Schaum' Outlines for Electronic Technicians, Engineers, Hobbyists, and Experimenters

This is our Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page of recommended Schaum's Outline books for the serious study of electromagnetics, electricity, electronics, electronic circuitry,
and basic computer architecture.
These excellent study guides and educational resources will help you to reduce your study time, improve problem-solving skills, and achieve your personal
best on examinations, experiments, and projects! They cover all course fundamentals, supplements any class textbook, and are ideal for independent study.
They provide the information necessary to lead the reader through the solution of those problems in electronics that a student, electronic technician,
engineer, or hobbists might encounter. These outlines show the reader how to apply the principles through practical solved problems.
Here you will find essential and helpful guidance for the study of electromagnetics, electricity, electronics, radios theory, electronic circuitry, and personal computers.
They cover learning basic electricity, electromagnetics, electronics, technical mathematics, understanding and designing radio frequency(Rf) circuitry, digital circuits
and basic computer architecture.
Electronic technicians, electronic engineers, technical students, robot & personal computer builders, Ham operators, digital and analog electronic experimenters,
and radio frequency experimentors, may find these books essential, interesting and very useful in their studies and on their workbenches.
Students love the Schaum's Outlines because they produce results. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students improve their test scores and final grades
with these indispensable study guides. Get the edge on your classmates. Use Schaum's Outlines.
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Schaum Outlines
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Schaum's Outlines for Electronic Technicians, Students & Hobbyists
- Schaum's Outline of Computer Architecture
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Nicholas Carter, Phd / Paperback 304 pages / Published December 2001
Master the fundamentals of computer architecture with this Schaum's problem and solution manual. This manual integrates general computer principles
with laboratory exercises. This provides the reader with the hands-on experience needed to master the basics of modern computer architecture and
system design. Features more than 200 detailed problems, with step-by-step solutions, chapter summaries with additional "rapid-review" questions,
and expert sidebar tips. Describes analytical methods for quantifying real-world design choices regarding instruction sets, pipelining, cache, memory,
I/O, and other critical hardware and software elements involved in designing and building computers. Also includes many detailed graphics and charts.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Schaum's Outline of Basic Electricity
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Milton Gussow / Paperback 454 pages / Published September 1983
This comprehensive book was designed as a basic text to cover the fundamentals of electricity and electric circuits. It may be used by students with no
experience in electricity. Explainations and the step-by-step solutions are deliberately detailed so that this text material can stand alone. Therefore
it would serve nicely as a home-study or reference book. The reader is assumed to have a basic knowledge of algebra and trigonometry. Designed to provide
a broad and deep background in the fundamentals of elecxtricty and the operation and applications of electric circuits. Includes 640 fully worked problems
and easy to follow examples with diagrams and illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Schaum's Outline of Digital Principles
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Rodger L. Tokheim / Paperback 384 pages, 3rd Edition / Published January 1994
This comprehensive book provides the information necessary to lead the reader through the solution of those problems in electronics that a student,
electronic technician, engineer, or hobbists might encounter. This outline show the reader how to apply the priciples through practical solved problems.
This third edition covers the same topics of digital fundamentals as the previous editions, and has been enlarged to include the technological shift
toward using more CMOS, NMOS, and PMOS integrated circuits. Also includes coverage on liguid-crystal displays(LCDs) and a chapter on microcomputer memory.
This powerful study tool takes you step-by-step through the subject material and gives you accompanying related problems with fully worked solutions.
Includes 716 problems with worked solutions, hundreds more answered problems, and detailed illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Schaum's Outline of Electromagnetics
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Joseph A. Edminster / Paperback 338 pages, 2nd Edition / Published October 1994
This second edition offers three new chapters, which are transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas. This is the perfect study guide
which is loaded with solved problems and thorough explainations of electromagnetics concepts, in plain English.
When used along with your textbook, it broadens your level of comprehension and helps you prepare for classroom exams.
Features 351
completely solved problems worked out step by step. Shows you how to solve the kinds of problems you will find on your tests. Throughout
this book the mathematics has been kept as simple as possible, and an abstract approach has been avoided. And the
coverage of electromagnetics fundamentals is so complete that it can be used alone as an independent study course.
Includes numerous graphs and sketches.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Schaum's Outline of Basic Circuit Analysis
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -John O'Malley / Paperback 419 pages, 2nd Edition / Published July 1992
This book begins with the analysis of dec resistive circuits and continues to that of ac circuits covering all course fundamentals and supplement any classroom text.
This book can be used as a supplement to a circuit analysis textbook. Higher mathematics is not required to understand the material covered. One of this book's
special features is it's coverage of PSpice, which is a computer circuit analysis program or simulation program that is suitable for use on personal computers.
Another feature is the presentation of operational-amplifier(op-amp) circuits.
Overall, contains 700 fully worked problems and 739 more practice problems.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Schaum's Outline of Electric Machines & Electromechanics
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Syed A. Nasar / Paperback 224 pages, 2nd Edition / Published July 1997
Covering a broad range of topics, including simple DC magnetic circuits, power transformers, DC machines, and electronic control of DC and AC motors.
All the concepts and their applications are clearly explained and illustrated. Includes hundreds of problems with complete and detailed step-by-step
solutions to help the reader to understand and learn quickly the fundamental concepts.
Ideal for undergraduate students of electrical engineering, for independent study, and as a refresher.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Schaum's Outline of Basic Electrical Engineering
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Jimmie J. Cathy, Syed A. Nasar / Paperback 352 pages, 2nd Edition / Published November 1996
Electrical engineering students love Schaum's Outline of Basic Electrical Engineering, and made the first edition of this book was a major bestseller.
This guide takes you straight to the heart of Electrical Engineering. Basic Electrical Engineering lets you focus on the problems that are the core of
electrical engineering. Sudents can use this book with any textbook. Works well with textbooks dealing with Electrical Engineering, Intro to Engineering,
Electronics, Electro-Cirtuit analysis, and Digital Logic courses. Presents hundreds of solved problems with step-by-step solutions. Ace your exams with
this easy-to-follow guide that increases your problem-solving skills and reduces the time you need to spend studying!
In addition this book is perfect for self-study.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Schaum's Outline of Basic Electric Circuits
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Joeseph A. Edminister, Mahmood Nahvi
Paperback 468 pages, 3rd Edition / Published May 1995
This third edition of Elecric Circuits provides all-new chapters on operational-amplifier circuits, waveforms
and signals, two-port networks, Fourier transforms, and cover the latest circuit analysis using Spice and
PSpice software. It provides the reader with a deeper comprehension of electric circuits and improved analytical
skills. Provides the reader with a solid foundation and background for engineering and electronics studies.
This study guide helps to reinforce learning and prepares the students for top results on exams and in practice.
Contains 364 solved problems with complete step-by-step solutions, and 334 supplemental electric circuits problems with answers.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Schaum's Outline of Basic Electronic Devices & Circuits
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Jimmie J. Cathy / Paperback 302 pages / Published October 1988
This book is designed to supplement
the text for a first course in electronic circuits for electrical engineers. It can also be used a refresher course for
electronic technicians and engineering students. This book presents a comprehensive coverage solid-state devices and one chapter on vacuum tubes
This outline presents 645 solved problems. Additionally, this book includes hundreds of supplementary problems. Includes many illustration and diagrams.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Schaum's Outline/ 3,000 Solved Problems in Electrical Circuits
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Syed A. Nasar / Paperback 1.04 / Published January 1988
This comprehensive and complete problem-solver is the perfect tool for graduate or professional exam preparation. This
guide gives you 3,000 problems in electric circuits, fully solved step-by-step solutions. This is the students favorite
that presents a diagram-packed time saver to help you master every type of problem you'll face on tests. Problems cover
every area of electric circuits, from basic units to complex multi-phase circuits, two-port networks, and the use of
Laplace transforms. Go directly to the answers and detailed diagrams you need with our detailed, cross-referenced index.
Compatible with any classroom text and is also ideal for independent study.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Schaum's Outline for Basic Mathematics for Electricity and Electronics
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Authur Beiser / Paperback 205 pages, 2nd Edition / Published February 1993
The successful study of electrical and electronic fundamentals requires a basic understanding of mathematics. The best method
of aquiring this knowledge is in the content of the subject matter itself. This book presents this knowledge of the mathematics
required with illustrations of calculations based upon actual problems. This includes 341 solved problems with step-by-step
solutions, and an additional 651 problems with the correct answers.
This book works well as a supplement to classroom texts, or for independent study.
Click on the book title to read more.

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This page was last updated March 05, 2019.