Building Contractors Books & Handbooks

Welcome to Lübeck Haus Bookstore and to our catalogue page that has books and handbooks for the professional builder, building contractor,
and the do-it-yourselfer. These books cover writing, reading, and understanding contracts for the construction trade. Including cost estimating,
successful job bidding, reading and understanding building blueprints and drawings, job scheduling, contract forms, and starting
and running a successful construction business. In addition, included are books on studying for the examination for
taking the state licence tests for building contractor.
Our research staff has provided this list of books to provide you with a good selection of books that will help you with your contruction business.
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Building Contractor Books & Handbooks
- Be a Successful Building Contractor
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -R. Dodge Woodson / Paperback 365 pages, 2 Edition / Published April 1997
This excellent guide covers all the essential information of starting and running a profitable business. From setting up your business, selecting and winning bids, avoiding
common business mistakes, working with bankers and real estate brokers, to managing for maximum profits. Includes dozens of useful business forms.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Builder's Guide to Running a Successful Construction Company
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -David Gerstel / Paperback 240 pages / Published April 1992
An excellent guidebook for the new contractor. Includes step-by-step information for getting business, selecting the right jobs to bid upon, estimate costs, write contracts,
keeping good records, working with clients and professionals.
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- Builder's Guide to Accounting
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Michael C. Thomsett / Paperback 318 pages / Published November 1996
This book describes in detail what the contractor needs to know about designing and maintaining control of your businesses's accounting records.
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- The Contractor's Field Guide
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Paul I. Thomas / Hardcover 600 pages, 2 Edition / Published May 2000
This guide contains information for general contractors, subcontractors, architects, appraisers, and other professionals concerned
with buildings. Covers legal and practical relationshios, construction management, materials and methods.
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- Construction Contracting, 6th Edition
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Richard H. Clough, Glenn A. Sears
Hardcover 600 pages, 6th Edition / Published March 1994
This latest edition covers contracting fundamentals, including cost estimating, bidding, understanding contracts, contract bonds, as well
as current developments in insurance, labor law, and labor relations.
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- Handbook of Construction Contracting: Plans, Specs, Building Vol 1
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Jack Payne Jones / Paperback 416 pages, Vol 01 / Published December 1987
This book shows you how to start and run your construction business. Covers contracts, keeping records, how to read and understand house plans, basic house construction, practical math, and elememtary surveying.
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- Handbook of Construction Contracting: Estimating, Bidding, Scheduling, Vol 2
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Jack Payne Jones / Paperback 320 pages, Vol 02 / Published December 1987
This well written book gives the professional builder or the do-it-yourselfer the necessary guidance to do it right the first time. This saves money, time, and sometimes frustration.
Includes worksheets, tables, illustrations. Also incudes shortcuts and rule-of-thumb suggestions that will make your job easier.
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- Estimating in Building Construction
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Frank R. Dagostino, Leslie Feigenbaum
Hardcover 354 pages, 5th Edition /Published September 1998
This book provides a through, careful step-by-step approach to construction estimating for both commercial and residental buildings.
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- Blueprint Reading for the Building Trade
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -John E. Traister / Paperback 192 pages / Published March 1989
This book explains how to read and understand construction documents, blueprints, and schedules. Includes layouts of structural, mechanical, HVAC,
and electrical drawings. Also, covers how to interpret sectional views, follow diagrams and schematics.
- Understanding Construction Drawings
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Mark W. Huth / Paperback 400 pages, 3rd Edition / Published December 1999
This excellent guide provides a solid understanding of the blueprints and drawings used in the major construction trades. This includes carpentry, electrical,
plumbing, heating and air conditioning. Includes information for many styles of buildings, from residential to large-scale commercial buildings. Well illustrated
with many detailed drawing.
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- Basics for Builders: Plan Reading & Material Takeoff
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Wayne J. Delpico / Paperback 427 pages / Published July 1994
This book explains how to read, interpret, and understand building plans. Includes accurate material takeoffs using a complete set of residential working
drawings. Includes more than 600 illustrations, plus commercial contruction details.
- Means Illustrated Construction Dictionary
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Kornelis Smit, Howard Chandler
Paperback 501 pages, 3rd Edition; Bk & CD-ROM / Published September 1991
This comprehensive and expanded edition has 19,000 construction terms, phrases, and abbreviations which are complemented by precise illustration and 1200 simple line drawing and
graphics on the CD-ROM. Almost 1000 definations arenew to this edition.
Click on the book title to read more.
Other Editions: Paperback
- Handbook of Construction Contracting: Plans, Specs, Building
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Jack Payne Jones / Paperback 416 pages / Published December 1987
- Dictionary of Architecture and Construction
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Cyril M. Harris, Editor / Hardcover 1028 pages, 3rd edition / Published February 2000
This comprehensive new edition of which many consider to be the most definitive reference in architecture brings you the broadest possible
coverage of the language of architecture and construction. Special care has been taken to include the latest terms from preservation, new
technologies, procedures, techniques, materials, and trends.
This classic dictionary has been revised, updated, and expanded, by a renowned architectural editor in association with 52 expert contributors.
This edition features 25,000 definitions in nearly 80 working areas, with 2,200 illustrations, and with enhanced page design for easier reading.
In addition a higher quality paper stock is used for better illustration reproduction and for greater durability.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Illustrated Dictionary of Building Terms
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Thomas Philbin / Paperback 256 pages / Published November 1996
This essential dictionary provides clear, concise definitions to 15,000 terms used in residential construction, includes standard and slang construction
terms. Includes advanced-level terminology, trade shortcuts and shop talk. This versatile dictionary with alphabetically arranged terms and illustrations
provides a quick access to the definitions for trade terms.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Building Contractor's Exam Preparation Guide: Based on the latest Building Codes
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -C. Keeler Chapman; John Karns, Illustrator; John Traister, Contributor
Paperback 318 pages / Published June 1996
Covers the basic information necessary for studing in preparation for taking the state licensing examinations.
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- Graphic Guide to Frame Construction: Details for Builders and Designers
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Rob Thallon / Spiral-bound 252 pages / Published October 2000
This well written handbook from the Taunton Press is an excellent guide to wood frame construction and teaches wood framing construction using hundreds of
detailed drawings and illustrations. Covers all the major elements of home construction, foundations, roofs, walls, roofs, materials, energy efficiency, and more.
Recommended for carpenters, general contractors, do-it-yourselfers, architects, and architectural students.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Documents, Contracts, and Worksheets for Home Builders
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -A. R. Trellis / Hardcover 300 pages, BK&Disk / Published May 1998
This excellent manual contains 100 building forms and contracts that are already written and are ready to use. From bidding to final inspection, these clear, concise and effective tools
will make you money and save you a lot of time. The inclosed disk contains every document, form, and worksheet which lets you download, modify, and print out the ones that you need.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Walker's Building Estimator's Reference Book
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Scott Siddens, Editor / Paperback 1728 pages, 25 Edition
This reference manual is renowned for the depth and expertise of the information contained. Professionals, home-craftsmen, universities,
technical schools, and examination boards use this manual as a textbook and reference. This book is the mandated reference for the General
License Examination is several states and is the standard in the curriculums in dozens of universities's construction programs.
Click on the books title to read more.
- Masonry Books
This catalogue page lists a large number of books for stone masonry, stone walls, and brick masonry.
- Stone Sculpturing Books
This catalogue page lists a large number of books for sculpturing stone.
- Masonry Books
These books are on stone, brick, and block construction, slate roofs, timber framing, and log house building.
- Masonry Books
This catalogue page lists books for stone masonry, stone walls, and brick masonry.
- Masonry Books
This catalogue page has several of our recommended books for building masonry, engineering books and manuals.
- Masonry Building Construction Books
This catalogue page lists books for building with stone, block, and bricks.
- Building Construction Books
This catalogue page lists books for designing and constructing building and other structues.
- Masonry Books
This catalogue page lists books for masonry ovens, kilms and fireplaces.
- Hand Tools
Includes Bricklayers Chisels, Bricklayers Hammers, String Lines, and Trowels.
- Masonry Books
Offers masonry hammers and hammer sets made by Trow and Holden Company.



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This page was last updated February 12, 2019