Magnetism and Electricity Books

This is our Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page for recommended books for magnetism, electrostatics and electricity studies and experimentation.
These books will be of interest to engineers, electronic technicians, technical students, experimenters, hobbyists, as well as anyone that
is curious about how magnetism and electricity work.
Here you will find interesting and helpful books for the study of and the experimenting with magnetism, electronics, electricity, electric
motors and generators, transformers, fiber optics and lasers, electrostatics, electronic equipment and gadgets, and related subjects.
Plus an excellent book with instructions for building both sectorless-Wimshurst and Van de Graaff generators.
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Books for Magnetism & Electricity
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Books for Magnetism And Electronics
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Books for Magnetism & Electricity
- Awesome Experiments in Electricity and
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Michael A. DiSpezio, Cathrine Leary, Illustrator / Hardcover 160 pages / Published August 1998
This book, written for ages 9-12, has some seventy interesting and challenging experiments that teach principals of magnets, magnetism, static electricty
and electricity. Includes building basic electric batteries, a simple buzzer, a morse code transmitter, and making and using magnets.
Includes 50 b/w illustration.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Hidden Attraction: The History and Mystery of Magnetism (Oxford Paperback)
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Gerrit L. Verschuur / Paperback 256 pages / Published May 1996
The excellent book gives the reader a good understanding of how magnetism and magnets work. And how the early alchemical experiments with lodestone, Leyden jars, lead to
the beginnings of electricity with Faraday, Oerst, Ampere, and Maxwell. This historical guide provides a solid guide as to the nature of magnetism
and electricty. Includes over two dozen illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
Other Editions: Hardcover
- The Magnet Book
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Shar Levine, Leslie Johnstone / Paperback 80 pages / Published August 1998
This book, written for ages 9-12, examines magnetism and electricity with more than 30 carefully controlled experiments. Clearly written with color drawings and photographs.
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- Magnet Science
~ Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Glen Vecchione / Paperback 128 pages / Published August 1996
This book offers a good introduction to magnets and magnetism. Contains experiments and instructions for making and using magnets, electromagnets, dynamos, motors, and a compass.
And, shows how to see magnetic fields using iron filings. Illustrated with dozens of line drawings.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- The Force of Matter
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Michael Faraday / Paperback 88 pages / Published May 1993
Michael Faraday was one of the first scientists to explore magnetism and electricity.
Read what he has to say.
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- Maxwell on the Electromagnetic Field: A Guided Study
~~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Thomas K. Simpson, Anne Farrell, Illustrator / Paperback 440 pages / Published February 1997
From the Masterworks of Discovery Series this book reproduces major portions of Maxwell's classic papers on key concepts in physics. Includes commentaries, notes, and B/W diagrams.
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- Causality, Electromagnetic Induction, and Gravitation: A Different Approach to the Theory of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Oleg D. Jefimenko / Paperback 224 pages, 2nd Edition / Published March 2000
This well written book presents a different approach to the fundamentals of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and Newton's theory of gravitation. The clearly written text, detailed derivations of the basic formulas and equations, and the illustrative
examples make this book well suited for independent study. Includes Appendixes.
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Other Editions Hardcover
- Electricity and Magnetism: An Introduction to the Theory of Electric and Magnetic Fields
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Oleg D. Jefimenko / Hardcover 598 pages, 2nd Edition / Published September 1989
This textbook of electromagnetic theory was written primarily for an advanced undergraduate course. Includes 243 illustrative examples, 12 plates of lines-of-force, and 10 tables.
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- The Homopolar Handbook: A Definitive Guide to Faraday Disk and N-Machine Technologies
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Thomas Valone, Gary L. Johnson / Paperback 188 pages / Published December 1994
This book records the research and developement of the homopolar motor.
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- Electrical Power: Motors, Controls, Generators, and Transformers
Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Joe Kaiser / Hardcover 331 pages / Published January 1998
This clearly written comprehensive book explains the fundamental principles of the operation of motors, generators and transformers.
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- Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. II
~Usually Ships Within 2 to 3 Weeks
- -Edward M. Purcell / Hardcover 506 pages, 2nd Edition / Published August 1984
This excellent book is one of the best electromagnetism books available. Written by one of the leading minds in the field of
magnetism, it continues to be a best seller. The sequence of topics covered include, electrostatics, steady currents, magnetic field,
electromagnetic induction, and electric and magnetic polarization in matter. Taking a nontraditional approach, this book focus
on fundamental questions from different frames of reference. Each chapter has figures and problems that apply to the concepts
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- Electromagnetic Fields and Waves: Including Electric Circuits
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Paul Lorrain, Francois Lorain, Dale R. Corsen, Contributor
Hardcover 754 pages, 3rd Edition / Published January 1988
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- The Klutz Book of Magnetic Magic
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Paul Doherty, M. Gardener, John Cassidy / Spiral Bound, 68 pages / Published November 1994
This new addition to the Klutz series combines magic tricks with educational fun and includes ten magnets, a history
on magnets, a magnetizable large coin, a steel cover, and thirty-one magic tricks and activities.
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- Computer Simulated Experiments For Electronic Devices
Using Electronic Workshop
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Richard H. Berube / Paperback 425 pages, BK & Disk / Published March 1996
This manual and Electronic Workbench, a circuit simulation software, provides the user with a safe and cost effective method of electronic curcuit
developement and testing using a computer.
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- Gorden McComb's Gadgeteers Gold
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Gorden McComb / Paperback 406 pages / Published July 1990
This electronic experimenters guide has many experiments to build. Including fiberoptic communications, a He-He laser pistol, ultrasonic pest deterrents, solar battery recharger,
and more.
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- Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics, and Laser Cookbook
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Thomas Petruzzellis / Paperback 300 pages / Published May 1997
This book is a guide for technician and hobbyists interested in optical citcuits, including fiber optics and lasers. Contains circuit diagrams, schematics, illustrations for interesting experiments.
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- Lasers, Ray Guns, and Light Cannon: Projects From the Wizard's Workshop
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Gorden McComb / Paperback 413 Pages / Published April 1997
This book is for those experimenters facinated with lasers. This book will show you how to build and use your own laser. Includes 88 projects with inexpensive, easily obtained parts, and step-by-step
instructions. Includes many illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Homemade Lightning: Creative Experiments in Electricity
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -R. A. Ford / Paperback 275 pages, 3rd edition / Published August 2001
One of the best books on electrostatics for the hobbyists, inventor, or experimenter has been updated and expanded to include newly
uncovered information on electrostatic generators. An indispensable guide to anyone interested in learning about electrostatics.
It provides a wonderful overview of the principles involved and complete instructions for building various types, including
Wimshurst and Van de Graaff generators. Throughout the book, the author provides hard-to-find information on electrical anomalies,
which is indispensable to electrostatic research.
Covering theory and presenting electroscope and other construction projects and experiments, this
handbook also includes experiments with electrohorticulture, gravitation and electricity, cold light,
and electric tornadoes. Homemade Lightning is both an excellent first book for the building electrical
experimenter and a superb book for accomplished experimenters who haven't spent much time with
Click on the book title to read more.
- Electrostatics: Exploring, Controlling and Using Static Electricity, Includes the Dirod Manual
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -A. D. Moore, Joseph M. Crowley / Paperback 243 pages, 2nd Editio / Published December 1997
This excellent book covers the historical evolution of the theory and principles of static electricity. Complete instruction details of making a electrostatic generator are covered. Includes 25 demonstrations for classroom or science fair projects.
Click on the book title to read more.
- All About Lightning
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Martin A. Uman / Paperback 167 pages / Published December 1986
Welcome to Lighting 101. This excellent book explains in a clear and easily understood manner what is known about lighting.
Click on the book title to read more.
- 365 More Simple Science Experiments With Everyday Materials
~Usually Ships Within 2 to 3 Weeks
- -E. Richard Churchill, et al / Hardcover 320 pages / Published August 1998
Thes fun experiments cover basic scientific concepts in physics, time, chemistry, space, and nature.
Click on the book title for more information.
- Magnet Therapy: The Pain Cure Alternative
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Ron Lawrence, Judth Plowden / Paperback 256 pages / Published March 1998
This book explains in plain and easily understood language how to use magnets to relieve pain and to help heal your own body.
Click on the book title to read more.
- How to Ace Calculus: The Streetwise Guide
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Colin C. Adams, Joel Hass, Abigail Thompson
Paperback 240pages September 1996
Most math texts are written by Ph.D. mathematicians who seem to be trying to make the text books that they author more difficult
to understand than the textbooks that they learned Calculus with. But, these authors have reversed that trend. These book actually
makes calculus easy to understand and to comprehend. This book has the good stuff we wish we had known when we took calculus.
It contains all the secrets, short cuts, memory aids, and the actual material for a semester's worth of calculus.
Click on the books title to read more.
- How to Ace the Rest of Calculus
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Joel Hass, Abigail Thompson, Colin C. Adams
Paperback 240 pages April 2001
Written by three gifted teachers, this easily comprehended book provides humorous and highly readable explanations of
the key topics of second and third semester calculus. Including such concepts as sequences and series, polar coordinates
and multivariable calculus, all without the technical details that are usually be found in textbooks. This book reduces
the difficult to understand material usually found in many textbooks and gives you a complete basic, to-the-point explanation
with hilarious examples. These authors give you clear explainations for everything that you need and nothing you don't.
Each explaination of the terms includes the formulas and a couple of easily understandable examples that are actually
interesting to read.
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Books for Electronics & Electricity
- Magnets and electricity Electronics
Books on basic electronics, experiments and circuitry.
- Motors and Transformers Electricity
Books on electric motors, transformers and inductors.
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This page last updated March 12, 2019.