Civil Engineering Books
This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page has our recommended books for engineers and civil engineering students studying for and passing civil engineering examinations.
Of particular recommendation is the Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, Ninth Edition.
Over the years, this series of reference manuals have accompanied more than 150,000 engineers into the civil PE exam and has earned the respect of virtually
all of them. The new ninth edition is a comprehensive all-encompassing exam resource you won't want to be without.
Taking a sample exam is an essential part of your professional engineers exam preparation and there's nothing more useful than working problem after
problem to get ready for the PE exam. We have practice PE exam manuals with hundreds of exam-level practice problems and examinations study guides.
In addition there several comprehensive books with important study guides available to civil engineers. For example, The Civil Engineering Sample Examination
is a complete 8-hour practice exam, updated to reflect the all-multiple-choice, breadth-and-depth format of the new Civil PE test.
Seismic principles and UBC codes are an important part of the PE exams, and we have several comprehensive exam preparation resources to help you in this
sometimes difficult part of preparing for the successful passing of the civil engineering exams.
These books on this page will help you to prepare for and pass the PE exam successfully, and then will also serve you well as a desk reference when you
do receive your professional engineer's license.
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Books for Civil Engineering Examinations
- 101 Solved Civil Engineering Problems
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Michael R. Lindeburg / Paperback 224 pages, 4th edition / September 2001
This book is a comprehensive collection of original problems for the civil PE examination presented in an essay format designed to
let you practice solving problems in all the subject areas covered on the civil PE exam. Problems cover a wide range of examination
topics, and each problem is followed by a detailed solution. Covers engineering mathematics and engineering problems, etc.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, Ninth Edition
~Usually ships within 2 to 3 days
- -Michael R. Lindeburg / Hardcover pages, 9th Edition / Published May 2003
This ninth edition has been updated more precisely for the new civil PE exams, including the new transportation and structural design codes. This edition is the
most comprehensive exam resource available to engineers. Every exam subject is clearly and completely reviewed. Almost 500 example problems reinforce key concepts.
Hundreds of tables, charts, and other data are included, and indexes for both subjects and data let you retrieve specific information rapidly. This latest edition
will not only help you prepare successfully for the PE exam but also serve you well as a desk reference after you receive your license.
This book is part of Professional Publication's Engineering Review Series, used by over 700,000
engineers to help them to pass their licensing exams.
Click in the book title to read more.
- Practice Problems for the Civil Engineering PE Exam: A Companion to the Civil Engineering Reference Manual
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Michael R. Lindeburg / Paperback 600 pages, 8th edition / Published June 2001
This book is written primarily as a companion to the Civil Engineering Reference Manual, but is also
useful as a stand-alone book providing extra practice solving problems.
Practice Problems for the Civil Engineering PE Exam contains all 400+ practice problems in the
Civil Engineering Reference Manual, along with fully-explained, step-by-step solutions. With this
book, you will see not only what the correct answer is, but why it is correct and the most efficient
way to solve the problem.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Michael R. Lindeburg / Hardcover: 1488 pages, 8th edition / Published June 2001
This eighth edition has been updated more precisely for the new civil PE exams, and is a comprehensive
exam resource available to engineers. Every exam subject is clearly and completely reviewed. Nearly 500
example problems reinforce what you've reviewed, and 440 exam-level practice problems give you plenty of
problem-solving experience. The book references the structural and traffic/transportation codes tested
on the exam. Hundreds of tables, charts, and other data are included, and indexes for both subjects and
data let you retrieve specific information rapidly. This new edition will not only help you prepare
successfully for the PE exam but also serve you well as a desk reference when you receive your license.
For solutions to the practice problems in this manual, order Practice Problems for the Civil
Engineering PE Exam, 8th edition (Above). Both these books are part of Professional Publication's Engineering Review Series, used by over 600,000 engineers to pass their
licensing exams.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Quick Reference for the Civil Engineering PE Exam
~Usually Ships Within 2 to 3 Days
- -Michael R. Lindeburg / Paperback 72 pages, 3rd edition / Published January 2002
The book corresponds to the Civil Engineering Reference Manual, 8th edition (Above). This book is helpful in preparing for the comprehensive
portion of the P.E. exam. Definitions, formulas, conversions, important equations, and other key information you will need while taking the
Civil PE exam are organized and arranged by topic for rapid access during the test.
Once you have studied the reference manual and need to brush up on theory and prepare for and work the exam, this quick reference will
provide the memory refresher you need to solve problems efficiently. This manual isolates the most useful equations and formulas and puts
them right at your fingertips by organizing and presenting the information in an easy to use format.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Civil Engineering Sample Examination
~Usually ships within 4 to 5 days
- -Michael R. Lindeburg / Paperback 86 pages, 5th edition / Published June 2000
This book is a complete 8-hour practice exam, updated to reflect the all-multiple-choice, breadth-and-depth format of
the new Civil PE test. A full 40-problem exam is provided for each of the five afternoon "depth" areas. Clear, step-by-step
solutions are included for every problem.
Taking a sample exam is an essential part of your PE preparation. Using a practice test in a timed
environment, you can experience the pressure that the exam creates. This practice helps you to determine the areas in
which you may need more study.
For those studying for the PE exam this is a recommended companion text to the Reference Manual.
This book will prove to very helpful in giving you a thorough review and will help to get your timing down for taking
the exam.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Civil Engineering License Problems and Solutions
~Usually ships within 2 to 3 days
- -Donald G. Newnan (Editor) / Paperback 250 pages, 14th edition / Published December 1998
This book is perhaps the most complete civil engineering problems and solutions book written specifically for the National Civil Engineering /
Professional Engineer (CE/PE) exam used in all of the 50 states. Written by 6 professors, each with a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, this book
presents a detailed description of the examination and suggestions on how to prepare for it. Includes 195 exam, essay, and multiple-choice
problems for a total of 510 individual questions. Also includes a complete 24-problem (12 essay and 12 multiple-choice problems) sample
examination, with detailed step-by-step solutions.. Detailed step-by-step solutions are provided for every problem in the book.
This book may be used as a separate stand-alone study guide, or in conjunction with Civil Engineering License Review, as these chapter
topics match those of the License Review book.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Timber Design for the Civil and Structural Professional Engineering Exams
~Usually ships within 2 to 3 days
- -Robert H. Kim, Jai B. Kim / Paperback 137 pages, 5th Edition / Published June 2000
This book is written primarily for engineers taking the civil PE and structural engineering exams, where questions on timber design frequently appear.
This comprehensive manual covers in depth and in detail the use of timber in building and other structures. Covers the structural and physical properties of wood,
sawn and glued timber beams, axial members and loading, and the use of mechanical connections, and plywood and non-plywood panels. Includes practice problems and
beam formulas.
Click on the book title to read more and to view the complete table of contents.
- Seismic Design of Building Structures : A Professional's
Introduction to Earthquake Forces and Design Details
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Michael R. Lindeburg, Majid Baradar (Contributor)
Paperback 250 pages, 8th edition / Published January 2001
This book is written for engineers taking the civil PE exam, where seismic questions may appear,
and for engineers taking the special seismic portion of the civil PE exam in California.
This introduction to seismology is intended to prepare the reader for both the conceptual and the
technical questions on structural analysis and code requirements, as they appear on professional
engineering and architectural licensing exams. Without assuming prior seismic design knowledge or
experience, it draws on practical information, basic code requirements, and simple vibration theory
to provide an intuitive understanding of earthquakes and their effects.
This guide provides essential background instruction for the seismic problems on the civil PE exam.
Using relevant codes, this book presents topics from basic seismic concepts through detailing
requirements. The 30 sample problems and 113 practice problems, all with step-by-step solutions,
offer valuable preparation for the exam.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- 345 Solved Seismic Design Problems
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Majid Baradar / Paperback 126 pages, 4th edition / Published January 2000
This book provides those engineering students studying for civil PE exam, as well as engineers unfamiliar with
the subject, with a solid basic understanding of basic seismic principles. And how the building codes impose seismic
considerations into the engineered design of earthquake resistant building.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Graphic Guide to Frame Construction: Details for Builders and Designers
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Rob Thallon / Spiral-bound Paper 252 pages / Published October 2000
This is a practical comprehensive guide with hundreds of meticulous drawings of construction details with coverage for foundations, roofs, building systems and materials,
durability, and energy efficiency. Includes notes explaining mechanics, materials, and installation. Teaching construction practices and methods through hundreds of
meticulous detailed drawings, this guide is highly recommended for builders, contractors and civil engineers.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
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This page was last updated June 26, 2015.