Designing, Building & Using Electronic Test Equipment

This is our Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page of recommended books for designing, building, and using electronic test equipment for the home electronic laboratory.
Also books are included on the study of testing and troubleshooting of electronic circuitry with test equipment. Test equipment is among the most important tools that is used by professional electronic technicians and electronics hobbyists. Test equipment is essential in helping you while constructing, calibrating, testing or troubleshooting electronic circuitry. Learning how to read and understand electronic schematics is essential for success. Here you will find several helpful books for building your own electronic circuit development and testing lab, and several books for designing and building electronic text equipment are included as well.
These books will be a great help for the serious radio experimenters that enjoy designing and building Ham or SWL equipment. And when you need to get your home-brewed transmitters, receivers and linear amps calibrated and running properly you're probably going to want the sound, practical advice contained in these books.
Electronic technicians, electronic engineers, technical students, Robot builders, Ham operators, digital and analog electronic experimenters, and radio frequency experimenters, may find these books essential, interesting and very useful in their studies and using on heir workbenches.
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Books for Electronic Technicians, Students & Hobbyists
- Build Your Own Home Lab
~Usually Ships in 6 to 10 Days
- -Clement S. Pepper / Paperback 314 pages / Published August 1997
For electronic technicians, experimenters and hobbyists who love experimenting with electronic parts or building electronic kits, this book is for you. This book shows you how to assemble for yourself an efficient working home lab inexpensively, and how to make it pay for itself through years of growth and use. Includes detailed information on building power supplies, digital panel
meters, frequency counters, timers, function generators, battery monitors, and more. Also contains component descriptions, technical data, and application notes for diodes, transistors, LED's, IC's, and more. This book will be a useful reference even after you have built your own dream lab.
Also includes projects for building your own instruments, including a multichannel oscilloscope switch and a 100-minute timer/stopwatch.
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- Build Your Own Test Equipment
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Carl J. Bergquist / Hardcover 267 pages / Published March 1998
This book covers information on how to build electronic text equipment and several practical and useful testing devices. This text equipment is designed to be practical and uses only commonly available components. Numerous construction tips are
also included.
Construction projects include: prototype lab, multi-output test bench power supply, signal generator and tester, tri-state logic probe, bipolar transistor tester, IC tester, portable digital capacitance meter, four-digit counter, digital multimeter, digital function generator, eight-digit frequency counter and a solid-state oscilloscope. By building your own test equipment you also acquire a better understanding of electronics circuitry in general. In addition, by building your own equipment you can customize the test equipment to suit your own needs.
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- Build Your Own Test Equipment
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Homer L. Davidson / Paperback 286 pages / Published February 1991
This book is an excellent source for inexpensive test equipment for both the hobbyist and the professional electronic technician. Build your own test equipment with this project book with clear, illustrated instructions for constructing 32 inexpensive, high-performance electronic test instruments. Outlined in this book are instructions for building equipment to test audio components, TV's, VCR's, and communications devices.
For working electronic technicians and ambitious hobbyists.
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- Beginner's Guide to Reading Schematics
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Robert J. Traister, Anna L. Lisk
Paperback 129 pages, 2 edition / Published March 1991
This book is an excellent book for beginning electronic hobbyists and electronic technicians who want to have basic knowledge of reading electronic schematic. Learn what each component in an electronic circuitry is designed to do and how each part works together as shown by this schematic.
Learning how-to read schematics correctly in essential for electronic professionals.
For working electronic technicians and ambitious hobbyists.
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- Test Procedures for Basic Electronics
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Irving M. Gottlieb / Paperback 356 pages / Published December 1994
Covers the how and the why of using test equipment and explains many useful electronic tests and measurement techniques. The emphasis is on employing test procedures using commonly used test instruments. Covers testing DC resistance, voltage and current, impedance concepts, semiconductors, and digital circuit testing.
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- How to Test Almost Anything Electronic
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Delton T. Horn / Paperback 326 pages / Published April 1993
This guide book is a practical, hands-on guide to troubleshooting circuitry with electronic test equipment. Completely revised to include current testing techniques and contains new chapters on mechanical repairs and flowcharting. This practical handbook show you how common devices such as multimeters, frequency and logic probes, signal traces, and oscilloscopes are used to locate the problem. Shows how-to pinpoint problems in everything from TV sets and computers to automotive electrical systems.
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- How Electronic Things Work: And What to do When They Don't
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Robert L. Goodman / Paperback 426 pages, 2 edition / Published October 2002
This latest edition update of the 1998 edition explains the practical side of electronics. Learn how-to troubleshoot problems in electronic equipment and devices. Covers techniques and procedures for testing, repairing, servicing, and resolving typical problems with common household electronic devices.
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This page was last updated June 30, 2015.