the visionary euphoria that animates these entrepreneurial daredevils, sealing the deal for fans of space futurism. Taylor, Gilbert
In Rocketeers, Michael Belfiore goes behind the scenes of this nascent industry, capturing its Wild West, anything-goes flavor, enhanced by the fact that most of the players live and
work in California, New Mexico, Texas, and other western states, with plenty of open space for rocket launching. Likening his research to "hanging out in the Wright brothers' barn,"
Belfiore offers an inspiring and entertaining look at people who are not afraid to make their bold dreams a reality.
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- Destination Space: Making Science Fiction a Reality
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Kenny Kemp / Paperback 288 Pages / Published May 2007
Destination Space is a good read for those seeking to understand the players in New Space. The book provides insights as to the places and charcaters that comproise the fledging commercial
space launch industry. The book does tend to focus on Virgin Galatic, Burt Rutan and the ongoing construction of the dedicated commercial spaceport in New Mexico. Recommended to anyone seeking
greater understanding of how the New Space industry is evolving.
Covers the background for the development of the Virgin Galactic SS2 presently being built by Burt Rutan. By and large the book covers all of the essential elements
of the story from the X15, to Dr Peter Diamandis' creation of the inspirational X Prize. As you probably know Burt Rutan was the first contestant to sign up for the X Prize and the eventual
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- Project MARS: A Technical Tale
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Wernher von Braun / Paperback 280 Pages / Published December 2006
This never-before-printed science fiction novel by the original "rocket man," Wernher von Braun, combines technical fact with a human story line in the way that only a true dreamer can realize.
Encompassing the entire story of the journey, this novel moves from the original decision for a Mars mission, through the mission planning, the building of the mighty space ships, the journey,
the amazing discoveries made on Mars, and the return home. The author's attention to the actions and feelings of the characters—both those who went and those who stayed behind—makes this an
adventure of human proportions, rather than merely another fanciful tale. This exclusive von Braun treasure comes complete with an appendix of his original technical drawings, made in the late 1940s,
on which the story's plot is based.
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About the Author
Dr. Wernher von Braun was instrumental in developing Germany’s V-2 rocket during World War II. After the war, he emigrated to the United States and became a driving force behind America's space-launch vehicles.
America's first satellite and the Apollo spacecraft that landed on the Moon were launched by rockets designed by von Braun. He is the author of The Mars Project.
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- Dr. Space: The Life of Wernher von Braun
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Bob Ward (Author), John Glenn (Foreword) / Hardcover 282 Pages / Published May 2005
This book covers every aspect of rocket scientist Wernher von Braun's life. While there's an enormous amount to celebrate about the man most responsible for the U.S. putting astronauts on the moon,
Wernher von Braun (1912–1977) is a more complex figure than Ward represents. As a reporter for the Huntsville (Ala.) Times, Ward covered von Braun during many of his years as director of the Marshall Space Flight Center,
in Huntsville. In addition to his own interactions with von Braun, Ward draws heavily on letters written by the scientist's friends and colleagues in honor of his 60th birthday. Additionally, Ward provides a relatively
superficial examination of von Braun's controversial role in Nazi Germany, where he and his team of engineers created the V-2 rocket used against the Allies (this project is better presented by Michael Neufeld in The Rocket and the Reich).
A clear picture of von Braun's enormous charisma, intellect and personality does come through, as does a sense of how critical a political (as well as technological) role von Braun played in defining America's space program.
Wernher von Braun, the father of modern rocketry, is a hero to some and villain to others, and the many books written about him are either bitterly critical or adoring. This biography is neither.
After seven years of investigation, veteran aerospace journalist Bob Ward has rejected the extremes and presents a revealing, even-handed portrait of the onetime Nazi Party member who brought the United States into the Space Age.
As it chronicles von Braun’s life, the book explodes many myths and misconceptions about this controversial genius.
From the young German aristocrat’s leadership role in the development of the world’s first ballistic missile—the infamous V-2 rocket used against the Allies during the invasion of Europe—to his successes in the United States after the war,
a picture of von Braun emerges as a brilliant scientist with limitless curiosity and a drive to achieve his goals at almost any price. Yet the author’s lengthy research reveals that the apolitical von Braun accepted nominal Party membership
and an essentially honorary SS commission only under heavy pressure, and that his connections to the notorious V-2 slave labor factory were largely peripheral.
Ward sheds new light on von Braun’s extraordinary contributions to launching the first U.S. satellite, hurling the first American astronauts into space, and winning the "Moon race" with the Saturn V super-booster that powered Armstrong, Aldrin,
Collins, and their successors to the lunar surface. But the author does not shy away from revealing facts about the space leader’s humiliating final years with NASA in the nation’s capital and his long battle with cancer. Along the way, readers
are introduced to the human side of this charismatic visionary who mesmerized audiences across the country. A gregarious, whisky-drinking night owl who could out cuss any of his friends, von Braun also played the piano and cello, mastered scuba diving,
flew an array of aircraft, spoke several languages, became a serious amateur astronomer, and was an avid reader and conversationalist, as much at ease discussing Nietzsche as nuclear fission. Including insights and recollections from a number of
von Braun’s celebrity friends—Walter Cronkite, Hugh Downs, and William Pickering among them. This is a book certain to appeal to von Braun’s admirers and detractors.
Includes 40 b&w photos.
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- Building Moonships: The Grumman Lunar Module (Images of America: New York) (Paperback)
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Joshua Stoff (Author) / Paperback 128 pages / Published June 2004
In 1961, after the United States had acquired a total of fifteen minutes of spaceflight experience, President John F. Kennedy announced his plans for landing a man on the moon by 1970. The space race had begun. In 1962, after a strenuous competition, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced that the Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation of Bethpage, Long Island, had won the contract to build the lunar module—the spacecraft that would take Americans to the moon. This was the first, and the only, vehicle designed to take humans from one world to another. Although much has been written about the first men to set foot on the moon, those first hesitant steps would not have been possible without the efforts of the designers and technicians assigned to Project Apollo. Building Moonships: The Grumman Lunar Module tells the story of the people who built and tested the lunar modules that were deployed on missions as well as the modules that never saw the light of day. This is the first publication to chronicle the visual history of the design, construction, and launch of the lunar module—one of the most historic machines in all of human history.
About the Author
Joshua Stoff, author of sixteen books on aviation and space history, is the curator of the Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island and is a noted space historian. The book includes many never-before-published photographs from the extensive archives of the Cradle of Aviation Museum.
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Nphotograph Taken By The Spacecraft Ranger 7 Before It Impacted The Moon On 31 July 1964
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This page last updated March 12, 2019.