Falconry Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page offers books on the art of falconry.
These books cover improving falconer's skills, and the training and care of hunting birds.
And of the hunting birds or raptors, of which the Falcons are one group, we have books on all of the raptors. Eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, kites, osprey and harriers are all raptors!
Their beaks are hooked, rather than straight, and they seize and kill their quarry using powerful feet and sharp talons.
Falconry is growing as one of the most popular and exciting field sports and it appeals to an increasingly wide number of participants both in Europe and throughout North America.
These books were selected by our research staff to provide good reference material and useful books for those of us that truly enjoy being outside with our hunting birds in the forests, fields, in the mountains valleys, and on the great marshes.
Falconry is one of the few modern sports that allows us to go through so much careful effort just to share in the privilege and excitement of hunting in partnership with a wild animal.
Trying to pick the right hawking books is like trying on shoes for some else. We all have different needs and likes. But here our selections for you to consider. These books will show you how to capture, breed, raise, care for, train, and hunt successfully with the hunting birds of your choice. Whether that choice may be an eagle, falcon, hawk, owl, or a buzzard.
Making hunting equipment, medical care, and some falconry historical background is covered in more than one book. Several falconry reference and essays books fill out the list.
The falconry books on this page are offered for sale in association with Amazon.com.
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Falconry Books

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Falconry Books
- Falconry Manual
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Frank Beebe / Paperback 198 pages / Published December 1984
This basic manual provides the essential information on what is needed to become a falconer. Provides the essential biology and field knowledge
for understanding the hunting hawk and how to catch them. Covers the care and training of the falcon and hawk. Includes illustrations and
guidance for making your own falconry equipment.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- The Encyclopedia of Falconry
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Adian Walker / Hardcover 224 pages / Published May 2000
This is an excellent reference manual for falconry terms and current information. Contains 1500 terms and idioms relating to Falconry.
Well illustrated with photographs, derivations, and notes. Covers the 500 year history of falconry from the Middle Ages to the present day.
To read excerpts from this manual, click on the book title.
- Raptors of the World
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -James Ferguson-Lees / Hardcover 872 pages / Published October 2001
This edition of Raptors of the World is the definitive book on the subject. This book is the first complete identification
guide to all the birds of prey of the world. Each of the 313 species is described thoroughly and accurately. The 112 color
plates plus hundreds of black-and-white drawings vividly illustrate about 2,000 perched and flying birds and their adult,
juvenile and selected immature plumage's, as well as the main geographical races and color variations. The text highlights the
plumage's shown and summarizes length, wingspan, male-to-female proportion, shape, flight, and habitat. Individual accounts
detail distribution and movements, habitat, characteristics (perched and in flight, and including confusion species), voice, food,
sociosexual behavior, breeding, population, geographical variation, and measurements.
The birds of prey are among the most interesting group of birds for birders and nonbirders alike, and Raptors of the World
is an essential and fascinating reference for anyone with an interest in Raptors.
The book also contains many line drawings and distribution maps.
Click on the book tittle to read excerpts from this book.
- Training Birds of Prey
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Jemima Parry-Jones
Paperback 160 pages / Published November 2001
Comprehensive and clearly written, this is an excellent introduction to falconry, and the keeping and training birds of prey.
Learn how to keep and train birds of prey correctly and safely. The author, a long time falconer, covers in detail what the beginning
falconer needs to know. The five major groups of birds used for falconry are covered in detail. These groups are the eagles, hawks,
falcons, buzzards and owls. Includes illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- North American Birds of Prey (National Audubon Society Pocket Guides)
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Clay Sutton, Richard K. Walton / Paperback 192 pages / Published April 1994
This pocket guide is packed with information and concise descriptions and clear color photographs. These detailed photographs present birds at rest and in flight.
This easy-to-use field guide featuring 56 species of raptors. Includes specific descriptions of each species' important field marks, regional maps depicting breeding
and winter ranges, silhouettes representing general body types, labeled diagrams of the birds and a glossary of bird terms.
This pocket guide is designed to be compact enough to easily bring along when looking for these majestic observing birds of prey.
Includes tips on observing and distinguishing different species of raptors.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Falconry Basics: A Handbook for Beginners
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Tony Hall / Hardcover 160 pages / Published February 2004
This practical guide book provides a basic overview of falconry and explains all facets of raptor ownership. Designed specifically for beginners to enable the reader to get a feel for the art and sport of falconry. Discusses the different types of bird and their individual characteristics, selecting and acquiring the equipment, and the care and handling of the birds themselves. Covers all aspects of training, hunting and maintenance.
Includes illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Raptors: Birds of Prey
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -John Hendrickson / Paperback 96 pages / Published October 1992
A portfolio of stunning full-color photographs is accompanied by a text which details these magnificent avian
predators which includes eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, and vultures. adaptations as well as their ability to
survive in a world which continually threatens their existence. Covers the raptors physical characteristics, habits,
and struggle to survive. A must for falconers, birders and anyone else with an interest in raptors.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Understanding Owls: Biology, Management, Breeding, Training
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Jemima Parry-Jones / Paperback 160 pages / January 2002
This fascinating and comprehensive book is geared to the interests of those who want to keep and breed owls in captivity.
Owls are spectacular and fascinating birds, both in the wild and in captivity, and more and more people have an interest
in keeping and breeding. The author shares her expertise, gained from a lifetime of experience of working with birds of prey,
and gives sound practical advice on how to care for these magnificent raptors. Chapters cover owl taxonomy and biology,
housing and equipment, incubation and rearing, feeding, breeding, and training and flying owls.
However, the British bias to the book is a drawback to some readers, in the sense that the appendixes may not apply, and
the differences between wildlife laws in the U.K. and the U.S. However, the author's no-nonsense approach has broad
applicability to the keeping of birds in captivity, nearly anywhere.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- How to Spot an Owl
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Patricia Taylor Sutton, Clay Sutton / Paperback 144 pages / Published May 1999
This interesting book is an excellent starter book to the fascinating hobby of owl watching and owl-spotting throughout North America.
The information is in two main parts.
Part 1: "An Introduction to Owling" affords the enthusiast's perspective on spotting, recording, and enjoying the moment of discovery.
Sighting an owl, who is a nocturnal creature after all, requires patience, local knowledge, and the willingness to make squeaking
and sucking noises.
Part 2: "The Owls of North America," emphasizes the owl species with pictures, tables of names and physical dimensions, and range
maps. This portion is a full-color spotter's field guide, with a thorough description of owls, their habitat, range, diet, breeding
and nesting habits. Little essays on the various owl species each highlight bird's peculiarities and advise the reader
how to successfully discover the owl of your choice.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Owls: A Guide to the Owls of the World
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Claus Konig, Friedhelm Weick, J. H. Becking
Hardcover 320 pages / Published December 1999
This book is a comprehensive and important study on owls. The authors discuss the morphology, anatomy, habitat, food types, hunting behaviors, breeding, vocalizations, and taxonomy of owls. Includes a section on how to study and conserve the birds. Extensive descriptions of 212 kinds of owls with text with distinguishing features and color plates.
This book, along with recordings of the distinctive voices of owls on a double CD that may be purchased with it, is an invaluable aid to identifying owl species throughout the world. The book describes three new tropical owl species. Includes 64 beautiful color plates of these elusive birds.
Other versions CD-ROM Version
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- North American Owls: Biology and Natural History
~Usually Ships Within 1 to 2 Business Days
- -Paul A. Johnsgar / Hardcover 352 pages, 2nd Edition / Published October 2002
This book is one of the most comprehensive books on the natural history of owls (Order Strigiformes). Owls are a distinctive group of birds with excellent adaptations for nocturnal predation by their highly developed eyes and ears, soft plumage that allows virtually silent flight, and powerful talons feet.
Includes a general review of owl systematic, ecology, morphology, physiology, behavior, reproduction, and folklore (While owls do also have proportionately large brains, their reputation for wisdom is only a myth), plus a detailed natural histories of the 19 species.
Includes a glossary.
This book is recommended for both professional and serious amateur ornithologists.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Art of Falconry
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Fredrick II of Hohenstaufen: Translated & Edited by Casey A. Wood & F. Marjorie Fyfe
Hardcover 638 pages / Published March 1983
This outstanding book is highly recommended for practicing falconers, medievalists, historians of science,
and for anyone interested in the history of falconry. It will is an excellent reference book and a good primary
source for historical research involving the middle ages. Falconers can learn falconry basics, terminology,
and the philosophy of the sport as practiced and recorded during the eleventh century. Most of the information
contained in this book is still very reverent and can be applied to falconry today.
This book is lavishly illustrated with facsimile pages and many of the original illustrations have been
carefully reproduced. Includes 186 plates.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Falconry:
Art and Practice~ ~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Emma Ford / Paperback 200 pages / Published May 1998
This well written book covers falconry in England. Much of the information is current for all falconers,
but it deals with the sport from an English viewpoint.
Click on the book title to read more.
- How to Spot Hawks & Eagles
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Clay Sutton, Patricia Sitton, Barry Estabrook, Editor
Paperback 144 pages / Published May 1996
This comprehensive guide to hawks and eagles covers these raptors in detail. Each species characteristics, ranges,
useful habit notes and migration patterns are described. In addition, specific observation locations are specified
and are carefully detailed. The species covered include Buteos, Accipiters, Falcons, Kites, Vultures, and other hawks.
Includes many photographs, illustrations, tips, and information on suitable spotting equipment and techniques.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Bird of Jove: Louise Lindsey Merrick Natural Environment, No. 17
~ Usually Ships Within 3 to 5 Weeks
- -Dave Bruce / Paperback 283 pages / Published April 1994
This book tells the story of authors training of a Berkut Golden Eagle, named Atalanta. The book is in part a falconry manual and in part a natural history, with pieces of humor added in. The described trials and triumphs described are great lessons for experienced
as well as less experienced falconers.
Atalanta was brought from behind the iron curtain with a huge effort to the county side of wales. Once the eagle was received
his "battles" with her had just begun. He had to tame a large raptor that could easily kill him with her talons as she had killed
wolves in the wild. Lessons are learned by analyzing the personal preparations for handling such a large and powerful raptor.
The author describes the sad treatment Atalanta received by her cruel captors beyond the iron curtain, and the tender affection
she showed for an "adopted" owlet and the savagery which always lurked just below the surface of this beautiful creature.
If you love raptors or a good story about a person who wanted to make a difference using will, love and patience, read this book.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Equinox: Life, Love, and Birds of Prey
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Dan O'Brien / Hardcover 224 pages / Published March 1997
Written by a man that tells of his love and adventures with his falcons. This book is well written and is
well worth the time to read it.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Hawks in Hand: Adventure in Photography and Falconry
~Usually Ships
in 24 Hours
- -Frank Craighead, John Graighead / Hardcover 304 pages / Published May 1997
This book's first edition was published in 1939 and became an American classic. This excellent book
by the Graighead brothers is a chronicle of their early adventures in falconry and wild bird photography.
It was destined to become a groundbreaking book that brought long lasting international fame to these
twin brothers. Includes dozens of additional original photographs as well as excerpts from their original
log book notes.
This book is a very inspirational and interesting book.
Click on the book title to read more.
- More Falconry Books
The Lübeck Haus Bookstore has more than fifty more falconry books for you to browse through.
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- To view animal and human skull replicas and purchase your own copy, CLICK HERE.
Included are Sabertooth Tiger skulls, Hoplophoneous skulls, Female and Male human skulls, Neandertal skulls, Homo Erectus skulls, Home Habilis skulls, African Lion skulls, Dire Wolf skulls, Chimpanzee skulls, Oran-Utan skulls, and Lowland Gorilla skulls.
These skulls are an exact replica of a present living, or an extinct skull, most are full size, and several includes a solid oak display base for mounting the skull in the attack position.
- To view animal and bird skull replicas and purchase your own copy, CLICK HERE.
Included are American Beaver, Bobcat, Chicken, Gray Fox, Grizzly Bear, Muskrat, Turkey, Turkey Vulture, and Wolverine.
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Select from dinosaur and butterfly study kits, and claw and teeth fossils.

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This page last reviewed and updated July 10, 2018.