Camera Maintenance and Repair Books

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This is our catalogue page for books for camera maintenance, camera repair, and restoring and collecting classic cameras.
Our research staff at Lübeck Haus has selected a great list of how-to books of special interest
to photographers. Whether you maintain and repair your own cameras or own a camera repair shop, these books will help. We have selected these books for the professional camera repair technician, professional
photographer and for any other photographer who wants to keep their cameras in top condition. These books cover how-to repair cameras, camera selection and maintenance, and classic camera collecting.
Beginning, intermediate, and advanced photographers will find these books very useful and helpful.
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Camera Maintenance and Repair Books
- Camera Maintainence and Repair, Book 1
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Thomas Tomosy / Paperback 174 pages / Published December 1998
This essential manual shows in detail fundamental camera repair techniques. Learn how to keep your cameras & photography equipment in top condition.
An essential guidebook for all serious camera owners. This book shows you the basics, and teaches techniques that will develope your camera repairing
skills. Includes 140 detailed photos, illustrations and charts that show camera parts and the proceedures for taking cameras apart and putting them back
together again. Explains special instructions for over 170 camera models, which show you the inner working of cameras and how to get working. Includes
cleaning techniques, lubrication guides, and where to locate replacement parts.
The ideal companion to the top selling Camera Maintenance & Repair Book 2.
Click on the books title to read excerpts from this book.
- Camera Maintainence and Repair, Book 2: Advanced Techniques
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Thomas Tomosy / Paperback 176 pages / Published April 1997
This book builds upon the basics and teaches advanced troubleshooting and repair techniques that will refine your camera repair skills. With over 175 detailed
photographs and illustrations that show camera parts and the proceedures for taking cameras apart and putting them back together again. Includes special instructions
for over 100 camera models and lenses. Includes advanced troubleshooting flowcharts, tables and diagrams. Shows how to build your own aperture & EV tester, repair
mechanical components, repair water, rust, sand, and fungus damage. Includes advanced quick notes for 60 camera models that show you how to get inside the camera
and get working. Shows where to locate replacement parts and supplies.
Covers mechnical SLR's, electronic SLR's, medium format, mechanical rangefinders, viewfinder cameras, Zoom lenses, and point and shoot cameras.
Includes a Glossary and index.
The ideal companion to the top selling Camera Maintenance & Repair Book 1.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Leica Camera Repair Handbook: Repairing & Restoring Collectable Leica Cameras,
Lenses, and Accessories
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Thomas Tomosy / Paperback 174 pages / Published June 1999
The handbook outlines repair techniques in great detail and gives tips on repairing and restoring Leica cameras, lenses, and accessories including light meters, winders/motors, viewfinders,
and flash units. Each equipment model is discussed individually with detailed step-by-step instructions with illustrations. Includes instructions on how to disassemble and repair equipment,
and also how to troubleshoot and make cosmetic restorations. A glossary of technical terms and an abstract containing the fundamentals of camera repair is also included.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Hasselblad Manual
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Ernst Wildi / Hardcover 416 pages, 5th Edition / Published December 1999
This excellent manual presents all the information required to operate this camera system. Includes tips and techniques for the oldest Hasselblad camera, the 1600F, to the lastest models. Conpletely
up to date on the current Hasselblad line of cameras and accessories.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Restoring Classic & Collectable Cameras
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Thomas Tomosy / Paperback 176 pages / Published March 1998
Learn and apply proven tips and techniques for restoring treasured classic cameras.
A step-by-steo guide to the maintenance and restoration of older model and antique cameras. With over 175 detailed illustrations
and photographs showing parts, and the specifics of disassembling and repair. Special instructions for many specific cameras and
lenses. Covers folding cameras, miniature cameras, medium and large format cameras, and 35 mm classics. Includes a list of part
vendors for hard-to-find parts and supplies. Includes a Glossary.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Restoring the Great Collectable Cameras: (1945-1970)
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Thomas Tomosy / Paperback 122 pages / Published August 1998
The handbook outlines techniques and gives tips on repairing and restoring collectable cameras. Covers disassembling and repair methods, cleaning and lubrication,
fabricating new replacement parts, making tools and testing your equipment. Also covers making repairs to rangefinder cameras, single lens reflex cameras, focal
plane shutters lens shutters, and medium format cameras.
For a listings of the Table of Contents of this book, click on the book title.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Collecting and Using Classic Cameras
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Ivor Matanle / Paperback 224 pages / Published April 1992
This book gives the reader the basic understanding as to what to look for in determining the condition classic cameras and
gives some pointers on using them.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Collector's Guide to Kodak Cameras
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -James M. McKeown, Joan C. McMeown / Paperback 176 pages / Published October 1981
This book describes with detailed photographs many of the outstanding Kodak cameras. Includes a history of Kodak's cameras.
For those interested in seeing the evolution of the golden age of photography through the history of
Kodak cameras, this is the book for you. Many of the cameras are described in detail with
photographs included for many. If you want to start collecting cameras, Kodak cameras offer an
inexpensive way to enter this hobby. The book includes many rare Kodak cameras as well as the
disc and instant cameras. However, don't look for movie cameras, they are not included
A great book for the Kodak camera collector.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- McBroom's Camera Bluebook: A Complete, Up-To-Date Price & Buyers Guide for New and Used Cameras, Lenses & Accessories
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Michael McBroom / Paperback 304 pages, 6th Edition / Published January 2000
This popular guide provides prices and descriptions for new and used cameras and photography equipment. Includes expert pointers for buying new and used photo equipment.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- How to Buy and Sell Used Cameras
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -David Neil Arndt / Paperback 112 pages / Published November 2000
This guide covers the skills required to successfully buy and sell used photographic equipment. Includes how to inspect cameras and lenses, negotiating and determining
retail and wholesale prices, and finding interested buyers. Key issues surrounding used-camera sales are examined, including the demand impact of collectors, how geography
influences camera prices, and legal matters such as return and refund rights. Includes real-life case studies, camera-condition rating scales, and information on restoration
and repairs. Provides good practical, hands-on advice for the novice or for the experienced used-camera buyer and seller.
Click on the book's title to read excerpts from this book.
- More books on photography and Using Cameras .
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This page was published March 14, 2000.
This page was last reviewed and updated July 24 2019.