Selecting and growing Azaleas and Rhododendrons

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Azaleas and Rhododendrons are some of the most popular and
beautiful flowering shrubs appreciated, cultivated and cared for by home gardeners. Over 800 species are know to exist and thousands of hybrids have been developed
by plant breeders.
Both are members of the genus rhododendron of the heath family and are widely cultivated shrubs and trees with alternate leathery evergreen
leaves and showy colorful flowers. However, Azaleas species can be either deciduous or evergreen.
The research staff at Lübecks Bookstore have selected an extensive selection of books dealing with the selection, propagation, growing, cultivation, and care of Azaleas
and Rhododendrons.
Also included are several recommended books for landscaping with these popular plants.
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Azaleas and Rhododendrons Books
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Books on growing Azaleas and Rhododendrons
- Rhododendron Hybrids
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Homer E. Sally , Harold E. Greer
Hardcover 442 pages, 2nd Edition / Published May 1992
This guide book is an excellent reference on the different Rhododendron hybrids. Covers 5000 different varieties with descriptions and their known pedigrees.
Includes over 580 photographs.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Cox's Guide to Rhododendrons
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Peter Cox, Kenneth Cox / Paperback / Published August 1995
This illustrated guide describes the best species and hybrids for the home gardener.
Covers 100 species and 200 hybrids of rhododendrons, and deciduous and evergreen azaleas.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Greer's Guidebook to Available Rhododendrons
~Usually Ships in 4-6 Weeks
- -Harold E. Greer / Paperback /Published May 1995
Although sometimes difficult to find, this book is well worth the search. This guidebook while through in covering many species and hybrids, the emphasis is on the Rhododendrons generally
available for sale in local nurseries. Covers indentification, habits, hardiness, care, color and with color photographs.
Click on the book title to read more.
Other Editions: Hardcover
- Success with Rhododendrons and Azaleas
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -H. Edward Reiley / Paperback / Published August 1995
This is a comprehensive and practical guide to the propagation and growing of Rhododendra and Azaleas. Covers selection of varieties, growing requirements, propagation, hybridisation,
and tips for growing in a nursery.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Rhododendrons: A Care Manual
~Usually Ships in 4-6 Weeks
- -Kenneth N. E. Cox, Lauel Glen / Hardcover 128 pages / Published June 1998
This excellent step-by-step guidebook to the cultivation and care of many of the rhododendron varieties.
Click on the book title to read more.
- All About Azaleas, Camellias & Rhododendrons
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Derek Fell, Gary Hespenheide(Illustrator)
Fred P. Galle, Michael D. Smith, Editor
Paperback 96 pages / Published October 1995
The Ortho people have produced another good compact, useful and comprehensive guide book for the home gardener.
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- Azaleas
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Fred C. Galle / Hardcover 627 pages / Published March 1988
This is a comprehensive reference book on Azaleas. Covers in-depth information of all the known species of Azaleas and more than 6,000 cultivars. Includes
complete information on identification, cultivation, and diseases. Color Photographs.
Click on the books title to read more.
- Rhododendrons in the Landscape
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Sonja Nelson, Nicholas Brown (Illustrator)/ Hardcover 215 pages
Published March 2000
This book will help the home gardener to select the best varieties of Rhododendrons and how to use them effectively in different garden
landscapes. Companion planting is covered in detail and provides the gardener with the necessary information needed to make a more naturalistic
garden setting using a variety of rhododendrons and other plants.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Shade Gardening
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Jennifer Bennett, Editor, A. Cort Sinnes
Paperback 96 pages / Published July 1996
This book by Ortho presents guidelines, suggestions, and tips on using plants that require shade to fill
out more areas of your landscaping with color and texture.
Click on the book title to read more.

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This page was published September 28, 2000.
This page last updated March 14, 2019.