Building Robots and Robotic Devices

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page has a selection of books for designing, building, and operating robots and robotic devices.
We have selected these books for the serious Robot builder, robotics experimenter, electronic technician, robot hobbyists, tinkers, and anyone else
with an interest in building an interesting robotics project.
These books cover designing and building robots, Lego Mindstorms kits, and robotic automation in general. And to help in the design and understanding
of robotics, several books are included that cover teaching and understanding basic electronics and technical mathematics.
The books on this page are offered for sale in association with
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Building Robots and Robotic Devices
- Robot Building for Beginners
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -David Cook / Paperback 450 pages / Published January 2002
This well written book provides basic, practical knowledge on getting started in amateur robotics. Begining with
the anatomy of a homemade robot, it informs the reader about each step necessary in understanding the component parts
necessary for robot development and gives you practical advice on how to and the techniques needed to proceed successfully.
Covers general sources for parts, tools and additional help are provided. Also, basic safety precautions, component
parts, essential tool selection and use is covered. Digital multimeters selection and proper use is covered in depth.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Robot Builder's Bonanza
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -Gorden McComb / Paperback 720 pages, 2nd Edition / Published September 2000
This second edition of the best-selling "BIBLE" of amateur robotics building is updated to reflect the technological advances since 1987.
This major revision is loaded with the latest information for the latest microprocessors available for microcontrolled robots, sensors and servo
motor technology, remote control techniques, inexpensive robot experiments and projects, and information on Lego Mindstorms Kits and other
commercial kits. Includes complete fully illustrated plans for eleven complete robots, as well as an all new coverage of some of the
latest Lego Mindstorms Robotic kits.
Finally, if you're a robot builder and a tinkerer, you have to have this book. It explains how a robot is put together using commonly
available parts, and gives easily followed directions for locomotion engineering, constructing robotic arms and hands, sensor design,
motorized systems with servo motors, remote control, adding sound, and computer control. And still maintaining the valuable construction
tips and techniques of the first edition. The appendices also have a lot of useful resources such as additional books, sources for parts,
and web links.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Build Your Own Robot
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -Karl Lunt / Paperback 560 pages / Published March 2000
Seattle Robotics Society member Karl Lunt, an avid robot hobbyist, wrote for the Nuts and Volts magazine in the 1990s.
This book is a compilation of these 55 articles from the author's "Amateur Robots" column for this magazine for robot hobbyists.
Chapters discuss software, electronics, mechanics, robotic projects, reworking electronic devices, the 68hc11 microcontroller,
and robot competitions. A variety of ideas, sources, components, schematics and the like are covered throughout these articles.
This book provides not only useful technical information, but also provides a sense of the history of the hobby. A reader of
this book should have an good understanding of basic electronics, some experience with computer programming, some assembly
language programming, and have basic tool and machine shop skills.
This book should not be your first book or a how-to-build manual for those starting out in robotics, but rather used as a
reference book, or a companion guide along with a good beginning book such as Gordon McComb's Robot Builder's Bonanza.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Personal Robotics: Real Robots to Construct,
Program, and Explore the World
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -Richard Raucci / Paperback 201 pages / Published December 1999
This book provides an basic overview of a few dozen robot kits and fully-assembled robots available to educational institutions
and to individual robot hobbyists. These review of available robot products, ranging from the simple to the complex, provides
the readers with the necessary information to find the robot kit to match their skill levels and pocketbook.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Applied Robotics
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -Edwin Wise / Paperback 311 pages / Published September 1999
This excellent introduction to robotics is an project-oriented introduction to hobby robotics providing
complete instructions and schematics for building a small, mobile, self-controlled robot.
This well organized, comprehensive and clearly written this book will give you the information you need
to engineer and build your own robot. If you want to get into robotics and want to build a small robot
of your own design instead of buying an off-the-shelf robot or kit, then this book is for you.
Designed to give the beginning robot hobbists a thorough and complete introduction into the field of
robotics with simple projects and easy-to-read explanations. Detailed and extensive schematics,
programs, and descriptions guide you through the challenges of building a working robot.
With chapters on mechanical design, sensory systems, electronic control, computer software
intelligence, fuzzy logic and micro-controller systems.
The CD-ROM contains source code and Atmel development tools as well as other software development
Click on the book title to read more.
- PICmicro Microcontroller Pocket Reference
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -Michael Predko / Paperback 704 pages / Published November 2000
This book has important and frequently needed information and applications that designers may need to refer to quickly.
Find out mappings, device feature comparisons, data tables, clock tables, power consumption tables, processor instructions,
frequently used code snippets, debugging tips, and much more easily and quickly.
Designed to complement Programming & Customizing the PICMICRO as an immediate resource for experienced applications designers.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Practical Electronics for Inventors
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -Paul Scherz / Paperback 528 pages / Published April 2000
This useful guide to electronics for engineers, hobbyists, and students, presents information on particular electronic circuits and
components without overloading readers with to much technical detail. Covering basic electronics theory and circuitry. The basic
circuit components discussed include semiconductors, optoelectronics, integrated circuits (ICs), operational amplifiers, filters,
oscillators and timers, voltage regulators, audio electronics, digital electronics, DC motors, RC servos, and includes a complete
chapter on the latest microcontrollers. Provides clear, detailed instructions on how to turn theoretical ideas into working
electronic equipment and useful gadgets. Includes over 750 hand-drawn illustrations.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Mastering Technical Mathematics
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -Stan Gibilisco, Bob Goodman, Norman H. Crowhurst
Paperback 567 pages / Published May 1999
This book is a practical self-teaching guide to technical mathematics, covering basic arithmetic,
algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. Contains step-by-step illustrated instructions
and alternative techniques for solving problems in technical mathematics. Totally revised and updated
with state-of-the-art coverage of logic and digital systems. This tutorial guide provides helpful
examples and illustrations, chapter self-tests, and even a comprehensive final exam.
Great instruction for mastering math tests and certification exams, earning a technical degree, or
confidently tackling any engineering challenge.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Mobile Robots: Inspiration to Implementation
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -Joseph L. Jones, Anita M. Flynn, Bruce A. Seiger
Paperback 486 pages, 2nd Edition / Published November 1999
This comprehensive well written book provides a solid introduction into autonomous mobile robotics. Step-by-Step instructions
guide the reader through the process of designing and constructing two different and inexpensive yet fully functional mobile
robots. First described is a tutorial robot and is relatively inexpensive and easy to construct, while the primary robot that
it describes, the Rug Warrior, is not. And, almost anyone wishing to build Rug Warrior will have to purchase it as a kit, as
it employs parts that are difficult to obtain, and the book does not provide enough complete instructions on how to build it.
Instructions on how to interface and program a Motorola 68hc11 microcontroller are provided, as well as infrared sensors,
sonar ranging modules, optical motor encoders, and other sensors.
For anyone seriously interested in hobby robotics with a basic background in electronics, computer programming and mechanical
engineering will benefit from reading and working with with this book. This is because this book contains information that can
be applied toward your own robotic designs and projects, whether or not you decide to build the Rug Warrior.
This new edition adds three chapters, which are projects for the Rug Warrior robot, examples of commercial robots, and advice
on robot design, plus an appendix with information on robot contests.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Robots, Androids and Animatrons
~Ships in 24 Hours
- -John Lovine / Paperback 270 pages, 2nd Edition / Published October 2001
This popular book provides complete instructions for you to create 12 exciting robotic projects
using ready made products and home-built devices. Get an excellent introduction to robotics,
motion control, sensors, and neural intelligence. Build your first walking, talking, sensing, and
decision making robot with the illustrated instructions and the complete parts list provided in
this book. Apply sensors to your Robot to detect bumps, walls, inclines, and to follow paths.
Also, construct a robotic arm that responds to your spoken commands. Or build a realistic, functional
robotic hand or an Robotic insect.
This book gives you the information and techniques that you can use to design and build your own
Robot by putting together basic modules that you can buy and construct a sophisticated Robots of your
own design.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Building Robots With Lego Mindstorms : The Ultimate Tool for Mindstorms Maniacs
~Usually ships within 24 Hours
- -Mario Ferrari, Giulio Ferrari, Ralph Hempel (Technical Editor)
Paperback 656 pages / Published December 2001
This comprehensive book is about building robots using Lego bricks and components. However, this book does not just give you
step by step instructions on how to build a handful of robots, it teaches you how to build any robot. All covered in three
The first section of the book discusses why an interest in robotics as a hobby is challenging and fascinating, and why Lego
is an ideal system to give you a fast solid start in understanding and building robots and with great results.
The second section covers how-to build a robot. This section provides a set of tools you will need
to explore the world of robotics. Some basic knowledge about mechanics, motors, sensors,
pneumatics, navigation, and many tips and tricks. Different standard architectures are explored,
solutions to common recurring problems are discussed, and how to organize complex projects in terms
of subsystems is covered.
The third section will present to you a large survey of possible ideas on what to do with your Mindstorms kit,
once you have learned how to use it. Suggestions only, not complete models to copy step by step.
Includes an eight page, full color insert containing detailed photography of the most impressive robots that
you will be able to build after reading and understanding this book. The photos also detail the
more complex electrical and construction challenges.
Click on the book title to read more.
Robotic Technical Books & Magazines
- Browse through our listings of Robotic Books.
Brouse through a selection of books on Robots.
- Browse through our listings of Lego Mindstorms Robotics Kits.
Brouse through a selection of Lego Mindstorms Robotics Kits and instruction books.
- Browse through our listings of Lego Books .
Brouse through a selection of Lego instruction books.
- Browse through our listings of Lego Instructions (Kindle Editions).
Brouse through a selection of Lego instruction kindle books.
- Browse through our listings of Lego Mindstorms Books.
Brouse through a selection of Lego Mindstorms books.
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This page was last updated June 30, 2019