Writers Books and Reports

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page lists books about learning how-to be a successful writer.
Have you always wanted to get into writing a best selling book, a steamy romance novel, a mystery novel, or best selling how-to books? But didn't have a clue where to start?
hese books will help open the door for you to start learning. They will teach you how to write a good story, or produce a best selling magazine article, and how and where to
find a good agent to help sell your book or magazine manuscript.
Several of Writer's Digest publications are excellent resources for the published and the would-be author.
Also included are several books from the Mystery Writers of America and The Gotham Writer's Workshop.
Gotham Writers’ Workshop is America’s leading private creative writing school, offering classes in New York City and on the web at Writing Classes.com. The school’s interactive
online classes, selected “Best of the Web” by Forbes, have attracted thousands of aspiring writers from across the United States and more than sixty countries.
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Writer's Digest Books
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Books and Reports For Novel Writers
- How to Write a Damn Good Novel: A Steb-By-Step No Nonsense Guide to Dramatic Storytelling
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -James N. Frey, Designed by Jaya Dayal / Hardcover 174 pages / Published November 1987
Written in a clear, crisp style, this book is a thorough book-writing tutorial that is perfect for beginners. And for professional writers who need a crash course in the down-to-earth basics of storytelling. The author gives helpful, sensible rules and principles that will free a writer to face that intimidating first page, keep him on track when he falters, and help him analyze the problems with his work when he's done.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- The First Five Pages: A Writer's Guide To Staying Out of the Rejection Pile
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Noah T. Lukeman / Paperback 208 pages / Published December 1999
Editors always tell beginning writers that the first few pages of a manuscript are crucial in the publishing process, and it's true. These first pages set the tone for the story and if an editor. agent, or reader loses interest after a page or two, you've lost him or her completely. This is true even if the middle of your novel is brilliant and the ending phenomenal. Noah Lukeman, an agent in Manhattan, has taken this advice and created a book that examines just what this means.
Many writers spend the majority of their time devising their plot. What they don't seem to understand is that if their execution, if their prose, isn't quite up to par, their plot may not even be considered. Lukeman explains what prose is and how it reads to others. He deals with dialogue, style, and, most importantly, rhythm. A great story must have rhythm, its own kind of music, in order to draw the reader into the fictive dream that the writer is drawing.
This is important for you, the writer, because rhythm helps to determine the sharpness of your focus, the completeness of your vision, necessary in order to draw the reader into the fictive dream.
The First Five Pages developes the confidence that you, as a writer, needs to direct a three hundred page story.
This is one primer that should be on every writer's shelf, ready for use. It is that important.
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- Writing Fiction: The Practical Guide from New York's Acclaimed Creative Writing School
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Gotham Writers' Workshop (Editor) / Paperback 291 pages / Published August 2003
This excellent book is the first in a series of writing guides by New York's acclaimed Gotham Writers' Workshop to be published by Bloomsbury. Written by Gotham Writers' Workshop expert instructors and edited by Dean of Faculty Alexander Steele, Writing Fiction offers many of the same methods and exercises that have earned the school international acclaim.
Gotham Writers' Workshop has mastered the art of teaching the craft of writing in a way that is practical, accessible, and entertaining. Now the techniques of this renowned school are available in Writing Fiction.
Written for the aspiring and experienced writer alike, the book includes:
- The fundamental elements of fiction craft - character development, pacing, dialogue and revision, plot, point of view, are explained clearly and completely
- Key concepts illustrated with passages from great works of fiction
- The complete text of "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver - a masterpiece of contemporary short fiction that is analyzed throughout the book
- Exercises that let you immediately apply what you learn to your own writing
Once you've read and written your way through this book, you'll have a command of craft that will enable you to turn your ideas into effective short stories and novels.
The writing is fresh and full of solid advice, and exercises allow students to explore what they have learned. This is an excellent starting place for someone exploring the art and craft of writing fiction.
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Click on the book cover or title to read more.
- You Can Write a Mystery
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Gillian Roberts, Rita C. Estrada, Rita Gallagher / Paperback 124 pages / Published August 1999
Award-winning author Gillian Roberts takes the mystery out of writing for the stable and profitable market for mystery novels. The author defines the genre, concentrating on core elements of the category, from developing ideas and building character profiles to researching crimes and selecting point of view. Following her examples and exercises, readers will begin to create their own story as they construct an outline filled with hooks, cliffhangers, intriguing characters and red herrings. In addition the author offers expert advice for editing, revising and submitting a top-notch manuscript.
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- Writing Mysteries: A Handbook by the Mystery Writers of America
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Sue Grafton, Jan Burke, Barry Zeman (Editors)/ Paperback 312 pages / Published April 2002
This comprehensive mystery writing guide covers everything it takes to write a successful mystery, from preparation to specialties. The ingredients for brewing up an unforgettable plot and compelling characters, choosing a point of view, infallible structure, dialogue that works, and rippling pacing, are served up here in a host of contributions from some of the most respected writers of mystery stores.
The contributors, all members of the Mystery Writers of America, present informal essays on the special aspects and problems of writing mystery fiction, including making stories more taut, more real, more immediate, and more fraught with tension. This book takes you behind the scenes so you can see how the riddles are created and the illusions sustained.
This how-to book differs from other Writer's Digest books in that the articles move sequentially through the process from preparation to publication. The specialties section focuses on mysteries for young people and short story mysteries. So, all you aspiring mystery writers, discover, plot, craft, and most of all write, write, write. The next spellbinding mystery to hit the bookstores may be yours.
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- Getting Your Book Published For Dummies
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Sarah Parsons Zackheim, Adrian Zackheim / Paperback 384 pages / Published July 2000
This comprehensive book is a straightforward friendly guide to the publishing industry. Learn how to understand the business and its players. Covers the art of negotiating advances, options, and rights. Take advantage of industry insider Sarah Parsons Zackheim's decades of experience and find out how to refine your book idea, submit winning queries, get an agent, and sell your book.
Discover how to:
- Choose a book idea
- Get inspired to write
- Find a market for your work
- Choose a publisher
- Act as your own agent
- Negotiate your contract
- Self-publish your book on the Web.
Click on the book cover or title to read more.
- Writing a Romance Novel for Dummies
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Leslie Wainger, Foreword by Linda Howard / Paperback 384 pages / Published April 2004
This easy to follow, step-by-step guide gives you the leading edge on creating and writing your romance novel, and getting it published. From developing a compelling story plot, to creating the perfect heroes and heroines, you'll discover how to hook your readers and hold their attention, write love scenes, and write with authority and passion. And how to find the right agent, put together and submit a winning proposal that will convince your agent and book editors to buy your book.
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This page last updated May 03, 2018.