The Foxfire Books

This is our Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page for The Foxfire Books series.
Our customer service staff has selected the Foxfire Book series because these books are an important recorded chronicle of useful country living information and are of historical value.
A truly unusual and unique historical account and resource for researching the Appalachian Mountain country folks and their way of life.
In 1966, in the Appalachian Mountains of Northwest Georgia,
Eliot Wigginton and his students founded a quarterly magazine that they named Foxfire, after the eerie phosphorescent glow emitted by a certain lichen growing on decaying logs found in the forest.
In 1972, several articles from the magazine were published in book form, and the acclaimed Foxfire series was born. More than thirty years later, in this age of technology and cyber-living, the books
teach a philosophy of simplicity in living that is truly enduring in its appeal. This series has sold over six million copies, a testimony to this series popularity.
These books are a written recording of a series of interviews conducted over several years with the rural mountain country people of the Great Smoky Mountains.
The people interviewed were skilled in a specific handicraft, a particular skill, or had specific knowledge of mountain folk living, traditions, and customs.
These books record these interviews with text and black and white photographs and illustrations.
Much more than "how-to" books, the Foxfire series is a publishing phenomenon teaching creative self-sufficiency, a rural way of life, the art of natural
remedies, home crafts and skills and other country folkways, and is fascinating to everyone interested in
rediscovering the virtues of a simpler life. These books were not meant to be only a series of specific how-to-do books, rather they are a recording of country living methods and skills gathered and used over the years by the Appalachian
mountain folks, and how these skills and methods were used by the people at the time. Each book records and teaches creative self-sufficiency, the art of natural remedies, home crafts, and other mountain country folkways. In fact, the style of living and many of the skills and ideas recorded are still being used today.
The popularity of the Foxfire series on oral history of Appalachian lives and traditions, homespun crafts, and folk arts have become a phenomenon that spread far beyond Georgia.
The books on this page are offered for sale in association with
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The Foxfire Books Series
- The Foxfire Book
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Eliot Wigginton, Editor / Paperback 384 pages / Published March 1972
This is the original book dealing with the "affairs of plain living" in the Great Smoky Mountains of Eastern North America.
This book covers Hog Dressing,
Log Cabin Building, Mountain Crafts & Food, Planting gardens by the signs, Snake lore, Hunting tales, Faith Healing, Moon Signs, and more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 2
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Eliot Wigginton, Editor / Paperback 416 pages / Published June 1973
This is the second book dealing with the "affairs of plain living" in the Great Smoky Mountains of Eastern North America.
This book covers Ghost Stories, Spring Wild Plant Foods,
Spinning and Weaving, Midwifing, Burial Customs, Corn Shuckin's, Wagon Making and more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 3
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Eliot Wigginton, Editor / Paperback 512 pages / Published August 1975
This is the third book dealing with the "affairs of plain living" in the Great Smoky Mountains of Eastern North America.
This book covers Animal Care, Banjos and Dulcimers, Hide Tanning, Summer and Fall Wild PlantFoods, Butter churns,
Ginseng, and more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 4
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Eliot Wigginton, Editor / Paperback 496 pages / Published November 1977
This is the fourth book dealing with the "affairs of plain living" in the Great Smoky Mountains of Eastern North America.
This book covers Fiddle making, Apringhouses, Horse trading, Sassafras tea, Berry buckets, Gardening, and more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 5
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Eliot Wigginton, Editor / Paperback 512 pages / Published June 1979
This is the fifth book dealing with the "affairs of plain living" in the Great Smoky Mountains of Eastern North America.
This book covers Ironmaking, Blacksmithing, Flintlock rifles, Bear hunting, and more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 6
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Eliot Wigginton, Editor / Paperback 512 pages, 2nd Edition / Published September 1980
This is the sixth book dealing with the "affairs of plain living" in the Great Smoky Mountains of Eastern North America.
This book covers Shoemaking, 100 Toys & Games, Gourd banjos and Song bows, Wooden looks, a Water Powered Sawmill, and and other fascinating topics.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 7
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Eliot Wigginton, Editor, et al / Paperback 512 pages / Published March 1982
This is the seventh book dealing with the "affairs of plain living" in the Great Smoky Mountains of Eastern North America.
This book presents the mountain religious traditions and heritage, covers ministers, revivals, baptisms, gospel singing, faith healing, snake handling, and more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 8
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Eliot Wigginton, Editor, et al / Paperback 512 pages / Published April 1984
This is the eighth book dealing with the "affairs of plain living" in the Great Smoky Mountains of Eastern North America.
This book covers making pottery in pug mills, groundhog kilns, churns, mule swapping, chichen fighting, and more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 9
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Eliot Wigginton, Editor, et al / Paperback 512 pages / Published October 1986
This is the ninth book dealing with the "affairs of plain living" in the Great Smoky Mountains of Eastern North America.
This book covers general stores, the Jud Newson wagon, a praying rock, a Catawba indian potter, quilting, home cures, log cabin revisited, and more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 10
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -George P. Reynolds, Editor, et al / Paperback 512 pages / Published April 1993
This is the tenth book in this series dealing with the "affairs of plain living" in the Great Smoky Mountains of Eastern North America.
This book covers railroad lore, boardinghouses, depression-era Appalachia, chair making, whirligigs, snale canes, gourd art, and more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 11
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Kaye Carver Collins, Editor, et al / Paperback 512 pages / Published November 1999
FoxFire 11 covers the rituals and recipes of the Appalachian homeplace, farm buildings, planting and growing a garden, planting on the right sign of the moon, includes a one-hundred page section on herbal remedies and wild plant uses, and segments about cooking food, preserving and pickling, smoking and salting, honey making, beekeeping, and fishing, as well as hundreds of the kind of spirited firsthand narrative accounts from Appalachian community members that exemplify the Foxfire style.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foxfire Book 12 ~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -The Staff of Foxfire Fund Inc. / Paperback 576 pages / Published September 2004
FoxFire 12 covers rich collection of information and stories from a fascinating part of American culture. Records a rich assortment of Appalachian Mountain characters and and veterans recount their war experiences. Others reminiscences about learning to square dance and tell tales about traditional craftsmen who created useful items in the old-time ways that have since disappeared in most of the country. Included are lessons on how to make rose beads and wooden coffins, and on how to find turtles in your local pond. Also records the voices of descendants of the Cherokees who lived in the region, and learn about what summer camp was like for generations of youngsters.
Illustrated with photographs and drawings.
Click on the book cover or title to read more.
- The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Toys & Games
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Linda Garland Page, Hilton Smith / Paperback 224 pages / Published October 1993
This interesting book is a fine collection of indoor and outdoor games. Includes making cornstalk dolls, honemade board games, play houses, and other toys. Complete instructions for each game or toy are included.
Every toy and game has been tested and is devised to be made or played by yourself and with playmates, all without major expense, complicate parts, or electricity.
Games include marbles, hopscotch, horseshoes, stealing the pines, farmer in the dell, crows and cranes, thimble, and many many more.
Click on the book title to read more and for a complete index of the games and toys.
- The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookery (Paperback)
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Linda Garland Page (Editor), Eliot Wigginton (Editor)/ 352 pages / Published October 1992
More than simply a cookbook, The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookery combines unpretentious, delectable recipes with the wit and wisdom of those who have
prepared and eaten such foods for generations. Drawn from the wealth of material gathered by Foxfire students, this engaging volume evokes the foodways of
a southern Appalachian community.
Illustrated with photographs of the kitchens, people, and foods of Appalachia, this captivating collection contains more than 500 recipes. A sampling of
favorites includes rhubarb cobbler, sassafras tea, fried quail, Brunswick stew, angel flake biscuits, seven-day cole slaw, and lime pickles. The book also
explains traditional methods of preparing and preserving food, including directions for making homemade yeast, curing pork, 'gritting' corn, canning foods,
cooking with a wood stove or fireplace, and preparing wild game.
Click on the book cover or title to read more.
- The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookery (Hardcover)
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Linda Garland Page (Editor), Eliot Wigginton / Hardcover 327 pages / Published September 2001
This delightful cookbook contains over 500 recipes preserving and recording Appalachian cooking. Illustrated with photographs of the people, kitchens,
and foods of the Appalachian mountain folks. Dishes prepared from these recipes are nutritious as well as tasty.
Includes such unusually recipes as rhubarb cobbler, potato candy, cry-baby cookies, and lime pickles.
Black and white photographs throughout.
Click on the book cover or title to read more.
- The Foxfire 40th Anniversary Book: Faith, Family, and the Land
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Foxfire Fund (Author) / Paperback: 560 pages / Published September 2006
The "Foxfire 40th Anniversary Book" is a wonderful tribute to the people of Appalachia as they shared memories of their lives and culture with us. Foxfire
magazine has been documenting and preserving the life and culture of Southern Appalachia for the last forty years in a series of books. Drawing on the magazine's
published talks by local high school students with elderly rural inhabitants, these books have explored the crafts, cooking, music, gardening and stories that
have been passed down through the generations. This book follows the same down-to-earth tone as the preceeding volumes. The earlier ones were very informative,
useful, and enjoyable, and this one certainly lives up to that high standard.
To celebrate the fortieth anniversary of this influential cultural movement, Foxfire editors have assembled a treasury of stories, a wealth of know-how,
ruminations, religion beliefs, advice, natural remedies, and recipes in this book.
Click on the book cover or title to read more.
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The Foxfire Books Series: Kindle Editions
The kindle books on this page are offered for sale in association with
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Storey Country Wisdom Bulletins
On this Lübeck Haus Bookstore's catalogue page are listed a selection of storey country wisdom bulletins.
Storey country bulletins offer practical, hands-on instructions designed to help you learn how to master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily.
Since 1973, these popular 32-page publications with more than 200 titles in this series, have helped the reader to develop their skills for country living.
From traditional skills to the newest techniques, Storey’s Bulletins provide a foundation of earth-friendly DIY information for the way you want to live today.
Bulletin categories include: Animals & Farming, Canning, Crafts, Equine, Food & Drink, Garden Tools & Equipment, Gardening, Greenhouses, House & Home, Nature & Outdoors, Pets, and Well-Being.
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This page was last updated August 24, 2015.