Medieval Knights and Their Weapons

Welcome to Lübeck Haus Bookstore. This bookstore catalogue page has books about medieval knights,
chivalry and tournaments, medieval times and the crusades, medieval knights and swordmanship, medieval martial arts, making chain maile, medieval warfare techniques
and fighting principles. Also books on the Military Orders of Knights and medieval studies, including the Knights Templars, and Hospitalers. Also included are several
books about the Teutonic Knights and the Swordbrothers and their Baltic Crusades. Plus King Author and the round table at Camelot.
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Medieval Knights and Weapons Books
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Medieval Knights and Weapons Books
- The Secret History of the Sword
~Usually Ships Within 24 Days
- -J.Christopher Amberger / Paperback 298 pages / Published February 1999
This book is an interesting and almost complete history of the sword in European history. Covers the early development of sword fighting
techniques from classical antiquity until the 20th century.
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- The Knight in History
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Frances C. Gies / Paperback 272 pages / Published May 1987
This book is a carefully researched, comprehensive and interesting accounting of the origins, realities, and history of the Knight since the beginnings of Knighthood.
Including the Military Orders of the Templars, Hospitalers, and the Teutonic Knights.
Includes notes, bibliography, plates, maps and illustrations.
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- A Knight and His Weapons
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -R. Ewart Oakeshott / Paperback 124 pages, 2nd Edition / Published 1997
The book covers the sword, knife, maces and various polearms.
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- A Knight and His Armor
~Usually Ships Within 1-2 Weeks
- -R. Ewart Oakeshott / Paperback 110 pages, 2nd Edition / Published August 1999
This book covers the various forms and uses of armor.
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- Teutonic Knights: A Military History
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -William Urban / Hardcover 288 pages / Published February 2003
This fascinating book is a major new history of the military order that defines the lives, deeds and actions of medieval
German crusaders—covers 500 years of European history.
This book surveys the gripping military history of the knights and their order and relates the foundation of the Teutonic Order
and their rise to power. Details the Prussian tribes and the people. Details the Knight's struggles against the Prussian pagans,
the series of wars against Poland and Lithuania, the crusades in Livonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. And the clash with Alexander
Nevsky's Russia. Then covers the gradual decline of the order in the fourteenth century.
The book is complete with dramatic episodes, such as the battle on frozen Lake Peipus in April 1242, and the disaster of Tannenberg.
Defines the Teutonic Knights rise to power, but focuses primarily on their year-after-year struggle to maintain power, fend
off incursions and raiding bands, and launch crusades to covert the Baltic heathens.
Contains 18 B/W photographs, 15 maps, Bibliography, Appendix A: Major Figures in the History of the Teutonic Order, and
Appendix B: The Grand Masters up to 1525.
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- The History of the Knights Templars
~Usually Ships Within2-3 Days
- -Charles G. Addison, David Hatcher Childress, (Introduction)
Paperback 395 pages / Published February 1997
This book is highly recommend to start on your journey to find the truth about the
Knights Templars. While one should not only rely upon one source for historical information,
this book presents the history of the Order of the Knights Templar in a timely manner. The discussion
goes deep into some of the history of the Knights Templars and the events of the period of history
that they lived. And right up to the suppression of the order at the end of the 13th century.
He also sets up a historical basis for the fact that the Templars did not all disappear after
their suppression but lived on in countries where Phillip and Pope Clement V could not touch them.
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- The Knights Templar and Their Myth
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Peter Partner / Paperback 209 pages / Published August 1990
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- The Knight and Chivalry
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Richard Barber / Paperback 472 pages / Published May 1996
The paperback edition of a great reference book on the lives of knights by this authoritative author.
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- Noble, Knights and Men-At-Arms in the
Middle Ages ~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Maurice H. Keen / Hardcover 265 pages / Published March 1996
This excellent book gives an in depth explanation of the importance of the knight to the society of
the middle ages.
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- The Book of the Sword
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Richard F. Burton / Paperback 336 pages / Published April 1989
A great reference book for swords.
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- Medieval Swordmanship: Illustrated Methods and Techniques
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -John Clements / Paperback 344 pages / Published October 1998
This excellent book is a reference book for medieval scholars as well as a hands-on instruction guide for the beginning and advanced swordsmen.
The author reconstructs the lost fighting arts of medieval knights and other warriors.
Contains over 200 illustrated pages of weapons, techniques, and fighting principles.
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- Renaissance Swordsmanship: The Illustrated
Use of Rapiers and Cut-And-Thrust Swords
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -John L. Clements / Paperback 143 pages, Ist Edition / Published March 1997
This book is through and was written for advanced as well as beginning swordsmen, students if military history and the martial arts.
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- The Secrets of the Sword
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Baron Cesar De Bazancourt / Paperback 246 pages / Published August 1998
This book is recommended for the beginning and also the avid experienced swordsman. This book presents a different but interesting view of the sport.
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- Medieval Combat: A Fifteenth-Century Illustrated Manual of Swordfighting and
Close-Quarter Combat ~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Hans Talhoffer, Mark Rector, John Clements
Hardcover 304 pages / Published September 2000
An excellent well written book written by a great master fightmaster. Covers history from late middle ages through more modern times.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Medieval Swordsmanship: Illustrated Methods and Techniques
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -John Clements / Paperback 344 pages / Published October 1998
Expertly covers in detail the sword and the martial skills of the medieval warriors.
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- Dictionary of Medieval Knighthood and Chivalry:
Concepts and Terms
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Bradford B. Brougton / Hardcover 597 pages / Published March 1986
This excellent dictionary is particularly strong in castle, military, and heraldic terms and concepts. This dictionary will be
useful--perhaps even essential--to researchers and authors writing on the subject of knighthood and chivalry, as well as to
historians wishing to consult a Dictionary that is particularly strong in matters pertaining to medieval military and heraldic terms.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Arm & Armor of the Medieval Knight
~Out of Print, Available used
- -David Edge / Hardcover / Published September 1993
This is an excellent resource and reference book. If you buy one book on Arms & Armor, this should be your first choice.
Click on the book title to read more, and how to order.
- The Mediaeval Tournament
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -R. Coltman Clephan / Paperback 240 pages / Published August 1995
This book is an unabridged republication of The Tournament: Its Periods and Phases by Methuen & Co. (1919)
It describes and illustrates in black and white, body armor, chain mail, plate armor and many more aspects of knighthood.
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- Knights at Tournament
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Christopher Gravett, Angus McBride / Paperback 64 pages / Published March 1992
This book traces the evolution of Tournament, from it's inception as a deadly exercise relating to medieval warfare,
into "The Sport of Kings", a magnificent and very popular public spectacle. In addition to learning about the major
developmental aspects of Tournament, the reader will learn much the rules and customs associated with the event.
In addition, the various events of a typical tournament are discussed and defined. Interesting and detailed information
on the weapons used, such as the lances, shields, specialized armor and weapons, and the war horses used in the tournament.
Includes 12 color plates and 55 B/W photographs.
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- The World of the Medieval Knight
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Christopher Gravett, Brett Breckon (Illustrator)
Hardcover 64 pages / Published October 1996
This book introduces the reader to the world of the medieval knight. Specific topics include castles, jousting, castle sieges,
crusades, armor and weapons. This is artfully done on double-page spreads in an informative and expert manner. Also includes a
large map showing the travels and warfare routes of the knight.
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Atlas of the Crusades
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
-Jonathan Rity-Smith, Editor / Hardcover 192 pages / Published November 1990
This well written book chronicles the 700 year history of Christendom's Holy War in text, 150 high quality color maps, and 20 color photographs.
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The Book of the Medieval Knight
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
-Stephen Turnbull / Paperback / Published March 1995
This book is well written and is well illustrated.
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Medieval Knights
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
-David Nicolle / Hardcover / Published 1996
This book of the See-Through History Series, examines various the aspects of knighthood and the medieval period of history.
Discussed are the feudal system, forms of heraldry, and the religious pilgrimages. Featured are the four colorful illustrations
complete with plastic overlays that explore the armor, weaponry, and war-horses used by knights during the medieval period,
a look at the inside and outside of a manor house and the layers of armor worn by knights. Covered as well are the code of
chivalry, the crusades, and other important aspects of life in the Middle Ages.
Includes a time-line, Glossary, and Index.
Click on the book title to read more.
State and Nobility in
Early Modern Germany: The Knightly Feud in Franconia, 1440-1567(Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
-Hillay Zmora / Hardcover 400 pages / Published March 1998
This book offers a new viewpoint of the history of the German nobility in the early modern period. This viewpoint
is that contrary to the prevailing view, the nobility was not in a period of crisis that facilitated the rise of the state.
Rather, the nobility underwent a process of social stratification in the wake of the growth of the state. This process led
to the formation of an special relationship of wealthy noble families on whose co-operation the state depended. This alliance,
and not a presumed partnership between rulers and bourgeoisie, was the driving force in early modern Germany.
Click on the book title to read more.
Castle and Medieval Knight Wall Posters, Fine Art Prints, and Tapestries.
For a selection of castle wall posters, art prints, and wall tapestries, please visit our Lübeck Haus Art Gallery
- Medieval Castles
Some of these castle wall posters include Neuschwanstein, Castle Lichtenstein, Innsbruch Castle, and Castle Lausanne.
- Medieval Knights
Offers a nice selection of medieval knight wall posters, and tapestries.
Lübeck Haus Department of Medieval Weapons
For a selection of medieval armour and weapons Click Here.
Our Department of Medieval Weapons has a selecton of medieval armour and weapons for sale. Items include medieval armor skull helmets, leather and metal gauntlet gloves,
steel medieval breastplates, a selecton of swords, crossbows, arrows, and battle axes.
Bookstore Catalogue Page Links
- Knights Templar Books Catalogue Page.
Books on medievl castles, Knights Templar, Knights Templar Encyclopedia, and Knights Templar history.
- Castle Books Catalogue Page.
Books on castles, castle history, and castle construction.
- Construction Books Catalogue Page .
Books on stone construction, building with stones, timber framing and log houses.
- Medieval Weapons Catalogue Page .
Books on medieval arms and armor, siege machines, and other medieval period weaponry.
- Videos Video lists .
Castle, knights, and siege video tapes and CD's.
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This page was last updated July 08, 2019.