XML Language Books for Web Site Developers

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page has XML language tutorial books. These book were chosen because they present the scripting
information in a clearly understood manner and use good illustrations and code examples.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an indispensable tool for creating personalized, with up to date content for each visitor on your site.
XML has become the universal format for exchanging information on the web. The real power of XML lies in combining information from
various sources and generating personalized content for different visitors.
A good working knowledge of XML gives you the ability to enhance your web site by creating interactive, dynamic and personalized pages
for the World Wide Web.
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XML Programming Language Books
- Learn XML In a Weekend
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Erik Westermann / Paperback 432 pages / Published October 2002
This book will give the reader a basic understanding of Extensible Markup Language(XML) specific to using XML on Microsoft platforms
and how to use this language with other applications. Focuses on how to use XML editors, editing, creating, and programming the
language and explains how to use XML for Web site design and other real-world applications.
The text is grouped in daily segments for easier comprehension.
Click on the book title to read more.
- XML Weekend Crash Course (with CD-ROM)
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- Kay Ethier, Alan Houser / Paperback 349 pages, Book and CD-ROM Edition / Published September 2001
Need a quick refresher course in XML, this book may be just the solution for you.
Start studying the book on Friday evening and on Sunday afternoon, after completing 30 fast, focused sessions, you are ready to jump
right in and start creating cutting-edge XML solutions. It's as simple as that.
Click on the book title to read about how this works.
- XML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Elizabeth Castro / Paperback 269 pages / Published October 2000
This beginner to intermediate level tutorial contains everything you need to create dynamic Web sites by writing XML code, developing custom
XML applications with DTDs and schemas, developing personalized Web content through XSLT-based transformations, and professionally
formatting XML documents with Cascading Style Sheets. This book does a good job in successfully identifying the classic components of XML, and
presents them in an easy to understand format.
The text is displayed in a two-column format page, so that code fragments can be placed side by side with the step-by-step explanatory text.
Each topic example has one or more useful implementation tips. Contains everything needed to create dynamic Web sites by writing XML code,
developing custom XML applications with DTDs and schemas, transforming XML into personalized Web content through XSLT-based transformations,
and professionally formatting XML documents with Cascading Style Sheets.
However, this book doesn't cover any of the advanced elements of XML technology, such as SOAP, SAX, or integration with the Document Object Model (DOM).
Instead, it focuses on teaching the basic information of creating XML documents, styling them, and defining their structure.
Click on the book title to read more.
- XML Step by Step, Second Edition
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Michael J. Young
Paperback 550 pages / BK and CD-ROM Edition / Published November 2001
This book was written for those beginning to learn how-to write XML programs. This hands-on tutorial provides a comprehensive
introduction to XML basics and required tools. Explains step by step how to create effective XML documents and display them on
the Web. It also reviews the latest W3C standards, shows how to process XML in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Microsoft
XML Parser (MSXML) 4.0, and expands coverage of namespaces, cascading style sheets (CSS), the interrelation of XML and HTML,
and other technologies.
A companion CD-ROM includes XML examples plus extensive links for additional resources.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Real World XML, Second Edition
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Steve Holzner / Paperback 1200 pages, 2nd Edition / Published January 2003
This is a very well written book that is aimed to both the beginning as well as advanced web developers.
This book provides an easy-to-follow comprehensive introduction to XML basics that giving you the basics to today's
proliferating XML standards. Beginning with an introduction to the XML used in real-world applications like the Chemical
Markup Language(CML), Wireless Markup Language(WML), and an introduction to the Vector Markup Language(VML).
This book gives you what you need to know to be productive with existing XML tools right now. Also covers using XML
with Java, Perl and ASP. Includes dozens of short examples of XML, you'll learn XML conventions thoroughly, including
some of the best practices for creating readable, maintainable content.
This book explains to using XML in both Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers.
The book is a excellent introduction for any web developer or IT manager who needs to understand
and use XML and what its related technologies can do.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- XML All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- Richard Wagner, Richard Mansfield / Paperback 672 pages / Published June 2003
This is a comprehensive guide to understanding and using all of XML's features and specifications. Includes 7 minibooks, which cover
describing data with Extensible Markup Language (XML), defining XML structures, presenting XML, transforming XML, working with the X-team,
processing XML, and XML Web services.
XML Web services is a way of combining data and processing resources together to form elaborate, distributed applications. Covers
the specifications, implementations, and popular trends that define the Web services movement. Learn how-to create XML documents
and work with schemas to use Xpointer, understand Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and Integration (UDDI) protocol, and Web
Services Description Language (WSDL). Emphasis is on how it all works rather than on how to program for it.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- XSLT : Programmer's Reference
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Michael Kay / Paperback 1008 pages, 2nd Edition / Published May 2001
This programmer's reference defines the syntax rules, attributes, effect, and usage of the key language features of
eXtensible Stylesheet Language: Transformation(XSLT), and offers design advice and case studies for the advanced user.
Elements, expressions, patterns, and functions are listed alphabetically in separate sections.
This reference is a complete documentation of the XSLT standard. The author carefuly illustrates the power and
flexibility of XSLT. Each element of XSLT is covered with concise examples that include both the source XML code
and style sheet code. XSLT style sheets can be used in a variety of ways and across a wide spectrum of complexity.
This book helps the reader understand this concept by presenting four style-sheet design patterns that comprise
the vast majority of probable emplementations. The text looks at each, and demonstrates how to identify the design
pattern by its content.
This second edition reflects the new working draft of XSLT 1.1., and adds more descriptions of XSLT products.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.

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This page was last updated September 19, 2015.