Calculus Books
This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page offers our recommended mathematics books covering Calculus for engineers, students, civil engineering students, scientists, and other professionals
studying mathematics and preparing for examinations. We have books on pre-calculus, beginning and intermediate, applications, and advanced Calculus and other books on advanced mathematics. Most of
these books include hundreds of exam-level practice problems, with solved problems, illustrations, and study guides for examinations.
In addition there several very popular "How to Ace" books for understanding Calculus. These books are considered by some to be superior to the other Calculus textbooks, because their
authors have an unusual ability to explain difficult to understand concepts in a manner that is crystal clear, and they make the subject more enjoyable with their wonderful sense of humor.
And from Schaum's, the originator of the solved-problem guides, there are several excellent comprehensive choices. Schaum's solved-problem guides are compatible with any classroom textbook,
and are so complete that they are the perfect tool for graduate or professional examination reviews.
The Lübeck Haus Bookstore in association with offers these books for sale.
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Books for Calculus, Applications and Advanced Calculus Studies
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Books for Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Calculus Studies
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Calculus
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -W. Michael Kelley / Paperback 360 pages / Published June 2002
This book is recommended for a beginner's guide to Calculus. And as a quick reference for everyone who needs to know just about everything about Calculus. This author has
an excellent proven method for teaching the difficult concepts of calculus that beginning students sometimes find hard to understand. Covers the history of calculus,
and explains all concepts and terms, including limits and continuity, derivatives, integrals, differential equations and series explained with their relationship
to calculus. Also, includes a includes a fresher course on algebra and trigonometry.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- How to Ace Calculus: The Streetwise Guide
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Colin Adams, Joel Hass, Abigail Thompson / Paperback 240 pages / Published September 1998
This books is clearly written is highly recommended for beginning Calculus students, professionals needing a refresher on Calculus,
or for anyone that loves to work Calculus just because it is fun. For students, this book in not intended to replace your standard
textbook, but is a excellent supplement to your textbook, or for a quick review to clarify material before taking exams.
Includes proofs for most theorems. Includes pictures and many illustrations.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- How to Ace the Rest of Calculus: The Streetwise Guide: Including Multi-Variable Calculus
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Colin Adams, Joel Hass, Abigail Thompson / Paperback 240 pages / Published April 2001
The authors present you with everything you need to understand and nothing you don't need about Calculus. This book separates out
the fluff and esoteric jargon and gives you a basic, to-the-point explanation, sometimes with hilarious examples. Includes proofs
for most theorems. Includes pictures and many illustrations.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Geometry and Trigonometry for Calculus
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Peter H. Selby / Paperback 432 pages / Published April 1975
Geometry and Trigonometry for Calculus is one of the Wiley Self-Teaching Guides. No prerequisites are needed. This excellent book is recommended
learning geometry and trigonometry as a tool for technical work, as a refresher course, or as a prerequisite for calculus. Using this book, you can
teach yourself the fundamentals of plane geometry, trigonometry, and analytic geometry. And in the process learn how these topics relate to algebra
and calculus. You will work your way through geometry, numerical trigonometry, methods of trigonometric analysis, analytics, and limits, up to the
beginning of calculus. Includes frequent reviews and practice exercises which reinforce what you learn as you proceed through the book.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
Schaum's Study Helper Books
Whether you simply want to feel confident at test time or to build a solid foundation in calculus for more an advanced
mathematics, science, and engineering course, these Schaum's Outline for Calculus are many students' first choice.
Schaum's Outline of Beginning Calculus
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
-Elliott Mendelson, Phd / Paperback 400 pages, 2nd Edition / Published December 1997
This easy-to-understand book for the study of calculus is ideal for those who are new to the study of Calculus. It offers a step-by-step
introduction with almost 500 illustrations that process along at an easy-to-keep-up-with pace. This book carefully develops the principles of
differentiation and integration (single-variable) on which the whole of calculus is built. This edition emphasizes the algorithmic
aspects of calculus. Use it with your textbook or for independent study to improve your comprehension and boost your grades.
Features 226 completely solved and 513 skill-building supplementary problems.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
Schaum's Outline of Calculus
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
-Elliott Mendelson, Frank Ayres / Paperback 578 pages, 4th Edition / Published June 1999
This problem-solver book from Schaum's is a very good supplement to the textbook for anyone taking a calculus course.
The basic concepts of Calculus are clearly covered with ample illustrations and practice problems. Enough practice problems
are included to ensure that the reader will comprehend the material.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
3,000 Solved Problems in Calculus
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
-Elliott Mendelson / Paperback 474 pages / Published January 1988
This powerful study helper and problem-solver from Schaum's gives you 3,000 problems in calculus, fully solved step-by-step!
This comprehensive timesaver helps you master every type of calculus problem that you will face in your homework, on the job,
and on your tests, from inequalities to differential equations. Work the problems yourself, then check the answers, or go
directly to the answers you need. This book is compatible with any classroom text, and is so complete it's the perfect tool
to use for a graduate or professional exam review. Includes a complete index.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.

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This page was last updated July 23, 2018.