Radio Circuitry Books for Electronic Technicians, Hobbyists, and Experimenters

This is Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page of recommended books for the study of radio theory and radio frequency (RF) equipment circuitry.
Here you will find essential and helpful books for the study of and experimention with electronics, radios, electricity, electronic equipment
and gadgets, and related subjects. They cover learning basic radio frequency (RF) theory, radio transmitters and receivers, basic electronics,
technical mathematics, and building and understanding RF and digital circuits.
These books will be a great help for the serious radio experimenters that enjoy designing and building Ham or SWL equipment. And when you need
to get your home-brewed transmitters, receivers and linear amps up and running quickly, you're probably going to want the sound, practical advice
contained in these books.
Electronic technicians, electronic engineers, technical students, Robot builders, Ham radio operators, digital and analog electronic experimenters,
and radio frequency experimentors, may find these books essential, interesting and very useful in their studies and on their work benches.
Test equipment is among the most important tools that is used by electronics hobbyists and professional electronic technicians. Test equipment
is essential in helping you while constructing or troubleshooting electronic circuitry. For several books on building your own test electronic lab,
and designing and building electronic text equipment as well, Click Here .
These books are offered for sale in association with
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Books for Electronic Technicians, Students & Hobbyists
- Rf Circuit Design
~Usually Ships Within 24 hours
- -Christopher Bowick /Paperback 176 pages/ Published March 1997
This book is for the electronic technican working with RF circuits, or a tinker who has Rf design experience and is an expert in
the field of RF circuit design. And also for an engineer needing a good Rf circuit reference book. This text provides complete design
procedures for multiple-pole Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel filters. Discusses capacitors, inductors, and other components
and explains their behavior at RF frequencies in detail. Covers solid-state RF circuit design except for oscillators and signal generation.
Covers small and large signal amplifiers, impedance matching networks, filters, using Smith charts, and more.
To read excerpts from his book, click on the book title.
- Practical Rf Power Design Techniques
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Irving M. Gottlieb / Paperback 290 pages / Published March 1993
This excellent book provides Rf circuit designers with all of the hands-on instructions and information required to design well
functioning circuitry.
Gottlieb thoroughly explains the theory behind RF circuit design and operation, with supporting discussions of the principles
and formulas. Many explanation examples are taken from practical real-world applications. This book is also a good reference
for the library of any engineer, electronic technician, or student who wants to gain a solid understanding of RF amplifiers,
filters and impedance-matching networks.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Practical RF Design Manual
~Usually Ships Within 1 to 3 Weeks
- -Doug Demaw / Paperback 246 pages, 2nd edition / Published August 1997
This design manual is one of those essential books that everyone from the advanced RF technician, to the RF engineer, should have
available at all times. It is packed with fully detailed examples of circuitry, making it an excellent self-study guide.
Contains great design explanations on RF amplifiers, mixers, detectors, oscillators, and other important
radio circuitry. Mathematics and some design formulas have been kept to the minimun, but actual component values are shown with
the discussion of the circuits.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- The ARRL Antenna Book
~Usually Ships in 3-5 Days
- -R. Dean Straw, Editor / Paperback 819 pages, 19th Edition with CD / Published September 2000
This book covers a lot of important information on antennas for the HAM operator and other radio users. Includes information
on how to safely work on a tower, antenna theory, how to build antena, computer modeling, RF exposure limits, transmission lines
antenna tuners, and a lot more. The CD-ROM comes with some of the programs mentioned in the text.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Mastering Technical Mathematics
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Stan Gibilisco, Bob Goodman, Norman H. Crowhurst
Paperback 567 pages / Published May 1999
This book is a practical self-teaching guide to technical mathematics, covering basic arithmetic,
algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. Contains step-by-step illustrated instructions
and alternative techniques for solving problems in technical mathematics. Totally revised and updated
with state-of-the-art coverage of logic and digital systems. This tutoral guide provides helpful
examples and illustrations, chapter self-tests, and even a comprehensive final exam.
Great instruction for mastering math tests and certification exams, earning a technical degree, or
confidently tackling any engineering challenge.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Complete RF Technician's Handbook
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Cotter W. Sayre / Hardcover 400 pages / Published April 1998
This excellent handbook was written for experienced electronic technicians, engineers, amd HAM radio operators.
This handbook is a guide to the troubleshooting of RF, digital, audio, and other wireless circuits with an
easy-to-understand text, clear diagrams and schematics. Includes discussions of Rf voltage and power amplifiers,
crystal and RC oscillators, amplitude and frequency modulation, single-sideband suppressed-carriers, microwaves,
antennas, transmission lines, and support circuits. Only those circuits that are usually found in a majority of
modern RF devices are discussed.
Additionally, electronic test equipment and their applications in testing, calibration, and troubleshooting is
covered. Troublshooting of RF, digital, and audio circuitry down to the componet level is heavily stressed.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Practical Radio Frequency Test and Measurement: A Technician's Handbook
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Joseph J. Carr / Paperback 348 pages / Published November 1999
This book is an excellent and outstanding reference for the RF design and development laboratory.
Engineers, electronic technicians, amateur radio buffs, or hobbyists might find the information essential.
Explains the basics of performing the tests and measurements used in radio-frequency systems installation,
performance, maintenance and calibtation, and troubleshooting radio-frequency systems.
Includes basic theories of measuring radio frequency as well as properly using test equipment,
seting up tests, measurement procedures, and interpreting the results.
Engineers and electronic technicians alike will find this book invaluable.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- RF Design Guide: Systems, Circuits, and Equations
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Peter Vizmuller/ Hardcover 281 pages, BK & Disk edition / Published April 1995
This is an excellent reference manual for any engineer interested in learning about RF circuitry and design techniques. Includes large
numbers of practical circuits, with 100's of formulas, design ideas, and test measurement techniques. All designed to make designing wireless
equipment much easier to do. Discusses the information required for a typical radio-frequency communications project, including the five
factors that affect receiver adjacent channel selectivity, mixer operation and design tradeoffs, intercept points, the effect of image noise
on receiver sensitivity, and the effectiveness of a perforated shield. The information is presented at several levels of technical detail
to accommodate a variety of project requirements.
Includes software on a 3.5" disk, compatible with either IBM or Macintosh, that uses the Excel spreadsheet
interface to find and evaluate nearly all the 382 equations described in the text.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
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Other Electronic Book Categories
- Radios & HAM operation Radios .
Books on understanding Rf circuits, radios, and HAM radio manuals.
- Electronic Test and Troubleshooting .
Books on building and using electronic text equipment. Building your own test lab.
- Basic Electronics and Magnetism .
Books on magnets and magnetism, uses and circuitry.
- Motors and transformers and Electric Motors & Electricity .
Books on electric motors, transformers and inductors.
- Robotics Robotics .
Books on understanding and building Robots and Robotic devises. Browser Boxes
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This page was first published February 10, 1999.
This page was last updated October 26, 2018.