Sword Fighting and Fencing Swords

Welcome to our Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page for the art of fencing, hand to hand combat weapons and sword fighting techniques.
This catalogue page offers books about sword fighting, sword combat, fencing, the medieval longsword, rapiers, and medieval swordsmanship. Books for teaching swordsmanship as a martial art and complete combat discipline .
To defeat an opponent, a fencer must use mind and body together to anticipate attacks, carefully observing the opponent, making proper contact with the blade, and combine strategy with technique.
Sword fighting as a science, an art and, for many, a religion that began at the dawn of civilization in ancient Egypt and has been an obsession for mankind ever since.
Sword fighting was an entertainment in ancient Rome, a sacred rite in medieval Japan, and throughout the ages a favorite way to settle scores. For centuries, dueling was the scourge of Europe, banned by popes on threat of excommunication,
and by kings who then couldn’t keep themselves from granting pardons—in the case of Louis XIV, in the thousands. Evidence of this passion is all around us. For example, we shake hands to show that we are not reaching for our sword.
A gentleman offers a lady his right arm because his sword was once attached to his left hip.
Men button their jackets to the right to give them swifter access to their sword.
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Sword Fencing and Hand to Hand Weapons Books
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Sword Fighting and Fencing Books
- Arte of Defence: An Introduction to the Use of the Rapier
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -William Wilson / Paperback 176 pages / Published November 2002
This book explores the basic concepts and principles of all rapier fencing and shows a large number of sample actions in clear photographs. This book will help the reader to understand the rapier and to know how to prevent from making many of the common mistakes seen among todays rapier fencers.
The author successfully captures the romance of swashbuckling combat and forges it together with solid fundamentals researched from the historical masters. This book may become the standard reference for fencers, historical swordsmen, fight choreographers and western martial artists.
This book should be in every fencing library.
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- The Swordman's Companion: A Manual for Training With the Medieval Longsword
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- - Guy Windsor (Author)/ Paperback 236 pages / Published May 2004
This book is a superb introduction to a modern system of self-defense which is based on the Italian medieval masters Fiore dei Liberi and Filippo Vadi.
Intended for the beginner, the book approaches the art of swordsmanship from the perspective of a martial art, building the student's confidence through many drills, exercises, and explanations.
Guy Windsor, founder and director of The School For European Swordsmanship, Helsinki, brings his extensive experience to bear in creating was is surely the first modern treatise based on the
medieval Italian treatises. The swordsmanship he offers is elegant and flashy, but it is also rooted in firm basics that include unarmoured wrestling techniques and throws.
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- Renaissance Swordsmanship: The Illustrated Book Of Rapiers And Cut And Thrust Swords And Their Use
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -John Clements (Author)/ Paperback 152 pages / Published March 1997
This is one of the most thorough books ever written about historical swordsmanship. It is both a general reference and an instructional guide for advanced and beginning sword enthusiasts,
students of military history and martial artists.
Includes rare historical info and 100 original drawings.
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- The Secret History of the Sword
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Christoph Amberger, J Christopher Amberger / Paperback: 298 pages / Published February 1999
This excellent book provides an in depth look at fencing history and the history of the duel.
It debunks many myths about fencing and swordsmanship throughout the ages and provides SOLID FACTS with footnotes to his sources to back them up. All information on the history of fencing is backed up by his footnotes and solid references.
This book is recommend to anyone serious about the history of combat with the sword.
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- Medieval Swordsmanship: Illustrated Methods and Techniques
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -John Clements / Paperback 344 pages / Published October 1998
This excellent well written work is the most comprehensive and historically accurate view of the lost fighting arts of medieval knights, warriors and men-at-arms. Based on years of extensive training and research in the use of European swords, it contains highly effective fighting techniques for the sword, sword and shield, long-sword, great-sword, pole-arm and more. And with more than 200 illustrations and rare historical documents, this is a scholarly reference as well as a hands-on training guide for martial artists of all levels.
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- By the Sword: A History of Gladiators, Musketeers, Samurai, Swashbucklers, and Olympic Champions
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Richard A. Cohen / Hardcover 544 pages / Published November 2002
By the Sword is an fascinating history of sword fighting. Richard Cohen has the rare distinction of being both a compelling writer and a champion sabreur. He lets us see swordplay as graceful and brutal, balletic and deadly, technically beautiful and fiercely competitive. Some say that sword fighting is the most romantic of martial arts. Throughout this narration, the author related the whos who down through history. He bring out interesting facts about sword fighting and presidents, generals, and many other historical figures. Covers the training of gladiators, the tricks of the best Renaissance masters, the exploits of musketeers, and facts about swashbuckling Hollywood.
This book is sure to fascinate history lovers, sword fighters, military buffs, and anyone who ever dreamed of fighting with swords.
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Medieval Siege Weapons & Machines Books

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This page last updated July 30, 2018.