Concrete, and Masonry Construction Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page lists books for concrete and concrete construction.
These books are on concrete, concrete construction, and masonry construction, repairing concrete building and structures, building concrete
foundations, building and repairing slate roofs, and concrete construction in general. Included is Schaum's Outlines manual, the high-performance
study guide, on reinforced concrete. These books are for builders, building contractors, home owners, do-it-yourselfers, designers, architects,
researchers, engineers, and general construction contractors.
The following list of books were carefully selected for the do-it-yourself masonry builders and contractors by our research staff. These
books were selected because their text material is clearly written and usually is accompanied with instructive photographs, drawings and
illustrations. And that if followed closely by the reader, the reader should be able to perform the work required to complete a successful
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Building With Concrete Books and Manuals
- Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -James G. MacGregor, James K. Wight / Hardcover 1314 pages, 4rd Edition / Published December 2004
This latest edition of reinforced concrete construction presenting the theory of reinforced concrete design as a direct
application of the laws of statics and behavior of reinforced concrete. Explains the theory and practice of reinforced
concrete design in a systematic and clear fashion with an abundance of step-by-step worked examples, illustrations,
and photographs. Emphasizes that a successful design must not only satisfy the design equations, but practical
construction aspects as well. Numerous examples are all worked out completely step-by-step. Coverage includes flexure,
torsion, continuous beams, columns, two-way slabs, footing, walls, design for earthquake resistance, and more. Includes
analysis and design of beams with tension and compression steel, transverse reinforcement design, deflections, torsion,
one-way and two-way slabs, continuous beams and more. Includes detailed treatments of flexure, shear, development and
columns at a level suitable for undergraduate use, as well as the more difficult areas of strain compatibility solutions
of beams, strut-and-tie models, and design for earthquake resistance.
For professionals in the field who need a comprehensive reference on concrete structures and the design of reinforced
Click on the book title to read more.
- Masonry and Concrete Construction
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Ken Nolan / Hardcover 304 pages, Revised Edition / Published December 1997
This revised edition of the popular manual has the latest information on everything from on-site preplanning
and layout through the construction of footings, foundations, walls, fireplaces and chimneys.
There’s new information on concrete, masonry and seismic reinforcement. Plus improved estimating techniques
to help you win more construction bids. The emphasis is on integrating new techniques and improved materials
with the tried-and-true methods. Includes information on cement and mortar types, mixes, coloring agents and
additives, and suggestions on when, where and how to use them. Also includes calculating footing and foundation loads
with tables and formulas. Covers forms and pouring reinforcing concrete slabs and flatwork. Covers block and
brick wall construction, crack control, masonry veneer construction, brick floors and pavements, including
design considerations and materials. And cleaning, painting and repairing all types of masonry.
There’s an added appendix on safety regulations, with all the applicable OSHA sections pulled together into
one handy condensed reference.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Basic Concrete Engineering for Builders
~Out of Print--Limited Availability From Our Used Book Dealers
- -Max Schwartz / Paperback 256 pages, Bk&Cd-Rom edition / Published February 2001
This book cover basic concrete design principles in terms readily understood by experienced contractors.
Shows how structural engineers design with concrete for buildings, including foundations, slabs, columns, walls, girders,
and more. Tells you what you need to know about admixtures, reinforcing, and methods of strengthening concrete,
plus tips on field mixing, transit mix, pumping, and curing. Explains how to design forms for maximum strength
and to prevent blow-outs, form and size slabs, beams, columns and girders, calculate the right size and reinforcing
for foundations, figure loads and carrying capacities, design concrete walls, and more.
Includes a CD-ROM with a limited version of an engineering software program to help you
calculate beam, slab and column size and reinforcement.
Click on the book title to read more, and to locate a copy.
- Schaum's Outline of Reinforced Concrete Design
~Usually Ships in 24 hours
- -Noel J. Everard / Paperback 368 pages, 3rd edition / Published December 1992
Master reinforced concrete design with this Schaum's manual. Schaum's Outlines are perfect for
preparing you for graduate or professional exams. Because they give you the necessary information
your teachers expect you to know in a handy and succinct format, without overwhelming you with
unnecessary details. It will help you cut study time, hone problem-solving skills, and achieve
your personal best on exams!
Coverage includes, details of materials and components for reinforced concrete construction. gravity loads,
lateral loads, strength design, shear and torsion, footings and much more.
This manual provides 150 fully-worked problems, 114 additional practice problems;
Coverage of all course fundamentals that supplements any class text. Clear explanations that help you
understand the complete course concepts, definitions, and more. Presents effective methods for preparing
for class exams. If you want top grades and thorough understanding of reinforced concrete design,
this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have!
Includes appendixes.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Construction Manual: Concrete and Formwork
~Usually Ships Within 24 hours
- -T. W. Love / Paperback 176 pages / Published December 1987
This well written practical manual has all the information you need to select and pour the right mix for the job, lay out the
structure, choose the right form materials, design and build the forms, and finish and cure the concrete. Contains nearly
100 pages of step-by-step instructions that show how to construct and erect most types of site-fabricated wood forms used in
residential construction.
Click on the book title to excerpts from this book.
- Concrete, Masonry and Brickwork: A Practical
Handbook for the Home Owner and Small Builder
~Usually Ships Within 2 to 3 Days
- -U.S. Dept. of Army / Paperback 320 pages / Published December 1999
Extensive revision of essential guide to concrete, masonry and brickwork for home handyman or professional small builder.
Includes step-by-step illustrated instructions for building patios, retaining walls, porches, brick barbecue, garage,
and much more. Over 170 easy-to-follow figures, 54 tables of important statistical information. Plus Appendices.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Formwork For Concrete Structures
~Usually Ships Within 2 Days
- -R. L. Peurifoy, G. D. Oberlender / Hardcover 352 pages, 3rd edition / Published December 1995
This book is a complete update of the classic guide to formwork design, materials, and methods The long-awaited update
of this authoritiative guide offers civil and structural engineers, architects, and contractors the latest information
on formwork design, materials, and methods for concrete structures.
Shows how to cut costs by making the most of the material, time, labor, and equipment that is required to design, erect,
and remove formwork. Includes complete details on state-of-the-art materials and technology plus fast access to scores
of tables and practical examples that help you sidestep costly, guesswork and trial-and-errors methods. A completely
up-to-date list of formwork material suppliers rounds out this one-of-a-kind money saver.
Includes numerous solved problems, many useful tables and equations for designing formwork, and a listing of
manufacturers and suppliers of formwork materials.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Masonry & Concrete Construction
~Usually Ships Within 24 hours
- -Kenneth J. Nolan, Ken Nolan / Paperback 302 pages / Published December 1997
This book is an excellent introduction to the many forms of brick, block, and concrete materials applications.
Starting with the theory and chemistry of concrete and mortar formulation, then covers chapter by chapter the various applications.
The book is well illustrated with photos and drawings, as well as charts and tables to assist in computations of mixes,
materials requirements, load capabilities of footings. This book is well-written in an easy-to-understand manner. If you need to
avoid the experience and frustration of trying to lay brick with the wrong mortar mixture, this book is for you.
An appendix cover the OSHA regulations for job safety.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Making Concrete Garden Ornaments
~Usually Ships Withn 24 hours
- -Sherri Warner Hunter / Paperback: 144 pages / Published May 2002
Concrete garden ornaments and figures have recently become quite popular additions to yards and gardens.
Strong, versatile, and amazingly easy to work with, concrete is the ideal medium for outdoor art and
long-lasting, practical projects for the garden. This book presents projects by several designers for
making mosaic stepping stones, birdbaths, carved planters, and art figures. The projects offer
step-by-step instructions on how to mix concrete, make molds, and embed mosaics. The finished products
are heavy, year-round installations intended to stay where they are placed. These projects do not cost
a lot of money or require special equipment. All the supplies and materials that you will need are at
your local home improvement center.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture
~Usually Ships Within 24 hours
- -Ernest Burden / Paperback 400 pages, 3rd edition / Published December 2000
This comprehensive latest edition of the most definitive reference in architecture has been revised, and expanded to bring
you the broadest possible coverage of the language of architecture and construction. Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture
is a compilation of more than 5,000 photographs and drawings in nearly 1,500 entries that define the technical and stylistic
elements of both current and historical architecture. This unique resource contains nearly 4000 design-related definitions
and more than 3000 illustrations, which is far more than any other dictionary. Terms are arranged alphabetically.
Definitions of similar elements are clustered together under one heading. All terms are listed in the alphabetical
index at the end of the volume.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Slate Roof Bible
Out of Print--Try Our Used Book Dealers
- -Joseph Jenkins / Paperback 288 pages / Published August 1997
This is a two-part, indexed and referenced book which has everything you need to know to build, maintain,
keep your slate roof in great conditions for centuries. It is a detailed step-by-step, illustrated tile
installation and tile roof repair manual. Plus sources of slate roofing tools, equipment, and new and used
slate material. Includes 195 photographs and 175 drawings, tables, maps, and graphs.
Click on the book title to read more, and to locate a copy.

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This page last updated April 14, 2019.